# fog-google CI This pipeline performs integration tests against every PR with the `integrate` label. This allows whitelisted PRs to be tested automatically before being merged. Status is updated on the PR when the test completes. ## Setup In order to run the fog-google Concourse Pipeline you must have an existing [Concourse](http://concourse.ci) environment. To deploy the pipeline: * Download the `fly` binary from the Concourse web interface and place it in your `$PATH`. * Login to your Concourse: ``` fly -t fog-ci login -c ``` * Update the [credentials.yml](https://github.com/fog/fog-google/blob/master/ci/credentials.yml.tpl) file. See [Credentials Requirements](#credentials-requirements) for specific instructions. * Set the fog-google pipelines: ``` fly -t fog set-pipeline -p build-head -c build-head-pipeline.yml -l credentials.yml fly -t fog-ci set-pipeline -p pr-integration -c integration-pipeline.yml -l credentials.yml ``` * Unpause the fog-google pipeline: ``` fly -t fog-ci unpause-pipeline -p pr-integration ``` ## Credentials Requirements Several external pieces of authentication are needed for credentials.yml 1. A JSON Service Account File for a service account with at least Editor access to the project. * To get a Service Account File, see [here](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#creatinganaccount) and create using the Project/Editor role. 1. A [Github Access Token](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens) with at least `repo:status` access and a private key with push access to the `fog/fog-google` repositoy. 1. A [Codecov.io](https://codecov.io/) token for tracking test coverage. These items are equivalent to your login credentials for their resources. ## Login Gotchas * Our concourse pipeline is using GitHub auth, providing access to manipulate the pipeline to the members of the [fog-google team](https://github.com/orgs/fog/teams/fog-google), managed through the OAuth application managed by [fog-google bot](https://github.com/fog-google-bot). * If logging into a specific team, ie `fog-google`, use `--team-name fog-google` to specify that. ## Dockerfile The [docker-image](https://github.com/fog/fog-google/blob/master/ci/docker-image) directory contains the Dockerfile necessary for recreating the Docker image used in tasks. This is referenced in a per-task basis as `image_resource`, ie in image_resource [run-int.yml](https://github.com/fog/fog-google/blob/master/ci/tasks/run-int.yml)