require 'thor' require 'fileutils' require 'fwtoolkit/config' require 'fwtoolkit/projectfile' require 'fwtoolkit/cli/fw_actions' require 'fwtoolkit/cli/thorutils' require 'xcodebuild' # This little hack is necesary to use XcodeBuild outside the context of rake module XcodeBuild module Tasks class BuildTask def define; end def build!; xcodebuild :build end def archive!; xcodebuild :archive end def clean!; xcodebuild :clean end end end end module FWToolkit class Xcode < Thor include Thor::Actions include FWToolkit::ThorUtils source_root_templates! desc "new [PROJECT_NAME] [CLASS_PREFIX]", "Create a new Xcode project with FW's settings" def new(project_name, class_prefix, root_dir=File.join(Dir.pwd, project_name)) say 'Creating Xcode project' destination_root = root_dir #raise Thor::Error, "Can't create the project. The directory #{destination_root} already exists" if Dir.exist?(destination_root) Projectfile.load_with_config! :project_name => project_name, :class_prefix => class_prefix.upcase template_config = { :target_platform => Config.target_platform, :organization_name => Config.organization_name, :project_creator => Config.developer_name } template_config.merge! Projectfile.config template_directory 'templates/default_project/xcode', destination_root, template_config end desc "build [PROJECT_NAME]", "Compile a version of the Xcode project" option :clean, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Clean the project before building', :default => true option :archive, :type => :boolean, :desc => 'Archive the project after building', :default => false option :type, :banner => 'type of build', :desc => "The kind of build can be one of the following: dev, testing, release. Default: dev", :default => 'dev' option :sdk, :banner => 'iphoneos/iphonesimulator', :desc => "The platform to buy for: iphoneos or iphonesimulator. Default: iphoneos", :default => 'iphoneos' def build(project_dir) build_types = ['dev', 'testing', 'release'] raise Thor::Error, 'Build type should be one of the following: dev, testing, release' unless build_types.include?(options[:type].downcase) Projectfile.load! project_dir output_dir = File.join artifacts_dir_for_project(Config.project_name), Projectfile.project_name say_status :run, "Compiling the project and putting the output in: #{output_dir}", :blue t = t.invoke_from_within = 'project_dir' t.sdk = options[:sdk] t.workspace = Projectfile.xcode_workspace t.scheme = Projectfile.xcode_scheme[options[:type].to_sym] t.formatter = t.add_build_setting 'CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR', output_dir if options[:clean] FileUtils.rm_rf output_dir t.clean! end options[:archive] ? t.archive! :! end private def artifacts_dir_for_project(project_name) File.join Config.artifacts_tmp_dir, project_name end end end # :project_name -> OracleProject # :binary_name -> # :class_prefix -> FWO # :target_platform -> 6.0 # :provisioning # #binary_name -> #target_name -> app_name #tests_target_name -> app_nameTests #class_prefix -> XXX #project_name -> app_name #workspace_name -> app_name #project_creator -> dev_name #organization_name -> Future Workshops