Sha256: 5715930077c98235d62cc65931b99c7d40a792cd7439c101c45bfc0cc4bc5c4f
Contents?: true
Size: 734 Bytes
Versions: 6
Stored size: 734 Bytes
# ronin-typo 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin typo` [*options*] [*WORD* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Generates typos in words. ## ARGUMENTS *WORD* The optional word to typo. ## OPTIONS `-f`, `--file` *FILE* Optional file to process. `--omit-chars` Toggles whether to omit repeated characters. `--repeat-chars` Toggles whether to repeat single characters. `--swap-chars` Toggles whether to swap certain common character pairs. `--change-suffix` Toggles whether to change the suffix of words. `-E`, `--enum` Enumerates over every possible typo of a word. `-h`, `--help` Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern <> ## SEE ALSO ronin-bitflip(1) ronin-homoglyph(1)
Version data entries
6 entries across 6 versions & 1 rubygems