import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; public class PythagoreanTripletTest { @Test public void shouldCalculateSum() { PythagoreanTriplet triplet = new PythagoreanTriplet(3, 4, 5); final int expected = 12; final int actual = triplet.calculateSum(); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void shouldCalculateProduct() { PythagoreanTriplet triplet = new PythagoreanTriplet(3, 4, 5); final long expected = 60l; final long actual = triplet.calculateProduct(); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void testIsPythagoreanOK() { PythagoreanTriplet triplet = new PythagoreanTriplet(3, 4, 5); assertTrue(triplet.isPythagorean()); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void testIsPythagoreanFail() { PythagoreanTriplet triplet = new PythagoreanTriplet(5, 6, 7); assertFalse(triplet.isPythagorean()); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void shouldMakeTripletsUpToTen() { final List actual = PythagoreanTriplet .makeTripletsList() .withFactorsLessThanOrEqualTo(10) .build() .stream() .map(t -> t.calculateProduct()) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List expected = Arrays.asList(60l, 480l); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void shouldMakeTripletsElevenToTwenty() { final List actual = PythagoreanTriplet .makeTripletsList() .withFactorsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(11) .withFactorsLessThanOrEqualTo(20) .build() .stream() .map(t -> t.calculateProduct()) .sorted((p1, p2) ->, p2)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List expected = Arrays.asList(3840l); assertEquals(expected, actual); } @Test @Ignore("Remove to run test") public void shouldMakeTripletsAndFilterOnSum() { final List actual = PythagoreanTriplet .makeTripletsList() .withFactorsLessThanOrEqualTo(100) .thatSumTo(180) .build() .stream() .map(t -> t.calculateProduct()) .sorted((p1, p2) ->, p2)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); final List expected = Arrays.asList(118080l, 168480l, 202500l); assertEquals(expected, actual); } }