class Hotcell::Parser # Yes [ ] [ ]= Element reference, element set # Yes ** Exponentiation (raise to the power) # Yes ! ~ + - Not, complement, unary plus and minus (method names for the last two are +@ and -@) # Yes * / % Multiply, divide, and modulo # Yes + - Addition and subtraction # Yes <= < > >= Comparison operators # Yes <=> == === != =~ !~ Equality and pattern match operators (!= and !~ may not be defined as methods) # && Logical `AND' # || Logical `AND' # .. ... Range (inclusive and exclusive) # ? : Ternary if-then-else # = %= { /= -= += |= &= >>= <<= *= &&= ||= **= Assignment # . :: [] (method) left to right # ! ~ + (unary) right to left # ** right to left # - (unary) right to left # * / % left to right # + - (binary) left to right # & left to right # | ^ left to right # > >= < <= left to right # <=> == === != =~ !~ not associative # && left to right # || left to right # .. ... not associative # ?: right to left # = **= *= <<= >>= &&= &= ||= |= += -= /= ^= %= right to left # , : not associative # not right to left # or and left to right # ; left to right prechigh nonassoc NEGATIVE left PERIOD AOPEN right UPLUS NOT right POWER right UMINUS left MULTIPLY DIVIDE MODULO left PLUS MINUS left GT GTE LT LTE nonassoc EQUAL INEQUAL left AND left OR nonassoc RANGE right QUESTION right ASSIGN nonassoc COMMA COLON left SEMICOLON NEWLINE preclow start document rule document: document document_unit { pospoppush(2); val[0].push(val[1]) } | document_unit { result = [val[0]] } document_unit: template | tag | block_tag | command_tag template: TEMPLATE { result = val[0] } tag: TOPEN TCLOSE { result = build Tag, :TAG, mode: tag_modes(val[0], @escape_tags ? :escape : :normal), position: pospoppush(2) } | TOPEN sequence TCLOSE { result = build Tag, :TAG, *Array.wrap(val[1]).flatten, mode: tag_modes(val[0], @escape_tags ? :escape : :normal), position: pospoppush(3) } command_body: COMMAND { result = build @commands[val[0]] || Command, val[0], position: pospoppush(1) } | COMMAND arguments { result = build @commands[val[0]] || Command, val[0], *val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } command: command_body | IDENTIFER ASSIGN command_body { result = build Assigner, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } command_tag: TOPEN command TCLOSE { command = val[1].is_a?(Command) ? val[1] : val[1].children[0] command.validate! result = build Tag, :TAG, val[1], mode: tag_modes(val[0]), position: pospoppush(3) } subcommand: SUBCOMMAND { result = build @substack.last[val[0]], val[0], position: pospoppush(1) } | SUBCOMMAND arguments { result = build @substack.last[val[0]], val[0], *val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } subcommand_tag: TOPEN subcommand TCLOSE { pospoppush(3); result = val[1] } block_body: BLOCK { result = build @blocks[val[0]] || Block, val[0], position: pospoppush(1) } | BLOCK arguments { result = build @blocks[val[0]] || Block, val[0], *val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } block_open: block_body | IDENTIFER ASSIGN block_body { result = build Assigner, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } block_close: ENDBLOCK | END BLOCK { pospoppush(2) } | END block_open_tag: TOPEN block_open TCLOSE { result = build Tag, :TAG, val[1], mode: tag_modes(val[0]), position: pospoppush(3) } block_close_tag: TOPEN block_close TCLOSE { pospoppush(3) } block_subnodes: block_subnodes document_unit { pospoppush(2) val[0][-1].is_a?(Joiner) ? val[0][-1].children.push(val[1]) : val[0].push(build(Joiner, :JOINER, val[1])) } | block_subnodes subcommand_tag { pospoppush(2); val[0].push(val[1]) } | document_unit { result = [build(Joiner, :JOINER, val[0], position: pospoppush(1))] } | subcommand_tag { result = [val[0]] } block_tag: block_open_tag block_close_tag { pospoppush(2) block = val[0].children[0].is_a?