require 'thread' module Redwood class InboxMode < ThreadIndexMode register_keymap do |k| ## overwrite toggle_archived with archive k.add :archive, "Archive thread (remove from inbox)", 'a' end def initialize super [:inbox, :sent], { :label => :inbox } raise "can't have more than one!" if defined? @@instance @@instance = self end def is_relevant? m; m.has_label? :inbox; end ## label-list-mode wants to be able to raise us if the user selects ## the "inbox" label, so we need to keep our singletonness around def self.instance; @@instance; end def killable?; false; end def archive return unless cursor_thread cursor_thread.remove_label :inbox hide_thread cursor_thread regen_text end def multi_archive threads threads.each do |t| t.remove_label :inbox hide_thread t end regen_text end def handle_archived_update sender, t if contains_thread? t hide_thread t regen_text end end # not quite working, and not sure if i like it anyways # def handle_unarchived_update sender, t # Redwood::log "unarchived #{t.subj}" # show_thread t # end def status super + " #{Index.size} messages in index" end end end