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It's designed to work perfectly with [server rendered HTML](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_view_overview.html), [Russian doll caching](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/caching_with_rails.html#russian-doll-caching), [Stimulus](https://stimulusjs.org), [Turbolinks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWEts0rlezA), etc... __No need for a complex front-end framework. No need to grow your team or duplicate your efforts.__ _Inspired by [Phoenix LiveView](https://youtu.be/Z2DU0qLfPIY?t=670)._ 🙌 ## Table of Contents - [Before you Begin](#before-you-begin) - [How it Works](#how-it-works) - [Setup](#setup) * [JavaScript](#javascript) * [Gemfile](#gemfile) - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage) * [app/views/pages/example.html.erb](#appviewspagesexamplehtmlerb) * [app/javascript/controllers/example.js](#appjavascriptcontrollersexamplejs) * [app/reflexes/example_reflex.rb](#appreflexesexample_reflexrb) - [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) * [Reflex Methods](#reflex-methods) + [The `options` Keyword Argument](#the-options-keyword-argument) * [ActionCable](#actioncable) + [Performance](#performance) + [ActionCable Rooms](#actioncable-rooms) * [Render Delay](#render-delay) - [Demo Applications](#demo-applications) - [Contributing](#contributing) * [Coding Standards](#coding-standards) * [Releasing](#releasing) ## Before you Begin StimulusReflex provides functionality similar to what can already be achieved with Rails by combining [UJS remote elements](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/working_with_javascript_in_rails.html#remote-elements) , [Stimulus](https://stimulusjs.org), and [Turbolinks](https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks). _Consider building with standard Rails tooling before introducing StimulusReflex._ _Check out the [Stimulus TodoMVC](https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_todomvc) example if you are unsure how to accomplish this._ StimulusReflex offers 3 primary benefits over the traditional Rails HTTP request/response cycle. 1. __Communication happens on the ActionCable web socket__ _- saves time by avoiding the overhead of establishishing traditional HTTP connections_ 1. __The controller action is invoked directly__ _- skips framework overhead such as the middleware chain, etc..._ 1. __DOM diffing is used to update the page__ _- provides faster rendering and less jitter_ ## How it Works 1. Render a standard Rails view template 1. Use [Stimulus](https://stimulusjs.org) and [ActionCable](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html) to invoke a method on the server 1. Watch the page automatically render updates via fast [DOM diffing](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom) 1. That's it... __Yes, it really is that simple.__ There are no hidden gotchas. ![How it Works](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex/master/docs/diagram.png) ## Setup ### JavaScript ``` yarn add stimulus_reflex ``` ### Gemfile ```ruby gem "stimulus_reflex" ``` ## Basic Usage ### app/views/pages/example.html.erb ```erb Increment <%= @count.to_i %> ``` ### app/javascript/controllers/example.js ```javascript import { Controller } from "stimulus" import StimulusReflex from "stimulus_reflex" export default class extends Controller { connect() { StimulusReflex.register(this); } increment() { // trigger a server-side reflex and a client-side page update this.stimulate('ExampleReflex#increment', 1); } } ``` ### app/reflexes/example_reflex.rb ```ruby class ExampleReflex < StimulusReflex::Reflex def increment(step = 1) @count = @count.to_i + step end end ``` The following happens after the `StimulusReflex::Reflex` method call finishes. 1. The page that triggered the reflex is re-rerendered. _Instance variables created in the reflex are available to both the controller and view templates._ 2. The re-rendered HTML is sent to the client over the ActionCable socket. 3. The page is updated via fast DOM diffing courtesy of morphdom. _While future versions of StimulusReflex might support more granular updates, today the entire body is re-rendered and sent over the socket._ ## Advanced Usage ### Reflex Methods #### The `options` Keyword Argument Reflex methods support an _optional_ `options` keyword argument. - This is the only supported keyword argument. - It must appear after ordinal arguments. ```ruby class ExampleReflex < StimulusReflex::Reflex def work(options: {}) # ... end def other_work(value, options: {}) # ... end end ``` The `options` value contains all of the Stimulus controller's [DOM element attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/attributes) as well as other properties like `checked` and `value`. _Most of the values will be strings._ Here's an example: ```html ``` The markup above produces the following behavior in a reflex method. ```ruby class ExampleReflex < StimulusReflex::Reflex def work(options: {}) options[:checked] # => true options[:label] # => "Example" options["data-controller"] # => "checkbox" options["data-value"] # => "123" options.dataset[:controller] # => "checkbox" options.dataset[:value] # => "123" end end ``` - `options[:checked]` holds a boolean - `options[:selected]` holds a boolean - `options[:value]` holds the [DOM element's value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#value) - `select` elements assign `options[:value]` to their selected option's value - `select` elements with _multiselect_ enabled assign `options[:values]` to their selected options values - All other values stored in `options` are extracted from the DOM element's attributes ### ActionCable StimulusReflex will use the ActionCable defaults of `window.App` and `App.cable` if they exist. If these defaults do not exist, StimulusReflex will establish a new socket connection. #### Performance ActionCable emits verbose log messages. Disabling ActionCable logs may improve performance. ```ruby # config/application.rb ActionCable.server.config.logger = Logger.new(nil) ``` #### ActionCable Rooms You may find the need to restrict notifications to a specific room. This can be accomplished by setting the `data-room` attribute on the StimulusController element. ```erb ``` ### Render Delay An attempt is made to reduce repaint/reflow jitter when users trigger lots of updates. You can control how long to wait _(think debounce)_ prior to updating the page. Simply set the `renderDelay` _(milliseconds)_ option when registering the controller. ```javascript export default class extends Controller { connect() { StimulusReflex.register(this, {renderDelay: 200}); } } ``` The default value is `25`. ## Demo Applications Building apps with StimulusReflex should evoke your memories of the original [Rails demo video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzj723LkRJY). > Look at all the things I'm **not** doing. -DHH - [TodoMVC](https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex_todomvc) ## Contributing ### Coding Standards This project uses [Standard](https://github.com/testdouble/standard) and [Prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) to minimize bike shedding related to code formatting. Please run `./bin/standardize` prior submitting pull requests. ### Releasing 1. Bump version number at `lib/stimulus_reflex/version.rb` 1. Run `rake build` 1. Run `rake release` 1. Change directories `cd ./javascript` 1. Run `yarn publish` 1. Assign same version number to the JavaScript package 1. Push changes to GitHub 1. Push tags to GitHub ``` git push --tags ```