=begin rdoc Author:: Chris Hauboldt (mailto:biz@lnstar.com) Copyright:: 2009 Lone Star Internet Inc. This class is responsible for actually sending email messages... its mostly just an ActionMailer, but also has the added functionality to send messages with inline images. Messages: unsubscribed - sends an email to notify the user that they have been removed message - sends and Message test_mailing - sends a test message for a mailing mail - knows how to send any message based on the different "mime" parts its given =end require 'net/http' require 'uri' require "base64" begin require "mini_magick" rescue => e require 'rmagick' rescue nil end module MailManager class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base def unsubscribed(message,subscriptions) @contact = message.contact @recipients = @contact.email_address @from = message.from_email_address @message = message @mailing_lists = subscriptions.reject{|subscription| subscription.mailing_list.nil?}. collect{|subscription| subscription.mailing_list.name} @subject = "Unsubscribed from #{@mailing_lists.join(',')} at #{MailManager.site_url}" Rails.logger.debug "Really Sending Unsubscribed from #{@mailing_lists.first} to #{@contact.email_address}" mail(to: @recipients, from: @from, subject: @subject) end # we do special junk ... so lets make them class methods class << self def deliver_message(message) self.send_mail(message.subject,message.email_address_with_name,message.from_email_address, message.parts,message.guid,message.mailing.include_images?) end def multipart_with_inline_images(subject,to_email_address,from_email_address,the_parts,message_id=nil,include_images=true) text_source = the_parts.first[1];nil original_html_source = the_parts.last[1];nil mail = Mail.new do to to_email_address from from_email_address subject subject part :content_type => "multipart/alternative", :content_disposition => "inline" do |main| main.part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => text_source if include_images main.part :content_type => "multipart/related" do |related| (html_source,images) = MailManager::Mailer::inline_html_with_images(original_html_source) images.each_with_index do |image,index| related.attachments.inline[image[:filename]] = { :content_id => image[:cid], :content => image[:content] } html_source.gsub!(image[:cid],related.attachments[index].cid) end related.part :content_type => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", :body => html_source end else main.part :content_type => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", :body => original_html_source end end end mail end def multipart_alternative_without_images(subject,to_email_address,from_email_address,the_parts,message_id=nil,include_images=true) text_source = the_parts.first[1];nil original_html_source = the_parts.last[1];nil mail = Mail.new do to to_email_address from from_email_address subject subject text_part do body text_source end html_part do content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' body original_html_source end end mail end def send_mail(subject,to_email_address,from_email_address,the_parts,message_id=nil,include_images=true) include_images = (include_images and !MailManager.dont_include_images_domains.detect{|domain| to_email_address.strip =~ /#{domain}>?$/}) mail = if include_images multipart_with_inline_images(subject,to_email_address,from_email_address,the_parts,message_id,include_images) else multipart_alternative_without_images(subject,to_email_address,from_email_address,the_parts,message_id,include_images) end mail.header['Return-Path'] = MailManager.bounce['email_address'] mail.header['X-Bounce-Guid'] = message_id if message_id set_mail_settings(mail) mail.deliver! Rails.logger.info "Sent mail to: #{to_email_address}" Rails.logger.debug mail.to_s end def set_mail_settings(mail) mail.delivery_method ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method.eql?(:letter_opener) ? :test : ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method # letter opener blows up! # Ex set options! # mail.delivery_method.settings.merge!( { # user_name: 'bobo', # password: 'Secret1!', # address: 'mail.lnstar.com', # domain: 'mail.lnstar.com', # enable_starttls_auto: true, # authentication: :plain, # port: 587 # } ) mail.delivery_method.settings.merge!( (case method when :smtp then ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings when :sendmail then ActionMailer::Base.sendmail_settings else {} end rescue {}) ) end def inline_attachment(params, &block) params = { :content_type => params } if String === params params = { :disposition => "inline", :transfer_encoding => "base64" }.merge(params) params[:headers] ||= {} params[:headers]['Content-ID'] = params[:cid] params end def image_mime_types(extension) case extension.downcase when 'bmp' then 'image/bmp' when 'cod' then 'image/cis-cod' when 'gif' then 'image/gif' when 'ief' then 'image/ief' when 'jpe' then 'image/jpeg' when 'jpeg' then 'image/jpeg' when 'jpg' then 'image/jpeg' when 'png' then 'image/png' when 'jfif' then 'image/pipeg' when 'svg' then 'image/svg+xml' when 'tif' then 'image/tiff' when 'tiff' then 'image/tiff' end end def get_extension_from_data(image_data) if defined?(MiniMagick) MiniMagick::Image.read(image_data)[:format] || '' elsif defined?(Magick) Magick::Image.from_blob(image_data).first.format || '' else '' end rescue => e '' end def inline_html_with_images(html_source) parsed_data = html_source.split(/(<\s*img[^>]+src\s*=\s*["'])([^"']*)(["'])/i) images = Array.new final_html = '' image_errors = '' parsed_data.each_with_index do |data,index| if(index % 4 == 2) image = Hash.new() image[:cid] = Base64.encode64(data).gsub(/\s*/,'').reverse[0..59] final_html << "cid:#{image[:cid]}" #only attach new images! next if images.detect{|this_image| this_image[:cid].eql?(image[:cid])} begin image[:content] = fetch(data) rescue => e image_errors += "Couldn't fetch url '#{data}'\n" end image[:filename] = filename = File.basename(data) extension = filename.gsub(/^.*\./,'').downcase Rails.logger.debug "Fetching Image for: #{filename} #{image[:content].to_s[0..30]}" extension = get_extension_from_data(image[:content]) if image_mime_types(extension).blank? image_errors += "Couldn't find mime type for #{extension} on #{data}" if image_mime_types(extension).blank? image[:content_type] = image_mime_types(extension) images << image else final_html << data end end raise image_errors unless image_errors.eql?('') [final_html,images] # related_part = Mail::Part.new do # body final_html # end # images.each do |image| # related_part.part inline_attachment(image) # end # related_part.content_type = 'multipart/related' # related_part # related_part = Mail::Part.new do # content_type 'multipart/related' # # content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' # # body final_html # end # related_part.parts << Mail::Part.new do # content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' # body final_html # end # images.each do |image| # related_part.attachments[image[:filename]] = image[:body] # end # related_part.content_type = 'multipart/related' # related_part.parts.first.content_type = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' # related_part.parts.first.header['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' end def local_ips `/sbin/ifconfig` end def request_local?(uri_str) uri = URI.parse(uri_str) ip_address = `host #{uri.host}`.gsub(/.*has address ([\d\.]+)\s.*/m,"\\1") local_ips.include?(ip_address) rescue => e false end def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10) # You should choose better exception. # raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if limit == 0 # response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str)) # case response # when Net::HTTPSuccess then response.body # when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit - 1) # else # response.error! # end body = '' Curl.get(uri_str) do |http| http.follow_location = true http.interface = '' if request_local?(uri_str) http.on_success{|response| body = response.body} end raise Exception.new("Couldn't fetch URL: #{uri_str}") unless body.present? body end end end end