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Your text....
Will be rendered to something like:
Your text....
Read more
## Foundation Helpers Add to applicaiton.js.coffee: #= require partystreusel/foundation_helpers Available Functions: Streusel.FoundationHelpers.isLarge() Streusel.FoundationHelpers.isMedium() Streusel.FoundationHelpers.isSmall() ## Development In order to run the test suite, phantomjs 1.8.2 must be installed. With homebrew, use `brew install phantomjs182`. Test with bundle exec guard Or run the yasmine test directly with: bundle exec guard-jasmine Compare documentation on: https://github.com/netzpirat/guard-jasmine Help for jasmine testing: * http://jasmine.github.io/1.3/introduction.html To help testing the following jasmine helpers are installed: * https://github.com/searls/jasmine-fixture * https://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery