module Torque module PostgreSQL module Relation module AuxiliaryStatement # :nodoc: def auxiliary_statements_values; get_value(:auxiliary_statements); end # :nodoc: def auxiliary_statements_values=(value); set_value(:auxiliary_statements, value); end # Set use of an auxiliary statement already configurated on the model def with(*args) spawn.with!(*args) end # Like #with, but modifies relation in place. def with!(*args) options = args.extract_options! args.each do |table| instance = table.is_a?(Class) && table < PostgreSQL::AuxiliaryStatement \ ? \ : PostgreSQL::AuxiliaryStatement.instantiate(table, self, options) self.auxiliary_statements_values += [instance] end self end alias_method :auxiliary_statements, :with alias_method :auxiliary_statements!, :with! # Get all auxiliary statements bound attributes and the base bound # attributes as well def bound_attributes if Torque::PostgreSQL::AR521 visitor = visitor.accept(self.arel.ast, else return super unless self.auxiliary_statements_values.present? bindings = (bindings + super).flatten end end private # Hook arel build to add the distinct on clause def build_arel(*) subqueries = build_auxiliary_statements return super if subqueries.nil? super.with(subqueries) end # Build all necessary data for auxiliary statements def build_auxiliary_statements return unless self.auxiliary_statements_values.present? do |klass| end end # Throw an error showing that an auxiliary statement of the given # table name isn't defined def auxiliary_statement_error(name) raise ArgumentError, <<-MSG.squish There's no '#{name}' auxiliary statement defined for #{}. MSG end end end end end