require 'rubabel/version' require 'openbabel' require 'rubabel/molecule' %w(atom molecule fingerprint smarts molecule_data).each do |klass| require "rubabel/#{klass}" end module Rubabel # the mass of an electron MASS_E = 0.0005486 # # available force-fields (would like to generate this with introspection) AVAILABLE_FORCEFIELDS = [:mmff94, :ghemical, :mm2, :uff] DEFAULT_FORCEFIELD = AVAILABLE_FORCEFIELDS.first BUILDER = # the command to execute the utility. They are initialized to be eponymous. CMD = { babel: 'babel', obabel: 'obabel', } class << self # accepts a string specifying the molecule (calling Rubabel::Molecule.from_string) # or an id (calls Rubabel::Molecule.from_id) def [](string, type=Rubabel::Molecule::DEFAULT_IN_TYPE) methd = if type && Rubabel::Molecule::ID_TYPE_KEYS.include?(type) :from_id else :from_string end Rubabel::Molecule.send(methd, string, type) end def force_field(type=DEFAULT_FORCEFIELD) OpenBabel::OBForceField.find_force_field(type.to_s) end # returns a hash keyed by type (Symbol) pointing to a description of the # format def in_formats @in_formats ||= formats_to_hash( end # returns a hash keyed by type (Symbol) pointing to a description of the # format def out_formats @out_formats ||= formats_to_hash( end # returns the formats retrievable by url lookup of the id or key def id_formats Rubabel::Molecule::ID_TYPES end # returns the format Symbol that can be used for conversion, or nil if # the extension is not recognized. def format_from_ext(filename) obformat = OpenBabel::OBConversion.format_from_ext(filename) obformat.get_id.to_sym if obformat end alias_method :filetype, :format_from_ext # returns a format Symbol that can be used for conversion, or nil if the # mime-type is not recognized def format_from_mime(mime_type) obformat = OpenBabel::OBConversion.format_from_mime(mime_type) obformat.get_id.to_sym if obformat end # determines the extension from filename if type is nil def foreach(filename, type=nil, &block) block or return enum_for(__method__, filename, type) (obmol, obconv, not_at_end) = read_first_obmol(filename, type) # the obmol is not valid if we are already at the end! while not_at_end obmol = not_at_end = end end # returns a Rubabel::Molecule (the first in the file if there are # multiples). See ::foreach for accessing all molecules in a file # determines the type from the extension if type is nil. def molecule_from_file(filename, type=nil) (obmol, obconv, not_at_end) = read_first_obmol(filename, type).first end # reads one molecule from the string def molecule_from_string(string, type=Rubabel::Molecule::DEFAULT_IN_TYPE) Rubabel::Molecule.from_string(string, type) end # reads the first entry and returns the OBMol object, the OBConversion object, # and the boolean not_at_end. This method is not intended for public usage # but is necessary based on discrepancies between accessing the first # molecule and subsequent molecules. def read_first_obmol(filename, type=nil) type ||= format_from_ext(filename) obconv = obconv.set_in_format(type.to_s) || raise(ArgumentError, "invalid format #{type}") obmol = not_at_end = obconv.read_file(obmol, filename) [obmol, obconv, not_at_end] end def formats_to_hash(format_strings) Hash[ do |str| pair = str.split(/\s+--\s+/) [pair[0].to_sym, pair[1]] end ] end end #protected_class_method :read_first_obmol end module Rubabel # capitalized Symbols ELEMENTS = %w(H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo).map(&:to_sym) # atomic number to properly capitalized element abbreviation (as Symbol) NUM_TO_ELEMENT = Hash[ {|el,i| [i+1,el] } ] # atomic number to properly capitalized element abbreviation (as Symbol) # the SMILES aromatic elements, listed in proper capitalized notation (e.g., :Se) AROMATIC_ELEMENTS = [:C, :O, :S, :Se, :N] # ( # Along with properly capitalized element symbols (e.g., :Se) ELEMENT_TO_NUM # will include keys to lowercase versions of the AROMATIC_ELEMENTS ELEMENT_TO_NUM = NUM_TO_ELEMENT.invert AROMATIC_ELEMENTS.each do |el| ELEMENT_TO_NUM[el.to_s.downcase.to_sym] = ELEMENT_TO_NUM[el] end end =begin OBConversion conv; OBMol mol; bool success = conv.SetInFormat("sdf"); if(success) { bool notatend = conv.ReadFile(&mol, "myfile.sdf"); // Do something with mol while(notatend) { notatend = conv.Read(&mol); // Do something with mol } } =end