require "httparty" module InsightsAPI class Login attr_accessor :api_token, :url def initialize(api_token: nil, url: nil, **keyword_args) @api_token = api_token @url = url @status = "Active" end def insight_getstatus(uuid) response = HTTParty.get( "https://#{@url}/export/status/#{uuid}", :basic_auth => { :username => @api_token }) if response.code == 200 parsed = JSON.parse(response.body) return parsed #error handing here end end def data_export_insights_file(objecttype, segmentuuid, startDate, endDate, tries: 30) status = data_export_insights(objecttype, segmentuuid, startDate, endDate, tries: 30) if status['status']== "COMPLETE" signedUrl = status['signedUrl'] return get_file(file_name: "insights-#{startDate}-#{endDate}.csv", url: signedUrl, headers: {}, count: 3, file_type: "zip") else return status end end def data_export_insights(objecttype, segmentuuid, startDate, endDate, tries: 30) status = insights_fetch_all(objecttype, segmentuuid, startDate, endDate) if status['uuid'] == nil return "Failed: #{status["response"]}" else fileid = status['uuid'] end for retries in 1..tries status = insight_getstatus(fileid) if status['status']== "COMPLETE" signedUrl = status['signedUrl'] return status elsif status['status'] == "FAILED" return status else sleep(60) retries+=1 end if retries > tries - 1 return "Timeout" end end return signedUrl end def insights_fetch_all(objecttype, segmentuuid, startDate, endDate) if segmentuuid.is_a? Array segmentsForAPI = segmentuuid.join('","') elsif segmentuuid.is_a? String segmentsForAPI = segmentuuid elsif segmentuuid.is_a? Integer segmentsForAPI = segmentuuid.to_s else raise "Error fetching Insights data: Segmentuuid must be either an array of uuids or an single uuid in string or interger format." end response = "https://#{@url}/export/type/#{objecttype}", :basic_auth => { :username => @api_token }, :headers => {'Content-Type'=> "Application/json"}, :body => ' { "endDate": "' + (dateFormat(date: endDate)).to_s + '", "startDate":"' + (dateFormat(date: startDate)).to_s + '", "segments": [ "'+segmentsForAPI+'" ] } ') if response.code == 200 parsed = JSON.parse(response.body) return parsed else return {"uuid"=> nil, "status"=>"Error", "signedUrl"=>"signedUrl", "response" => response.body} end end def dateFormat(date: nil) date ||= if date.is_a? String if date.include? "T" return (date.to_datetime).to_s else return (date.to_date).to_s + "T#{}:00Z" end elsif date.instance_of?(DateTime) return date.to_s elsif date.instance_of?(Date) return (date.to_date).to_s + "T#{}:00Z" else raise "Please pass in a in format of 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00+00:00' ruby Date, or ruby DateTime" end end def upload_into_insights(dataSourceName, recordType, batchDate, filePath) begin temp_date = dateFormat(date: batchDate) response = "https://#{@url}/files/upload", :basic_auth => { :username => @api_token }, :body => { :dataSource => dataSourceName, :recordType => recordType, :batchDate => temp_date}) parsed = JSON.parse(response.body) signedUrl = parsed['signedUrl'] if !File.extname(filePath) == ".gz" zipPath = gzip_file(filePath) else zipPath = filePath end gzippedFile = post = HTTParty.put(signedUrl, :body => if post.code == 200 return {"status"=>"COMPLETE", "signedUrl"=>"#{signedUrl}", "response" => post.code, "batchDate" => "#{temp_date}"} else return {"status"=>"Error", "signedUrl"=>"#{signedUrl}", "response" => post.code, "message"=> "#{post.message}", "batchDate" => "#{temp_date}"} end rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.debug "[ZuoraGem]: While uploading to insights Error: #{e}" raise e end end def describe(type: "ACCOUNT", object: "attributes") url = "https://#{@url}/export/#{object}/#{type}" uri = URI.parse(url) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE begin request = request.basic_auth(@api_token, "") return http.request(request) rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.debug "[ZuoraGem]: While describing Zoura Insights objects: #{e}" return "Failed" end end def get_file(file_name: nil, url: nil, basic: {:username => nil, :password => nil}, headers: {}, count: 3, file_type: "zip") tries ||= 2 temp_file = nil uri = URI(url) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| request = headers.each do |k,v| request["#{k}"] = v end request.basic_auth(basic[:username], basic[:password]) if (!basic[:username].blank? && !basic[:password].blank?) http.request request do |response| case response when Net::HTTPNotFound Rails.logger.fatal("[ZuoraGem]: 404 - Not Found") raise response when Net::HTTPUnauthorized raise if count <= 0 Rails.logger.fatal("[ZuoraGem]: Retry") zuora_client.new_session return get_file(:url => url, :count => count - 1, :headers => headers) when Net::HTTPClientError Rails.logger.debug("[ZuoraGem]: #{response}") raise response when Net::HTTPOK[file_name.rpartition('.').first, ".#{file_name.rpartition('.').last}"], "#{Rails.root}/tmp") do |tmp_file| temp_file ||= tmp_file tmp_file.binmode if (response.to_hash["content-type"].include?("application/zip") || response.to_hash["content-type"] == "application/zip") response.read_body do |chunk| tmp_file.write chunk.force_encoding("UTF-8") end end end end end rescue => ex if !(tries -= 1).zero? sleep 3 retry else raise ex end else return temp_file end def gzip_file(filePath) require "zip" + ".gz") do |gzip| open(filePath, "rb") do |f| f.each_chunk() {|chunk| gzip.write chunk } end gzip.close end return filePath+ ".gz" end end end class File def each_chunk(chunk_size=2**16) yield read(chunk_size) until eof? end end