module OM module XML # # Provides a natural syntax for using OM Terminologies to access values from xml Documents # # *Note*: All of these examples assume that @article is an instance of OM::Samples::ModsArticle. Look at that file to see the Terminology. # # @example Return an array of the value(s) "start page" node(s) from the second issue node within the first journal node # # Using DynamicNode syntax: # @article.journal(0).issue(1).pages.start # # Other ways to perform this query: # @article.find_by_terms({:journal => 0}, {:issue => 1}, :pages, :start) # @article.ng_xml.xpath("//oxns:relatedItem[@type=\"host\"]/oxns:part[2]/extent[@unit="pages"]", {"oxns"=>""}) # # @example Return an NodeSet of the _first titles_ of all journal nodes # # Using DynamicNode syntax: # @article.journal.title(1) # # Other ways to perform this query: # @article.find_by_terms(:journal, {:title => 1}) # @article.ng_xml.xpath("//oxns:relatedItem[@type=\"host\"]/oxns:titleInfo/oxns:title[1]", {"oxns"=>""}) # # @example Find all of the titles from all journals & return the first title Node from that NodeSet # # Using DynamicNode syntax: # @article.journal.title[1] # # Other ways to perform this query: # @article.find_by_terms(:journal, :title)[1] # @article.ng_xml.xpath("//oxns:relatedItem[@type=\"host\"]/oxns:titleInfo/oxns:title", {"oxns"=>""})[1] # class DynamicNode instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m.to_s =~ /^(?:nil\?|send|object_id|to_a)$|^__|^respond_to|proxy_/ } attr_accessor :key, :index, :parent, :addressed_node, :term def initialize(key, index, document, term, parent=nil) ##TODO a real term object in here would make it easier to lookup self.key = key self.index = index @document = document self.term = term self.parent = parent end def method_missing (name, *args, &block) if /=$/.match(name.to_s) new_update_node(name, args) elsif args.length > 1 new_update_node_with_index(name, args) else child = term_child_by_name(term.nil? ? parent.term : term, name) if child, args.first, @document, child, self) else val.send(name, *args, &block) end end end def new_update_node(name, args) modified_name = name.to_s.chop.to_sym child = term.retrieve_term(modified_name) node =, nil, @document, child, self) node.val=args end def new_update_node_with_index(name, args) index = args.shift child = term.retrieve_term(name) node =, index, @document, child, self) node.val=args end def val=(args) @document.ng_xml_will_change! new_values = term.sanitize_new_values(args.first) new_values.keys.sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }.each do |y| z = new_values[y] ## If we pass something that already has an index on it, we should be able to add it. if @document.find_by_xpath(xpath)[y.to_i].nil? || y.to_i == -1 parent_pointer = parent ? parent.to_pointer : nil @document.term_values_append(:parent_select=> parent_pointer,:parent_index=>0,:template=>to_pointer,:values=>z) else @document.term_value_update(xpath, y.to_i, z) end end end def term_child_by_name(term, name) if (term.kind_of? NamedTermProxy) @document.class.terminology.retrieve_node(*(term.proxy_pointer.dup << name)) else term.retrieve_term(name) end end def val query = xpath trim_text = !query.index("text()").nil? val = @document.find_by_xpath(query).collect {|node| (trim_text ? node.text.strip : node.text) } term.deserialize(val) end def nodeset query = xpath trim_text = !query.index("text()").nil? return @document.find_by_xpath(query) end def delete nodeset.delete end def inspect val.inspect end def ==(other) val == other end def eql?(other) self == other end def to_pointer if self.index parent.nil? ? [{key => index}] : parent.to_pointer << {key => index} else ### A pointer parent.nil? ? [key] : parent.to_pointer << key end end def xpath if parent.nil? @document.class.terminology.xpath_with_indexes(*(to_pointer << {})) ### last element is always filters else chain = retrieve_addressed_node( ) '//' + { |n| n.xpath}.join('/') end end class AddressedNode attr_accessor :xpath, :key, :pointer def initialize (pointer, xpath, key) self.xpath = xpath self.key = key self.pointer = pointer end end ## # This is very similar to Terminology#retrieve_term, however it expands proxy paths out into their cannonical paths def retrieve_addressed_node() chain = [] if parent chain += parent.retrieve_addressed_node() end if (self.index) ### This is an index node =, term.xpath_relative, self) node.xpath = OM::XML::TermXpathGenerator.add_node_index_predicate(node.xpath, index) chain << node elsif (term.kind_of? NamedTermProxy) proxy = term.proxy_pointer.dup first = proxy.shift p = @document.class.terminology.retrieve_node(*first) chain <<, p.xpath_relative, self) while !proxy.empty? first = proxy.shift p = p.retrieve_term(first) chain <<, p.xpath_relative, self) end else chain <<, term.xpath_relative, self) end chain end end end end