<%= t('cloudsponge.tell_about', :product => @object.name) %>
<%= form_for(@mail_to_cloud, :url => email_to_cloud_path(params[:type], @object)) do |f| -%>
<%= render 'spree/shared/error_messages', :target => @mail_to_cloud %>
<%= f.label(:sender_name, t('cloudsponge.sender_name')) %>
<%= f.text_field(:sender_name) %>
<%= f.label(:sender_email, t('cloudsponge.sender_email')) %>
<%= f.text_field(:sender_email) %>
<%= f.label(:message, t('cloudsponge.message')) %>
<%= f.text_area(:message, :cols => 50, :rows => 4) %>
Look up contacts in your address book by clicking the appropriate logo:
powered by Cloudsponge
<%= image_tag "spree/gmail_logo.jpg", :height => 30, :class => "holderWhite", :onclick => "importGmail('GMAIL')", :style => "cursor:pointer" %>
<%= image_tag "spree/windows_logo.png", :height => 30, :class => "holderWhite", :onclick => "importGmail('WINDOWSLIVE')", :style => "cursor:pointer" %>
<%= image_tag "spree/aol_logo.jpg", :height => 30, :class => "holderWhite", :onclick => "showAOLLogin()", :style => "cursor:pointer" %>
<%= image_tag "spree/outlook_logo.png", :height => 30, :class => "holderWhite", :onclick => "importOutlook()", :style => "cursor:pointer" %>
<%= image_tag "spree/osx_logo.jpg", :height => 30, :class => "holderWhite", :onclick => "importOSX()", :style => "cursor:pointer" %>
OR you can just type one or more emails below:
Your Friend's Email: (separate multiple emails with a comma)<%= f.text_field(:recipient_email) %>
<%= f.submit t('cloudsponge.send_message') %>
<%= image_tag "spree/gmail_logo.jpg", :height => 50 %>
<%= image_tag "spree/windows_logo.png", :height => 50 %>
<%= image_tag "spree/outlook_logo.png", :height => 50 %>
<%= image_tag "spree/osx_logo.jpg", :height => 50 %>
<%= image_tag "spree/aol_logo.jpg", :height => 50 %>
<% end -%>