Feature: Update user As a user I want to submit my information In order to see a success page Scenario: I submit a valid form with decimals When I visit the front page And I submit a valid form with decimals Then I should see a success page Scenario: I submit a valid form with numbers only When I visit the front page And I submit a valid form with numbers only Then I should see a success page Scenario: I submit a valid form with dollar signs When I visit the front page And I submit a valid form with dollar signs Then I should see a success page Scenario: I submit an invalid savings amount When I visit the front page And submit an invalid savings amount Then I should see a form And the savings field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an empty savings amount When I visit the front page And submit an empty savings amount Then I should see a form And the savings field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an invalid income amount When I visit the front page And submit an invalid income amount Then I should see a form And the income field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an empty income amount When I visit the front page And submit an empty income amount Then I should see a form And the income field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an invalid bills amount When I visit the front page And submit an invalid bills amount Then I should see a form And the bills field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an empty bills amount When I visit the front page And submit an empty bills amount Then I should see a form And the bills field should have an error And the error should be "is not a number" Scenario: I submit an invalid email When I visit the front page And submit an invalid email Then I should see a form And the email field should have an error And the error should be "is invalid" Scenario: I submit an empty email When I visit the front page And submit an empty email Then I should see a form And the email field should have an error And the error should be "can't be blank" Scenario: I don't check the terms of service When I visit the front page And submit an empty tos Then I should see a form And the tos field should have an error And the error should be "must be accepted"