# frozen_string_literal: true require 'elastic_apm' require 'opentracing' module ElasticAPM module OpenTracing # @api private class Span def initialize(elastic_span, span_context) @elastic_span = elastic_span @span_context = span_context end attr_reader :elastic_span def operation_name=(name) elastic_span.name = name end def context @span_context end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def set_tag(key, val) if elastic_span.is_a?(Transaction) case key.to_s when 'type' elastic_span.type = val when 'result' elastic_span.result = val when /user\.(\w+)/ set_user_value($1, val) else elastic_span.context.tags[key] = val end else elastic_span.context.tags[key] = val end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def set_baggage_item(_key, _value) ElasticAPM.agent.config.logger.warn( 'Baggage is not supported by ElasticAPM' ) end def get_baggage_item(_key) ElasticAPM.agent.config.logger.warn( 'Baggage is not supported by ElasticAPM' ) nil end # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument def log_kv(timestamp: nil, **fields) if (exception = fields[:'error.object']) ElasticAPM.report exception elsif (message = fields[:message]) ElasticAPM.report_message message end end # rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument def finish(end_time: Time.now) return unless (instrumenter = ElasticAPM.agent&.instrumenter) elastic_span.done end_time: Util.micros(end_time) case elastic_span when ElasticAPM::Transaction instrumenter.current_transaction = nil when ElasticAPM::Span instrumenter.current_spans.delete(elastic_span) end instrumenter.enqueue.call elastic_span end private def set_user_value(key, value) return unless elastic_span.is_a?(Transaction) setter = :"#{key}=" return unless elastic_span.context.user.respond_to?(setter) elastic_span.context.user.send(setter, value) end end # @api private class SpanContext def initialize(trace_context:, baggage: nil) if baggage ElasticAPM.agent.config.logger.warn( 'Baggage is not supported by ElasticAPM' ) end @trace_context = trace_context end attr_accessor :trace_context def self.from_trace_context(trace_context) new(trace_context: trace_context) end end # @api private class Scope def initialize(span, scope_stack, finish_on_close:) @span = span @scope_stack = scope_stack @finish_on_close = finish_on_close end attr_reader :span def elastic_span span.elastic_span end def close @span.finish if @finish_on_close @scope_stack.pop end end # @api private class ScopeStack KEY = :__elastic_apm_ot_scope_stack def push(scope) scopes << scope end def pop scopes.pop end def last scopes.last end private def scopes Thread.current[KEY] ||= [] end end # @api private class ScopeManager def initialize @scope_stack = ScopeStack.new end def activate(span, finish_on_close: true) return active if active && active.span == span scope = Scope.new(span, @scope_stack, finish_on_close: finish_on_close) @scope_stack.push scope scope end def active @scope_stack.last end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # A custom tracer to use the OpenTracing API with ElasticAPM class Tracer def initialize @scope_manager = ScopeManager.new end attr_reader :scope_manager def active_span scope_manager.active&.span end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/ParameterLists def start_active_span( operation_name, child_of: nil, references: nil, start_time: Time.now, tags: {}, ignore_active_scope: false, finish_on_close: true, ** ) span = start_span( operation_name, child_of: child_of, references: references, start_time: start_time, tags: tags, ignore_active_scope: ignore_active_scope ) scope = scope_manager.activate(span, finish_on_close: finish_on_close) if block_given? begin yield scope ensure scope.close end end scope end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/ParameterLists # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def start_span( operation_name, child_of: nil, references: nil, start_time: Time.now, tags: {}, ignore_active_scope: false, ** ) span_context = prepare_span_context( child_of: child_of, references: references, ignore_active_scope: ignore_active_scope ) if span_context trace_context = span_context && span_context.respond_to?(:trace_context) && span_context.trace_context end elastic_span = if ElasticAPM.current_transaction ElasticAPM.start_span( operation_name, trace_context: trace_context ) else ElasticAPM.start_transaction( operation_name, trace_context: trace_context ) end # if no Elastic APM agent is running or transaction not sampled unless elastic_span return ::OpenTracing::Span::NOOP_INSTANCE end span_context ||= SpanContext.from_trace_context(elastic_span.trace_context) tags.each do |key, value| elastic_span.context.tags[key] = value end elastic_span.start Util.micros(start_time) Span.new(elastic_span, span_context) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/ParameterLists def inject(span_context, format, carrier) case format when ::OpenTracing::FORMAT_RACK carrier['elastic-apm-traceparent'] = span_context.to_header else warn 'Only injection via HTTP headers and Rack is available' end end def extract(format, carrier) case format when ::OpenTracing::FORMAT_RACK ElasticAPM::TraceContext .parse(carrier['HTTP_ELASTIC_APM_TRACEPARENT']) else warn 'Only extraction from HTTP headers via Rack is available' nil end rescue ElasticAPM::TraceContext::InvalidTraceparentHeader nil end private def prepare_span_context( child_of:, references:, ignore_active_scope: ) context_from_child_of(child_of) || context_from_references(references) || context_from_active_scope(ignore_active_scope) end def context_from_child_of(child_of) return unless child_of child_of.respond_to?(:context) ? child_of.context : child_of end def context_from_references(references) return if !references || references.none? child_of = references.find do |reference| reference.type == ::OpenTracing::Reference::CHILD_OF end (child_of || references.first).context end def context_from_active_scope(ignore_active_scope) if ignore_active_scope ElasticAPM.agent&.config&.logger&.warn( 'ignore_active_scope might lead to unexpeced results' ) return end @scope_manager.active&.span&.context end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end end