# frozen_string_literal: true require 'open3' require 'csv' module Biodiversity # Parser provides a namespace for functions to parse scientific names. module Parser # gnparser abstract class interface class GnParser def parse(name) sync do push(name) pull end end def parse_ary(ary) sync do count = ary.count Thread.new do ary.each { |n| push(n) } end res = [] count.times { res << pull } res end end private def initialize(extra_settings = '') @semaphore = Mutex.new @pid = nil @extra_settings = extra_settings end def start_gnparser platform_suffix = case Gem.platforms[1].os when 'linux' 'linux' when 'darwin' 'mac' when /^mingw\d{2}?$/ 'win.exe' else raise "Unsupported platform: #{Gem.platforms[1].os}" end path = File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', '..', 'ext', "gnparser-#{platform_suffix}") @stdin, @stdout = Open3.popen2( "#{path} --format #{format} --details --quiet --stream --jobs 1 #{@extra_settings}" ) init_gnparser @pid = Process.pid end def sync @semaphore.synchronize do start_gnparser unless Process.pid == @pid yield end end def retry_pipe(retries = 1) yield rescue Errno::EPIPE if retries.zero? @pid = nil raise else start_gnparser retries -= 1 retry end end def push(name) name = clean_name(name) retry_pipe { @stdin.puts(name) } end def pull output = retry_pipe { @stdout.gets } parse_output(output) end def clean_name(name) name.gsub(/(\n|\r\n|\r)/, ' ') end def init_gnparser; end # gnparser interface to CSV-formatted output class Csv < self def parse_output(output) parsed = CSV.new(output).first { id: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Id'), verbatim: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Verbatim'), cardinality: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Cardinality'), canonical: { stemmed: get_csv_value(parsed, 'CanonicalStem'), simple: get_csv_value(parsed, 'CanonicalSimple'), full: get_csv_value(parsed, 'CanonicalFull') }, authorship: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Authorship'), year: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Year'), quality: get_csv_value(parsed, 'Quality')&.to_i } end def format 'csv' end def init_gnparser @csv_mapping = {} CSV.new(@stdout.gets).read[0].each.with_index do |header, index| @csv_mapping[header] = index end end def get_csv_value(csv, field_name) csv[@csv_mapping[field_name]] end end # gnparser interface to JSON-formatted output class Compact < self def parse_output(output) JSON.parse(output, symbolize_names: true).tap { |o| o&.dig(:parserVersion)&.sub!(/^/, 'GNparser ') } end def format 'compact' end end end private_constant :GnParser end end