(Block) ? val[0].children[0] : val[0].children[0].children[0] block.validate! } | block_open_tag block_subnodes block_close_tag { pospoppush(3) block = val[0].children[0].is_a?(Block) ? val[0].children[0] : val[0].children[0].children[0] block.options[:subnodes] = val[1] block.validate! } sequence: sequence SEMICOLON sequence { pospoppush(2); result = val[0].push(val[2]) } | sequence SEMICOLON { pospoppush(2) } | SEMICOLON sequence { pospoppush(2, 1); result = val[1] } | SEMICOLON { result = [] } | sequence NEWLINE sequence { pospoppush(2); result = val[0].push(val[2]) } | sequence NEWLINE { pospoppush(2) } | NEWLINE sequence { pospoppush(2, 1); result = val[1] } | NEWLINE { result = [] } | expr { result = [val[0]] } expr: expr MULTIPLY expr { result = build Expression, :MULTIPLY, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr POWER expr { result = build Expression, :POWER, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr DIVIDE expr { result = build Expression, :DIVIDE, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr PLUS expr { result = build Expression, :PLUS, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr MINUS expr { result = build Expression, :MINUS, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr MODULO expr { result = build Expression, :MODULO, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | MINUS expr =UMINUS { result = build Expression, :UMINUS, val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } | PLUS expr =UPLUS { result = build Expression, :UPLUS, val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } | expr AND expr { result = build Expression, :AND, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr OR expr { result = build Expression, :OR, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr GT expr { result = build Expression, :GT, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr GTE expr { result = build Expression, :GTE, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr LT expr { result = build Expression, :LT, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr LTE expr { result = build Expression, :LTE, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr EQUAL expr { result = build Expression, :EQUAL, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr INEQUAL expr { result = build Expression, :INEQUAL, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | NOT expr { result = build Expression, :NOT, val[1], position: pospoppush(2) } | expr QUESTION expr COLON expr { result = build Expression, :TERNARY, val[0], val[2], val[4], position: pospoppush(5) } | IDENTIFER ASSIGN expr { result = build Assigner, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } | expr PERIOD method { pospoppush(3); val[2].children[0] = val[0]; result = val[2] } | expr AOPEN arguments ACLOSE { result = build Summoner, '[]', val[0], *val[2], position: pospoppush(4) } | POPEN PCLOSE { pospoppush(2); result = nil } | POPEN sequence PCLOSE { result = case val[1].size when 1 val[1][0] else build Sequencer, :SEQUENCE, *val[1].flatten, position: pospoppush(3) end } | value value: const | number | string | dstring | regexp | range | array | hash | method const: NIL | TRUE | FALSE number: INTEGER | FLOAT string: STRING regexp: REGEXP dstring: DOPEN dstring_content DCLOSE { result = build Expression, :DSTRING, *val[1], position: pospoppush(3) } | DOPEN DCLOSE { pospoppush(2); result = '' } dstring_content: STRING { result = [val[0]] } | dstring_interpolation { result = [val[0]] } | dstring_content STRING { pospoppush(2); val[0].push(val[1]); result = val[0] } | dstring_content dstring_interpolation { pospoppush(2); val[0].push(val[1]); result = val[0] } dstring_interpolation: IOPEN sequence ICLOSE { result = case val[1].size when 1 val[1][0] else build Sequencer, :SEQUENCE, *val[1].flatten, position: pospoppush(3) end } | IOPEN ICLOSE { pospoppush(2); result = nil } range: expr RANGE expr { result = build Expression, val[1] == '..' ? :RANGE : :ERANGE, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } array: AOPEN ACLOSE { result = build Arrayer, :ARRAY, position: pospoppush(2) } | AOPEN params ACLOSE { result = build Arrayer, :ARRAY, *val[1], position: pospoppush(3) } params: params COMMA expr { pospoppush(3); val[0].push(val[2]) } | expr { result = [val[0]] } hash: HOPEN HCLOSE { result = build Hasher, :HASH, position: pospoppush(2) } | HOPEN pairs HCLOSE { result = build Hasher, :HASH, *val[1], position: pospoppush(3) } pairs: pairs COMMA pair { pospoppush(3); val[0].push(val[2]) } | pair { result = [val[0]] } pair: IDENTIFER COLON expr { result = build Arrayer, :PAIR, val[0], val[2], position: pospoppush(3) } arguments: params COMMA pairs { result = [*val[0], build(Hasher, :HASH, *val[2], position: pospoppush(3))] } | params | pairs { result = build Hasher, :HASH, *val[0], position: pospoppush(1) } method: IDENTIFER { result = build Summoner, val[0], position: pospoppush(1) } | IDENTIFER POPEN PCLOSE { result = build Summoner, val[0], position: pospoppush(3) } | IDENTIFER POPEN arguments PCLOSE { result = build Summoner, val[0], nil, *val[2], position: pospoppush(4) } ---- inner OPERATIONS = { '+' => :PLUS, '-' => :MINUS, '*' => :MULTIPLY, '**' => :POWER, '/' => :DIVIDE, '%' => :MODULO, '&&' => :AND, '||' => :OR, '!' => :NOT, '==' => :EQUAL, '!=' => :INEQUAL, '>' => :GT, '>=' => :GTE, '<' => :LT, '<=' => :LTE, '=' => :ASSIGN, ',' => :COMMA, '.' => :PERIOD, ':' => :COLON, '?' => :QUESTION, ';' => :SEMICOLON } BOPEN = { '[' => :AOPEN, '{' => :HOPEN, '(' => :POPEN } BCLOSE = { ']' => :ACLOSE, '}' => :HCLOSE, ')' => :PCLOSE } NEWLINE_PRED = + OPERATIONS.values) NEWLINE_NEXT = + [:NEWLINE]) TAG_MODES = { '!' => :silence, '^' => :escape, 'e' => :escape, '~' => :normal, 'r' => :normal } def initialize source, options = {} @source = Source.wrap(source) @lexer = @tokens = @lexer.tokens @position = -1 @commands = options[:commands] || {} @blocks = options[:blocks] || {} @endblocks = { |identifer| "end#{identifer}" }) @escape_tags = !!options[:escape_tags] @substack = [] @posstack = [] end def build klass, *args options = args.extract_options! options[:source] = @source *args.push(options) end def pospoppush pop, push = 0 # because fuck the brains, that's why! last = @posstack.pop reduced = @posstack.push(@posstack.pop(pop)[push])[-1] @posstack.push last reduced end def tag_modes tag, default = :normal mode = tag.gsub(/^{{/, '').first TAG_MODES[mode] || default end def parse children = ? [] : do_parse build Joiner, :JOINER, *children, position: 0 end def next_token @position = @position + 1 tcurr = @tokens[@position] if tcurr && (tcurr[0] == :COMMENT || tcurr[0] == :NEWLINE && ( ((tpred = @tokens[@position.pred]) && NEWLINE_PRED.include?(tpred[0])) || ((tnext = @tokens[]) && NEWLINE_NEXT.include?(tnext[0])) )) next_token else if tcurr @posstack << tcurr[1][1] tcurr = [tcurr[0], tcurr[1][0]] end if tcurr && tcurr[0] == :IDENTIFER if @commands.key?(tcurr[1]) [:COMMAND, tcurr[1]] elsif @blocks.key?(tcurr[1]) @substack.push(@blocks[tcurr[1]].subcommands) [:BLOCK, tcurr[1]] elsif @substack.last && @substack.last.key?(tcurr[1]) [:SUBCOMMAND, tcurr[1]] elsif @endblocks.include?(tcurr[1]) @substack.pop [:ENDBLOCK, tcurr[1]] elsif tcurr[1] == 'end' @substack.pop [:END, tcurr[1]] else tcurr end else tcurr || [false, false] end end end def on_error(token, value, vstack) raise"#{token_to_str(token) || '?'} `#{value}`", *, :column)) end