#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'bundler/setup' require 'optparse' require 'ruby_smb' require 'ruby_smb/gss/provider/ntlm' # we just need *a* default encoding to handle the strings from the NTLM messages Encoding.default_internal = 'UTF-8' if Encoding.default_internal.nil? options = { allow_anonymous: true, domain: nil, username: 'RubySMB', password: 'password', share_name: 'home', share_path: '.', smbv1: true, smbv2: true, smbv3: true } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]" opts.on("--path PATH", "The path to share (default: #{options[:share_path]})") do |path| options[:share_path] = path end opts.on("--share SHARE", "The share name (default: #{options[:share_name]})") do |share| options[:share_name] = share end opts.on("--[no-]anonymous", "Allow anonymous access (default: #{options[:allow_anonymous]})") do |allow_anonymous| options[:allow_anonymous] = allow_anonymous end opts.on("--[no-]smbv1", "Enable or disable SMBv1 (default: #{options[:smbv1] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'})") do |smbv1| options[:smbv1] = smbv1 end opts.on("--[no-]smbv2", "Enable or disable SMBv2 (default: #{options[:smbv2] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'})") do |smbv2| options[:smbv2] = smbv2 end opts.on("--[no-]smbv3", "Enable or disable SMBv3 (default: #{options[:smbv3] ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'})") do |smbv3| options[:smbv3] = smbv3 end opts.on("--username USERNAME", "The account's username (default: #{options[:username]})") do |username| if username.include?('\\') options[:domain], options[:username] = username.split('\\', 2) else options[:username] = username end end opts.on("--password PASSWORD", "The account's password (default: #{options[:password]})") do |password| options[:password] = password end end.parse! ntlm_provider = RubySMB::Gss::Provider::NTLM.new(allow_anonymous: options[:allow_anonymous]) ntlm_provider.put_account(options[:username], options[:password], domain: options[:domain]) # password can also be an NTLM hash server = RubySMB::Server.new( gss_provider: ntlm_provider, logger: :stdout ) server.dialects.select! { |dialect| RubySMB::Dialect[dialect].family != RubySMB::Dialect::FAMILY_SMB1 } unless options[:smbv1] server.dialects.select! { |dialect| RubySMB::Dialect[dialect].family != RubySMB::Dialect::FAMILY_SMB2 } unless options[:smbv2] server.dialects.select! { |dialect| RubySMB::Dialect[dialect].family != RubySMB::Dialect::FAMILY_SMB3 } unless options[:smbv3] if server.dialects.empty? puts "at least one version must be enabled" exit false end server.add_share(RubySMB::Server::Share::Provider::Disk.new(options[:share_name], options[:share_path])) puts "server is running" server.run do puts "received connection" true end