# Jekyll::NewsSitemap *Jekyll plugin to silently generate Google News Sitemap based on posts* More info on Google News Sitemap could be found here: https://support.google.com/news/publisher-center/answer/9606710?hl=en&ref_topic=9606468 This gem was heavily infuenced by jekyll-sitemap and is still "work-in-progress". ## Usage 1. Add `gem 'jekyll-news-sitemap'` to your site's Gemfile and run `bundle` 2. Add the following to your site's `_config.yml`: ```yml url: "https://example.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site publisher: "The Example Times" plugins: - jekyll-news-sitemap ``` 💡 If you are using a Jekyll version less than 3.5.0, use the `gems` key instead of `plugins`. If all gem plugins have the same `priority`, they will be executed in the order they are required, generally. Thus, if you have other plugins which generate content and store that content in `site.pages`, `site.posts`, or `site.collections`, be sure to require `jekyll-news-sitemap` either *after* those other gems if you *want* the sitemap to include the generated content, or *before* those other gems if you *don't want* the sitemap to include the generated content from the gems. (Programming is *hard*.) Because the sitemap is added to `site.pages`, you may have to modify any templates that iterate through all pages (for example, to build a menu of all of the site's content). ## Note on Use with GitHub Pages Gem The GitHub Pages gem ignores all plugins included in the Gemfile. If you only include `jekyll-news-sitemap` in the Gemfile without also including it in the `_config.yml` *the plugin will not work*. This can be confusing because the official Jekyll docs state that plugins can be included in either the Gemfile or `_config.yml`. When building a site that uses the GitHub Pages gem, follow the instructions above and ensure that `jekyll-news-sitemap` is listed in the `plugins` array in `_config.yml`. :warning: If you are using Jekyll < 3.5.0 use the `gems` key instead of `plugins`. ## Exclusions If you would like to exclude specific pages/posts from the sitemap set the sitemap flag to `false` in the front matter for the page/post. ```yml sitemap: false ``` To exclude files from your sitemap. It can be achieved with configuration using [Jekyll v3.7.2 and jekyll-sitemap v1.2.0](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/commit/776433109b96cb644938ffbf9caf4923bdde4d7f). Add a glob config to your `_config.yml` file. ```yml defaults: - scope: path: "assets/**/*.pdf" values: sitemap: false ``` ## Override default development settings [Follow these instructions on Jekyll's documentation](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/usage/#override-default-development-settings). ## Developing locally * Use `script/bootstrap` to bootstrap your local development environment. * Use `script/console` to load a local IRB console with the Gem. ## Testing 1. `script/bootstrap` 2. `script/cibuild` ## Contributing 1. Fork the project 2. Create a descriptively named feature branch 3. Add your feature 4. Submit a pull request