require "std/channel.rb" include HDLRuby::High::Std # Channel describing a buffered queue storing data of +typ+ type of +depth+, # synchronized through clk and reset on +rst+. channel(:queue) do |typ,depth,clk,rst| # The inner buffer of the queue. typ[-depth].inner :buffer # The read and write pointers. [depth.width].inner :rptr, :wptr # The read and write command signals. inner :rcmd, :wcmd # The read and write ack signals. inner :rack, :wack # The ack check deactivator (for synchron accesses). inner :hrack, :hwack # The read/write data registers. typ.inner :rdata, :wdata # The process handling the decoupled access to the buffer. par(clk.posedge) do # rack <= 0 # wack <= 0 hif (~rcmd) { rack <= 0 } hif (~wcmd) { wack <= 0 } hif(rst) { rptr <= 0; wptr <= 0 } hif(rcmd & (hrack|~rack) & (rptr != wptr)) do rptr <= (rptr + 1) % depth rack <= 1 end hif(wcmd & (hwack|~wack) & (((wptr+1) % depth) != rptr)) do buffer[wptr] <= wdata # buffer[1] <= wdata wptr <= (wptr + 1) % depth wack <= 1 end end par { rdata <= buffer[rptr] } reader_output :rcmd, :rptr, :hrack reader_input :rdata, :rack # The read primitive. reader do |blk,target| if (cur_behavior.on_event?(clk.posedge,clk.negedge)) then # Same clk event, synchrone case: perform a direct access. # Now perform the access. top_block.unshift do rcmd <= 0 hrack <= 1 end seq do rptr <= (rptr + 1) % depth target <= rdata if blk end else # Different clk event, perform a decoupled access. top_block.unshift do rcmd <= 0 hrack <= 0 end seq do hif(rack) do if blk end helse do rcmd <= 1 target <= rdata end end end end writer_output :wcmd, :wdata, :hwack writer_input :wack # The write primitive. writer do |blk,target| if (cur_behavior.on_event?(clk.negedge,clk.posedge)) then # Same clk event, synchrone case: perform a direct access. top_block.unshift do wcmd <= 0 hwack <= 1 end wcmd <= 1 wdata <= target if blk else # Different clk event, asynchrone case: perform a decoupled access. top_block.unshift do wcmd <= 0 hwack <= 0 end seq do hif(wack) do if blk end helse { wcmd <= 1 } wdata <= target end end end end # Channel describing a register of +typ+ type. channel(:register) do |typ| # The register. typ.inner :buffer reader_input :buffer # The read primitive. reader do |blk,target| target <= buffer if blk end writer_output :buffer # The read primitive. writer do |blk,target| buffer <= target if blk end end # Channel describing a handshake for transmitting data of +typ+ type, reset # by +rst+ channel(:handshake) do |typ| # The data signal. typ.inner :data # The request and acknowledge. inner :req, :ack reader_input :ack, :data reader_output :req # The read primitive. reader do |blk,target| top_block.unshift do req <= 0 end hif(ack == 0) do req <= 1 end helsif(req) do target <= data req <= 0 if blk end end writer_input :req writer_output :ack, :data # The read primitive. writer do |blk,target| top_block.unshift do ack <= 0 end hif(req) do hif(~ack) do data <= target if blk end ack <= 1 end end end # $mode = :sync # $mode = :nsync # $mode = :async # $mode = :proco # Producter / Consummer # $channel = :register # $channel = :handshake # $channel = :queue # The configuration scenarii $scenarii = [ [:sync, :register], [:sync, :handshake], [:sync, :queue], [:nsync, :register], [:nsync, :handshake], [:nsync, :queue], [:async, :register], [:async, :handshake], [:async, :queue], [:proco, :register], [:proco, :handshake], [:proco, :queue] ] # The configuration $mode, $channel = $scenarii[11] # Testing the queue channel. system :test_queue do inner :clk, :rst, :clk2, :clk3 [8].inner :idata, :odata [4].inner :counter if $channel == :register then register(bit[8]).(:my_ch) elsif $channel == :handshake then handshake(bit[8],rst).(:my_ch) elsif $channel == :queue then queue(bit[8],5,clk,rst).(:my_ch) end ev = $mode == :sync ? clk.posedge : $mode == :nsync ? clk.negedge : clk2.posedge if $mode != :proco then # Sync/Neg sync and async tests mode par(ev) do hif(rst) do counter <= 0 idata <= 0 odata <= 0 end helse do hif (counter < 4) do my_ch.write(idata) do idata <= idata + 1 counter <= counter + 1 end end helsif ((counter > 10) & (counter < 15)) do do idata <= idata - odata counter <= counter + 1 end end helse do counter <= counter + 1 end end end else # Producter/consumer mode # Producer par(clk2.posedge) do hif(rst) do idata <= 0 end helse do my_ch.write(idata) do idata <= idata + 1 end end end # Consumer par(clk3.posedge) do hif(rst) do counter <= 0 end helse do do counter <= counter + 1 end end end end timed do clk <= 0 clk2 <= 0 clk3 <= 0 rst <= 0 !10.ns clk <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 0 rst <= 1 !3.ns clk2 <= 1 !3.ns clk3 <= 0 !4.ns clk <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 0 !3.ns clk2 <= 0 !3.ns clk3 <= 1 !2.ns rst <= 0 !2.ns 64.times do clk <= 1 !10.ns clk <= 0 !3.ns clk2 <= ~clk2 !3.ns hif (clk2 == 0) { clk3 <= ~ clk3 } !4.ns end end end