RESOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP = /^([a-zA-Z][\-+\.a-zA-Z\d]*):/ format :html do def link_to text=nil, opts={} opts[:href] ||= path opts.delete(:path) text = raw(text || opts[:href]) interpret_data_opts_to_link_to opts wrap_with :a, text, opts end def interpret_data_opts_to_link_to opts %i[remote method].each do |key| next unless (val = opts.delete key) opts["data-#{key}"] = val end end end format :css do def link_to _text=nil, opts={} card_url path(opts.delete(:path)) end end format do def link_to text=nil, opts={} path = path opts.delete(:path) if text && path != text "#{text}[#{path}]" else path end end def link_to_resource resource, text=nil, opts={} case (resource_type = resource_type resource) when "external-link" then opts[:target] ||= "_blank" when "internal-link" then resource = internal_url resource[1..-1] end add_class opts, resource_type link_to text, opts.merge(path: resource) end def resource_type resource case resource when /^https?\:/ then "external-link" when %r{^/} then "internal-link" when /^mailto\:/ then "email-link" when RESOURCE_TYPE_REGEXP then Regexp.last_match(1) + "-link" end end def link_to_card cardish, text=nil, opts={} opts[:path] ||= {} name = opts[:path][:mark] = Card::Name[cardish] add_known_or_wanted_class opts, name link_to (text || name), opts end def add_known_or_wanted_class opts, name known = opts.delete :known known = Card.known?(name) if known.nil? add_class opts, (known ? "known-card" : "wanted-card") end # dynamic (ajax) link to a specific view # def link_to_view view, text, opts={} opts.reverse_merge! path: {}, remote: true, rel: "nofollow" opts[:path][:view] = view unless view == :home link_to text, opts end def link_to_related cardish, text=nil, opts={} name = Card::Name[cardish] opts[:path] ||= {} opts[:path][:related] ||= {} opts[:path][:related][:name] ||= "+#{name}" link_to_view :related, (text || name), opts end # smart_link_to is wrapper method for #link_to, #link_to_card, #link_to_view, # #link_to_resource, and #link_to_related. If the opts argument contains # :view, :related, :card, or :resource, it will use the respective method to # render a link. def smart_link_to text, opts={} if (linktype = %i[view related card resource].find { |key| opts[key] }) send "link_to_#{linktype}", opts.delete(linktype), text, opts else send :link_to, text, opts end end # path is for generating standard card routes, eg # [cardname] # [cardname]?[param]=[value] # [action]/[cardname]?[param]=[value] # @param opts [Hash, String] a String is treated as a complete path and # bypasses all processing # @option opts [String, Card::Name, Integer, Symbol, Card] :mark # @option opts [Symbol] :action card action (:create, :update, :delete) # @option opts [Hash] :card # @option opts [] def path opts={} return opts unless opts.is_a? Hash path = new_cardtype_path(opts) || standard_path(opts) internal_url path end def new_cardtype_path opts return unless opts[:action] == :new opts.delete :action return unless opts[:mark] "new/#{path_mark opts}#{path_query opts}" end def standard_path opts standardize_action! opts mark = path_mark opts base = path_base opts[:action], mark base + path_query(opts) end def path_base action, mark if action mark.present? ? "#{action}/#{mark}" : "card/#{action}" # the card/ prefix prevents interpreting action as cardname else mark end end def standardize_action! opts return if %i[create update delete].member? opts[:action] opts.delete :action end def path_mark opts return "" if opts[:action] == :create || opts.delete(:no_mark) name = opts[:mark] ? Card::Name[opts.delete(:mark)] : add_unknown_name_to_opts name.to_name, opts name.to_name.url_key end def path_query opts opts.delete :action opts.empty? ? "" : "?#{opts.to_param}" end def add_unknown_name_to_opts name, opts return if opts[:card] && opts[:card][:name] return if name.s == Card::Name.url_key_to_standard(name.url_key) return if Card.known? name opts[:card] ||= {} opts[:card][:name] = name end def internal_url relative_path card_path relative_path end end