require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/app_shared') module DDETest describe DDE::Client do before(:each){ @client = } after(:each){ @client.stop_dde if @client.dde_active?} it_should_behave_like "DDE App" it 'new without parameters creates Client but does not activate DDEML' do == nil @client.conversation.should == nil @client.service.should == nil @client.topic.should == nil @client.dde_active?.should == false @client.conversation_active?.should == false end it 'new with attached callback block creates Client and activates DDEML' do @client = {|*args|} be_an Integer == 0 @client.dde_active?.should == true @client.conversation.should == nil @client.conversation_active?.should == false @client.service.should == nil @client.topic.should == nil end describe '#start_conversation' do context 'with inactive (uninitialized) DDE:' do it 'fails to starts new conversation' do lambda{@client.start_conversation('service', 'topic')}. should raise_error /DDE is not initialized/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false lambda{@client.start_conversation(nil, nil)}. should raise_error /DDE is not initialized/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false lambda{@client.start_conversation}. should raise_error /DDE is not initialized/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false end end # context 'with inactive (uninitialized) DDE:' context 'with active (initialized) DDE AND existing DDE server supporting "service" topic' do before(:each ){start_callback_recorder} after(:each )do stop_callback_recorder #p @server_calls, @client_calls # ?????????? No XTYP_DISCONNECT ? Why ? end it 'starts new conversation if DDE is already activated' do res = @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' res.should be_true @client.conversation_active?.should == true end it 'returns self if success (allows method chain)' do @client.start_conversation('service', 'topic').should == @client end it 'sets @conversation, @service and @topic attributes' do @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' @client.conversation.should be_an Integer @client.conversation.should_not == 0 @client.service.should be_a DDE::DdeString @client.service.should == 'service' == 'service' @client.conversation.should be_an Integer @client.conversation.should_not == 0 end it 'initiates XTYP_CONNECT transaction to service`s callback' do @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' @server_calls.first[0].should == :XTYP_CONNECT @server_calls.first[3].should == @client.topic @server_calls.first[4].should == @client.service end it 'if server confirms connect, XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM transaction to service`s callback follows' do @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' # p @server_calls, @client_calls # ?????????? No XTYP_DISCONNECT ? Why ? @server_calls[1][0].should == :XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM @server_calls[1][3].should == @client.topic @server_calls[1][4].should == @client.service end it 'client`s callback receives no transactions' do @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' #p @server_calls, @client.service.handle, @client.topic.handle, @client.conversation @client_calls.should == [] end it 'fails if another conversation is already in progress' do @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' lambda{@client.start_conversation 'service1', 'topic1'}. should raise_error /Another conversation already established/ end it 'fails to start conversation on unsupported service' do lambda{@client.start_conversation('not_a_service', 'topic')}. should raise_error /A client`s attempt to establish a conversation has failed/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false #ensure dde_free_string_handle(, @client.topic.handle) dde_free_string_handle(, @client.service.handle) end end # context 'with active (initialized) DDE AND existing DDE server supporting "service" topic' do end # describe '#start_conversation' describe '#stop_conversation' do context 'with inactive (uninitialized) DDE:' do it 'fails to stop conversation' do lambda{@client.stop_conversation}. should raise_error /DDE not started/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false end end # context 'with inactive (uninitialized) DDE:' context 'with active (initialized) DDE AND existing DDE server supporting "service" topic' do before(:each ){start_callback_recorder} after(:each ){stop_callback_recorder} it 'fails to stop conversation' do lambda{@client.stop_conversation}. should raise_error /Conversation not started/ @client.conversation_active?.should == false end context 'conversation already started' do before(:each){ @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' } after(:each){ @client.stop_conversation if @client.conversation_active?} it 'stops conversation' do res = @client.stop_conversation res.should be_true @client.conversation_active?.should == false end it 'unsets @conversation, @service and @topic attributes' do @client.stop_conversation @client.conversation.should == nil @client.service.should == nil @client.topic.should == nil end it 'does not stop DDE' do @client.stop_conversation @client.dde_active?.should == true end it 'initiates XTYP_DISCONNECT transaction to service`s callback' do pending @client.stop_conversation p @server_calls, @client_calls # ?????????? No XTYP_DISCONNECT ? Why ? @server_calls.last[0].should == :XTYP_DISCONNECT end end # context 'conversation already started' end # context 'with active (initialized) DDE AND existing DDE server supporting "service" topic' end # describe '#stop_conversation' describe '#send_data' do context 'with active (initialized) DDE AND existing DDE server supporting "service" topic' do before(:each )do start_callback_recorder do |*args| @server_calls << extract_values(*args) if args[0] == XTYP_POKE @data, @size = dde_get_data(args[5]) end DDE_FACK end @client.start_conversation 'service', 'topic' end after(:each ){stop_callback_recorder} it 'sends data to server' do @client.send_data TEST_STRING, CF_TEXT, "item" @server_calls.last[0].should == :XTYP_POKE @data.get_bytes(0, @size).rstrip.should == TEST_STRING end end # context 'with active (initialized) DDE' end # describe #send_data end # describe DDE::Client end