/** * @license Angular UI Tree v2.15.0 * (c) 2010-2016. https://github.com/angular-ui-tree/angular-ui-tree * License: MIT */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree', []) .constant('treeConfig', { treeClass: 'angular-ui-tree', emptyTreeClass: 'angular-ui-tree-empty', hiddenClass: 'angular-ui-tree-hidden', nodesClass: 'angular-ui-tree-nodes', nodeClass: 'angular-ui-tree-node', handleClass: 'angular-ui-tree-handle', placeholderClass: 'angular-ui-tree-placeholder', dragClass: 'angular-ui-tree-drag', dragThreshold: 3, levelThreshold: 30, defaultCollapsed: false }); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .controller('TreeHandleController', ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { this.scope = $scope; $scope.$element = $element; $scope.$nodeScope = null; $scope.$type = 'uiTreeHandle'; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .controller('TreeNodeController', ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { this.scope = $scope; $scope.$element = $element; $scope.$modelValue = null; // Model value for node; $scope.$parentNodeScope = null; // uiTreeNode Scope of parent node; $scope.$childNodesScope = null; // uiTreeNodes Scope of child nodes. $scope.$parentNodesScope = null; // uiTreeNodes Scope of parent nodes. $scope.$treeScope = null; // uiTree scope $scope.$handleScope = null; // it's handle scope $scope.$type = 'uiTreeNode'; $scope.$$allowNodeDrop = false; $scope.collapsed = false; $scope.init = function (controllersArr) { var treeNodesCtrl = controllersArr[0]; $scope.$treeScope = controllersArr[1] ? controllersArr[1].scope : null; // find the scope of it's parent node $scope.$parentNodeScope = treeNodesCtrl.scope.$nodeScope; // modelValue for current node $scope.$modelValue = treeNodesCtrl.scope.$modelValue[$scope.$index]; $scope.$parentNodesScope = treeNodesCtrl.scope; treeNodesCtrl.scope.initSubNode($scope); // init sub nodes $element.on('$destroy', function () { treeNodesCtrl.scope.destroySubNode($scope); // destroy sub nodes }); }; $scope.index = function () { return $scope.$parentNodesScope.$modelValue.indexOf($scope.$modelValue); }; $scope.dragEnabled = function () { return !($scope.$treeScope && !$scope.$treeScope.dragEnabled); }; $scope.isSibling = function (targetNode) { return $scope.$parentNodesScope == targetNode.$parentNodesScope; }; $scope.isChild = function (targetNode) { var nodes = $scope.childNodes(); return nodes && nodes.indexOf(targetNode) > -1; }; $scope.prev = function () { var index = $scope.index(); if (index > 0) { return $scope.siblings()[index - 1]; } return null; }; $scope.siblings = function () { return $scope.$parentNodesScope.childNodes(); }; $scope.childNodesCount = function () { return $scope.childNodes() ? $scope.childNodes().length : 0; }; $scope.hasChild = function () { return $scope.childNodesCount() > 0; }; $scope.childNodes = function () { return $scope.$childNodesScope && $scope.$childNodesScope.$modelValue ? $scope.$childNodesScope.childNodes() : null; }; $scope.accept = function (sourceNode, destIndex) { return $scope.$childNodesScope && $scope.$childNodesScope.$modelValue && $scope.$childNodesScope.accept(sourceNode, destIndex); }; $scope.remove = function () { return $scope.$parentNodesScope.removeNode($scope); }; $scope.toggle = function () { $scope.collapsed = !$scope.collapsed; }; $scope.collapse = function () { $scope.collapsed = true; }; $scope.expand = function () { $scope.collapsed = false; }; $scope.depth = function () { var parentNode = $scope.$parentNodeScope; if (parentNode) { return parentNode.depth() + 1; } return 1; }; /** * Returns the depth of the deepest subtree under this node * @param scope a TreeNodesController scope object * @returns Depth of all nodes *beneath* this node. If scope belongs to a leaf node, the * result is 0 (it has no subtree). */ function countSubTreeDepth(scope) { var thisLevelDepth = 0, childNodes = scope.childNodes(), childNode, childDepth, i; if (!childNodes || childNodes.length === 0) { return 0; } for (i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { childNode = childNodes[i], childDepth = 1 + countSubTreeDepth(childNode); thisLevelDepth = Math.max(thisLevelDepth, childDepth); } return thisLevelDepth; } $scope.maxSubDepth = function () { return $scope.