# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation" require "active_support/core_ext/string/starts_ends_with" module Labkit # A context can be used to provide structured information on what resources # GitLab is working on within a service. # The currently supported keys are defined in the `KNOWN_KEYS` constant. # # Values can be provided by passing a hash. If one of the values is a Proc # the proc will only be called when the value is actually needed. # # Multiple contexts can be nested, the nested context will inherit the values # from the closest outer one. # All contexts will have the same correlation id. # # Usage: # Labkit::Context.with_context(user: 'username', root_namespace: -> { get_root_namespace } do |context| # logger.info(context.to_h) # end # class Context LOG_KEY = "meta" CORRELATION_ID_KEY = "correlation_id" RAW_KEYS = [CORRELATION_ID_KEY].freeze HEADER_PREFIX = "X-Gitlab-" KNOWN_KEYS = %w[user project root_namespace subscription_plan caller_id remote_ip related_class feature_category client_id].freeze class << self def with_context(attributes = {}) context = push(attributes) begin yield(context) ensure pop(context) end end def push(new_attributes = {}) new_context = current&.merge(new_attributes) || new(new_attributes) contexts.push(new_context) new_context end def pop(context) contexts.pop while contexts.include?(context) end def correlation_id contexts.last&.correlation_id end def current contexts.last end def log_key(key) key = key.to_s return key if RAW_KEYS.include?(key) return key if key.starts_with?("#{LOG_KEY}.") "#{LOG_KEY}.#{key}" end def known_log_keys @known_log_keys ||= (KNOWN_KEYS.map(&method(:log_key)) + RAW_KEYS).freeze end def header_name(name) HEADER_PREFIX + log_key(name).titlecase(keep_id_suffix: true).gsub(/\W/, "-") end private def contexts Thread.current[:labkit_contexts] ||= [] end end def initialize(values = {}) @data = {} assign_attributes(values) end def merge(new_attributes) new_context = self.class.new(data.dup) new_context.assign_attributes(new_attributes) new_context end def to_h expand_data end def correlation_id data[CORRELATION_ID_KEY] end def to_headers to_h.except(CORRELATION_ID_KEY).transform_keys do |key| self.class.header_name(key) end end def get_attribute(attribute) raw = call_or_value(data[log_key(attribute)]) call_or_value(raw) end protected def assign_attributes(attributes) attributes = attributes.transform_keys(&method(:log_key)) attributes = attributes.slice(*known_log_keys) data.merge!(attributes) # Remove keys that had their values set to `nil` in the new attributes data.keep_if { |_, value| value.present? } # Assign a correlation if it was missing in the first context or when # explicitly removed data[CORRELATION_ID_KEY] ||= new_id data end private delegate :log_key, :known_log_keys, to: :class attr_reader :data def call_or_value(value) value.respond_to?(:call) ? value.call : value end def expand_data data.transform_values do |value| value = call_or_value(value) value.presence end.compact end def new_id SecureRandom.hex end end end