
Individual Push Response Stats

Returns detailed report information about a specific push notification.
Use the push_id, which is the identifier returned by the API that represents a
specific push message delivery.
For more information, see `the API documentation on individual push statistics

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    d = UA::IndividualResponseStats.new(client: airship)
    statistics = d.get(push_id: 'push_id')

Devices Report

Returns an app’s opted-in and installed device counts broken out by device
type. This endpoint returns the same data that populates the Devices Report.
For more information, see `the API documentation on device reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    d = UA::DevicesReport.new(client: airship)
    devices = d.get(date: '2015/08/01')

Push Report

Get the number of pushes you have sent within a specified time period.
For more information, see `the API documentation on push reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::PushList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015/06/01',
        end_date: '2015/08/01',
        precision: 'HOURLY'
    listing.each do |resp|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']

Response Report

Get the number of direct and influenced opens of your app. For more 
information, see `the API documentation on reponse reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::ResponseReportList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        precision: 'MONTHLY'
    listing.each do |resp|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']

Response Listing

Get a listing of all pushes and basic response information in a given
timeframe by instantiating an iterator object using ResponseList.
Start and end date times are required parameters.
For more information, see `the API documentation on response listings

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    response_list = UA::ResponseList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        limit: 20,
        push_id_start: 'start_id'
    response_list.each do |resp|

.. note::

    limit (optional) is the number of results desired per page.
    push_id_start (optional) specifies the id of the first response to return.

App Opens Report

Get the number of users who have opened your app within the specified time 
period. For more information, see `the API documentation on app open reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::AppOpensList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        precision: 'HOURLY')
    listing.each do |app_opens|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']

Time In App Report

Get the average amount of time users have spent in your app within the 
specified time period. For more information, see `the API documentation
on time-in-app reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::TimeInAppList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        precision: 'HOURLY')
    listing.each do |time_in_app|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']

Opt-In Report

Get the number of opted-in push users who access the app within the specified 
time period.
For more information, see `the API documentation on opt-in reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::OptInList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        precision: 'HOURLY')
    listing.each do |opt_ins|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']

Opt-Out Report

Get the number of opted-out push users who access the app within the specified
time period.
For more information, see `the API documentation on opt-out reports

.. code-block:: ruby

    require 'urbanairship'
    UA = Urbanairship
    airship = UA::Client.new(key:'application_key', secret:'master_secret')
    listing = UA::OptOutList.new(
        client: airship,
        start_date: '2015-06-01',
        end_date: '2015-08-01',
        precision: 'HOURLY')
    listing.each do |opt_outs|

.. note::

    precision needs to be a member of ['HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY']