require 'pione/test-helper' describe "Pione::Lang::VariableBindingDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "package $p <- &Test") @cx = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$x := 1") @cy = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$y := $x") @cz = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$z := $p.var($x)") @px = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$p.var($x) := 2") @py = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$p.var($y) := $y") @pz = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("$p.var($z) := $p.var($x)") end it "should get expr1" do @cx.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("$x") end it "should get expr2" do @cx.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") end it "should update variable table by evaluating" do @cx.eval(@env) @cy.eval(@env) @cz.eval(@env) @px.eval(@env) @py.eval(@env) @pz.eval(@env) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$x").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$y").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$z").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("2") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p.var($x)").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("2") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p.var($y)").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p.var($z)").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("2") end it "should permit to be in arbitrary order" do env1 = TestHelper::Lang.env @cx.eval(env1) @cy.eval(env1) env2 = TestHelper::Lang.env @cy.eval(env2) @cx.eval(env2) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(env1, "$x").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(env2, "$x") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(env1, "$y").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(env2, "$y") end it "should detect rebind" do @cx.eval!(@env) should.raise(Lang::RebindError) do TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "$x := 2") end end it "should detect variable loop" do TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "$c1 := $c2") TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "$c2 := $c3") TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "$c3 := $c1") should.raise(Lang::CircularReferenceError) {TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$c1")} should.raise(Lang::CircularReferenceError) {TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$c2")} should.raise(Lang::CircularReferenceError) {TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$c3")} end end describe "Pione::Lang::PackageBindingDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env @p1 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("package $p1 <- &Test") @p2 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("package $p2 <- $p1") @p3 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("package $p3 <- $p2") end it "should get expr1" do @p1.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("$p1") end it "should get expr2" do @p1.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("&Test") end it "should generate packages" do should.not.raise do @p1.eval!(@env) @p2.eval!(@env) @p3.eval!(@env) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p1") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p2") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p3") end end it "should permit to be in arbitrary order" do should.not.raise do TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) package $p3 <- $p2 package $p2 <- $p1 package $p1 <- &Test CONTEXT TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p1") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p2") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p3") end end it "should detect package rebinding" do @p1.eval!(@env) should.raise(Lang::RebindError) {@p1.eval!(@env)} end it "should set paramter set" do TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) param $X := 1 param $Y := 2 param $Z := 3 package $p1 <- &Test package $p2 <- $p1 {X: 10} package $p3 <- $p2 {Y: 20} package $p4 <- $p3 {Z: 30} CONTEXT TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p1.param").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p2.param").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10}") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p3.param").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10, Y: 20}") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$p4.param").should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10, Y: 20, Z: 30}") end end describe "Pione::Lang::ParamDeclaration" do describe "package context" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env @x = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("param $X := 1") @y = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("basic param $Y := 1 + 1") @z = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("advanced param $Z := 1 + 1 + 1") end it "should get expr1" do @x.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("$X") @y.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("$Y") @z.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("$Z") end it "should get expr2" do @x.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") @y.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1") @z.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1 + 1") end it "should set parameters" do @x.eval(@env) @y.eval(@env) @z.eval(@env) definition = @env.package_table.get( @env.current_package_id)) definition.param_definition["X"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["X"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") definition.param_definition["Y"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["Y"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1") definition.param_definition["Z"].type.should == :advanced definition.param_definition["Z"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1 + 1") end it "should be disable to set parameter in other packages" do should.raise(Lang::ParamDeclarationError) do TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) package $p1 <- &Test param $p1.var($X) := 1 CONTEXT end end it "should permit to be in arbitrary order" do should.not.raise(Lang::LangError) do TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) param $X := $Y param $Y := $Z param $Z := 1 CONTEXT end end it "should get default values" do @x.eval(@env) @y.eval(@env) @z.eval(@env) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$X").should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(1) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$Y").should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(2) TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$Z").should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(3) end end describe "rule condition context" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' param $X := 1 basic param $Y := 2 advanced param $Z := 3 End CONTEXT end it "should get params" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.param_definition.size.should == 3 condition.param_definition["X"].type.should == :basic condition.param_definition["X"].value.should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(1) condition.param_definition["Y"].type.should == :basic condition.param_definition["Y"].value.should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(2) condition.param_definition["Z"].type.should == :advanced condition.param_definition["Z"].value.should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(3) end end end describe "Pione::Lang::RuleBindingDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' param $X := 1 param $Y := 2 param $Z := 3 End CONTEXT @r1 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("rule R1 := R {X: 10}") @r2 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("rule R2 := R1 {Y: 20}") @r3 = TestHelper::Lang.declaration("rule R3 := R2 {Z: 30}") end it "should get expr1" do @r1.expr1.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("R1") end it "should get expr2" do @r1.expr2.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("R {X: 10}") end it "should set rules" do @r1.eval(@env) @r2.eval(@env) @r3.eval(@env) @env.rule_get("R1")).param_sets.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10}") @env.rule_get("R2")).param_sets.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10, Y: 20}") @env.rule_get("R3")).param_sets.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "{X: 10, Y: 20, Z: 30}") end it "should permit to be in arbitrary order" do should.not.raise(Lang::LangError) do TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) rule R1 := R2 {X: 10} rule R2 := R3 {Y: 20} rule R3 := R {Z: 30} CONTEXT end end end describe "Pione::Lang::ConstituentRuleDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' Flow rule A rule B {X: 1} rule C {X: 1, Y: 2} End CONTEXT end it "should get constituent rules" do definition = @env.rule_get("R")) rule_set = definition.flow_context.eval(@env) rule_set.rules.size.should == 3 rule_set.rules.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "A | (B {X: 1}) | (C {X: 1, Y: 2})") end end describe "Pione::Lang::InnputDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i1' input '{$*}.i2' input '{$*}.i3' output '{$*}.o' End CONTEXT end it "should get inputs" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.inputs.size.should == 3 condition.inputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'*.i1'") condition.inputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.i2'") condition.inputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.i3'") end end describe "Pione::Lang::OutputDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o1' output '{$*}.o2' output '{$*}.o3' End CONTEXT end it "should get outputs" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.outputs.size.should == 3 condition.outputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.o1'") condition.outputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.o2'") condition.outputs.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.o3'") end end describe "Pione::Lang::FeatureDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' feature +F1 feature -F2 feature ?F3 End CONTEXT end it "should get features" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.features.size.should == 3 condition.features.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("+F1") condition.features.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("-F2") condition.features.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("?F3") end end describe "Pione::Lang::ConstraintDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' constraint 1 > 0 constraint 1 < 0 constraint $X == 1 End CONTEXT end it "should get constraints" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.constraints.size.should == 3 condition.constraints.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 > 0") condition.constraints.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 < 0") condition.constraints.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr("$X == 1") end end describe "Pione::Lang::AnnotationDeclaration" do describe "package annotation" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env @env = @env.setup_new_package("P1") TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) .@ PackageName :: "P1" .@ Tag :: "test" Rule R1 input '*.i1' output '{$*}.o1' End CONTEXT @env = @env.setup_new_package("P2", ["P1"]) TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) .@ PackageName :: "P2" .@ Parent :: &P1 Rule R2 input '*.i2' output '{$*}.o2' End CONTEXT end it "should have package name" do annotations = @env.package_get( "P1", package_id: "P1")).annotations annotations.should.include(Lang::StringSequence.of("P1").set_annotation_type("PackageName")) end end describe "rule annotaion" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' .@ "annotation1" .@ "annotation2" .@ "annotation3" End CONTEXT end it "should get constraints" do condition = @env.rule_get("R")).rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.annotations.size.should == 3 condition.annotations.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr('"annotation1"') condition.annotations.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr('"annotation2"') condition.annotations.should.include TestHelper::Lang.expr('"annotation3"') end end end describe "Pione::Lang::ExprDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env end it "should get the result" do TestHelper::Lang.declaration!(@env, "? 1 + 2").should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(3) end end describe "Pione::Lang::ParamBlockDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Param $X1 := 1 $X2 := 2 $X3 := 3 End Basic Param $Y1 := 1 + 1 $Y2 := 1 + 1 + 1 $Y3 := 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 End Advanced Param $Z1 := 1 $Z2 := 2 $Z3 := 3 End CONTEXT end it "should get parameters" do definition = @env.package_table.get( @env.current_package_id)) definition.param_definition["X1"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["X1"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") definition.param_definition["X2"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["X2"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("2") definition.param_definition["X3"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["X3"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("3") definition.param_definition["Y1"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["Y1"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1") definition.param_definition["Y2"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["Y2"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1 + 1") definition.param_definition["Y3"].type.should == :basic definition.param_definition["Y3"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1 + 1 + 1 + 1") definition.param_definition["Z1"].type.should == :advanced definition.param_definition["Z1"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("1") definition.param_definition["Z2"].type.should == :advanced definition.param_definition["Z2"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("2") definition.param_definition["Z3"].type.should == :advanced definition.param_definition["Z3"].value.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("3") end end describe "Pione::Lang::FlowRuleDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' Flow $X := 10 rule A rule B {X: $X} rule C {Y: 20} End CONTEXT end it "should get flow rule" do definition = @env.rule_get("R")) condition = definition.rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.inputs.size.should == 1 condition.inputs[0].should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("'*.i'") condition.outputs.size.should == 1 condition.outputs[0].should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.o'") rule_set = definition.flow_context.eval(@env) rule_set.rules.size.should == 3 rule_set.rules.should == TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "A | (B {X: $X}) | C {Y: 20}") TestHelper::Lang.expr!(@env, "$X").should == Lang::IntegerSequence.of(10) end end describe "Pione::Lang::ActionRuleDeclaration" do before do @env = TestHelper::Lang.env TestHelper::Lang.package_context!(@env, <<-CONTEXT) Rule R input '*.i' output '{$*}.o' Action cp {$I[1]} > {$O[1]} End CONTEXT end it "should get action rule" do definition = @env.rule_get("R")) condition = definition.rule_condition_context.eval(@env) condition.inputs.size.should == 1 condition.inputs[0].should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("'*.i'") condition.outputs.size.should == 1 condition.outputs[0].should == TestHelper::Lang.expr("'{$*}.o'") action = definition.action_context.eval(@env) action.content.should == "cp {$I[1]} > {$O[1]}\n" end end