class Dependency < ActiveRecord::Base # Associations belongs_to :question belongs_to :question_group has_many :dependency_conditions # Scopes named_scope :depending_on_questions, lambda {|question_ids| {:joins => :dependency_conditions, :conditions => {:dependency_conditions => {:question_id => question_ids}} }} # Validations validates_presence_of :rule validates_format_of :rule, :with => /^(?:and|or|\)|\(|[A-Z]|\s)+$/ #TODO properly formed parenthesis etc. validates_numericality_of :question_id, :if => { |d| d.question_group_id.nil? } validates_numericality_of :question_group_id, :if => { |d| d.question_id.nil? } # Attribute aliases alias_attribute :dependent_question_id, :question_id def question_group_id=(i) write_attribute(:question_id, nil) unless i.nil? write_attribute(:question_group_id, i) end def question_id=(i) write_attribute(:question_group_id, nil) unless i.nil? write_attribute(:question_id, i) end # Is the method that determines if this dependency has been met within # the provided response set def met?(response_set) if keyed_pairs = keyed_conditions(response_set) return(rule_evaluation(keyed_pairs)) else return(false) end end # Pairs up the substitution key with the evaluated condition result for substitution into the rule # Example: If you have two dependency conditions with rule keys "A" and "B" in the rule "A or B" # calling keyed_condition_pairs will return {:A => true, :B => false} def keyed_conditions(response_set) keyed_pairs = {} # logger.debug dependency_conditions.inspect self.dependency_conditions.each do |dc| keyed_pairs.merge!(dc.to_hash(response_set)) end return(keyed_pairs) end # Does the substiution and evaluation of the dependency rule with the keyed pairs def rule_evaluation(keyed_pairs) # subtitute into rule for evaluation rgx ={|dc| ["a","o"].include?(dc.rule_key) ? "#{dc.rule_key}(?!nd|r)" : dc.rule_key}.join("|")) # Making a regexp to only look for the keys used in the child conditions # logger.debug "rule: #{self.rule.inspect}" # logger.debug "rexp: #{rgx.inspect}" # logger.debug "keyp: #{keyed_pairs.inspect}" # logger.debug "subd: #{self.rule.gsub(rgx){|m| keyed_pairs[m.to_sym]}}" eval(self.rule.gsub(rgx){|m| keyed_pairs[m.to_sym]}) # returns the evaluation of the rule and the conditions end end