******* Reports ******* Individual Push Response Stats ============================== Returns detailed report information about a specific push notification. Use the push_id, which is the identifier returned by the API that represents a specific push message delivery. For more information, see `the API documentation on individual push statistics <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#individual-push-response-statistics>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') d = UA::IndividualResponseStats.new(client: airship) statistics = d.get(push_id: 'push_id') Devices Report ============== Returns an app’s opted-in and installed device counts broken out by device type. This endpoint returns the same data that populates the Devices Report. For more information, see `the API documentation on device reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#devices-report-api>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') d = UA::DevicesReport.new(client: airship) devices = d.get(date: '2015/08/01') Push Report =========== Get the number of pushes you have sent within a specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation on push reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#push-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::PushList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015/06/01', end_date: '2015/08/01', precision: 'HOURLY' ) listing.each do |resp| puts(resp) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY'] Response Report =============== Get the number of direct and influenced opens of your app. For more information, see `the API documentation on reponse reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#response-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::ResponseReportList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', precision: 'MONTHLY' ) listing.each do |resp| puts(resp) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY'] Response Listing ================ Get a listing of all pushes and basic response information in a given timeframe by instantiating an iterator object using ResponseList. Start and end date times are required parameters. For more information, see `the API documentation on response listings <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#response-listing>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') response_list = UA::ResponseList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', limit: 20, push_id_start: 'start_id' ) response_list.each do |resp| puts(resp) end .. note:: limit (optional) is the number of results desired per page. push_id_start (optional) specifies the id of the first response to return. App Opens Report ================ Get the number of users who have opened your app within the specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation on app open reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#app-opens-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::AppOpensList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', precision: 'HOURLY') listing.each do |app_opens| puts(app_opens) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY'] Time In App Report ================== Get the average amount of time users have spent in your app within the specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation on time-in-app reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#time-in-app-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::TimeInAppList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', precision: 'HOURLY') listing.each do |time_in_app| puts(time_in_app) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY'] Opt-In Report ============= Get the number of opted-in push users who access the app within the specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation on opt-in reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#opt-in-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::OptInList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', precision: 'HOURLY') listing.each do |opt_ins| puts(opt_ins) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY'] Opt-Out Report ============== Get the number of opted-out push users who access the app within the specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation on opt-out reports <http://docs.urbanairship.com/api/ua.html#opt-out-report>`_ .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret') listing = UA::OptOutList.new( client: airship, start_date: '2015-06-01', end_date: '2015-08-01', precision: 'HOURLY') listing.each do |opt_outs| puts(opt_outs) end .. note:: precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']