$childNodesScope ? countSubTreeDepth($scope.$childNodesScope) : 0; }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .controller('TreeNodesController', ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { this.scope = $scope; $scope.$element = $element; $scope.$modelValue = null; $scope.$nodeScope = null; // the scope of node which the nodes belongs to $scope.$treeScope = null; $scope.$type = 'uiTreeNodes'; $scope.$nodesMap = {}; $scope.nodropEnabled = false; $scope.maxDepth = 0; $scope.cloneEnabled = false; $scope.initSubNode = function (subNode) { if (!subNode.$modelValue) { return null; } $scope.$nodesMap[subNode.$modelValue.$$hashKey] = subNode; }; $scope.destroySubNode = function (subNode) { if (!subNode.$modelValue) { return null; } $scope.$nodesMap[subNode.$modelValue.$$hashKey] = null; }; $scope.accept = function (sourceNode, destIndex) { return $scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.accept(sourceNode, $scope, destIndex); }; $scope.beforeDrag = function (sourceNode) { return $scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.beforeDrag(sourceNode); }; $scope.isParent = function (node) { return node.$parentNodesScope == $scope; }; $scope.hasChild = function () { return $scope.$modelValue.length > 0; }; $scope.safeApply = function (fn) { var phase = this.$root.$$phase; if (phase == '$apply' || phase == '$digest') { if (fn && (typeof (fn) === 'function')) { fn(); } } else { this.$apply(fn); } }; $scope.removeNode = function (node) { var index = $scope.$modelValue.indexOf(node.$modelValue); if (index > -1) { $scope.safeApply(function () { $scope.$modelValue.splice(index, 1)[0]; }); return $scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.removed(node); } return null; }; $scope.insertNode = function (index, nodeData) { $scope.safeApply(function () { $scope.$modelValue.splice(index, 0, nodeData); }); }; $scope.childNodes = function () { var i, nodes = []; if ($scope.$modelValue) { for (i = 0; i < $scope.$modelValue.length; i++) { nodes.push($scope.$nodesMap[$scope.$modelValue[i].$$hashKey]); } } return nodes; }; $scope.depth = function () { if ($scope.$nodeScope) { return $scope.$nodeScope.depth(); } return 0; // if it has no $nodeScope, it's root }; // check if depth limit has reached $scope.outOfDepth = function (sourceNode) { var maxDepth = $scope.maxDepth || $scope.$treeScope.maxDepth; if (maxDepth > 0) { return $scope.depth() + sourceNode.maxSubDepth() + 1 > maxDepth; } return false; }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .controller('TreeController', ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { this.scope = $scope; $scope.$element = $element; $scope.$nodesScope = null; // root nodes $scope.$type = 'uiTree'; $scope.$emptyElm = null; $scope.$callbacks = null; $scope.dragEnabled = true; $scope.emptyPlaceholderEnabled = true; $scope.maxDepth = 0; $scope.dragDelay = 0; $scope.cloneEnabled = false; $scope.nodropEnabled = false; // Check if it's a empty tree $scope.isEmpty = function () { return ($scope.$nodesScope && $scope.$nodesScope.$modelValue && $scope.$nodesScope.$modelValue.length === 0); }; // add placeholder to empty tree $scope.place = function (placeElm) { $scope.$nodesScope.$element.append(placeElm); $scope.$emptyElm.remove(); }; this.resetEmptyElement = function () { if ((!$scope.$nodesScope.$modelValue || $scope.$nodesScope.$modelValue.length === 0) && $scope.emptyPlaceholderEnabled) { $element.append($scope.$emptyElm); } else { $scope.$emptyElm.remove(); } }; $scope.resetEmptyElement = this.resetEmptyElement; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .directive('uiTree', ['treeConfig', '$window', function (treeConfig, $window) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, controller: 'TreeController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var callbacks = { accept: null, beforeDrag: null }, config = {}, tdElm, $trElm, emptyElmColspan; angular.extend(config, treeConfig); if (config.treeClass) { element.addClass(config.treeClass); } if (element.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() === 'table') { scope.$emptyElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement('tr')); $trElm = element.find('tr'); // If we can find a tr, then we can use its td children as the empty element colspan. if ($trElm.length > 0) { emptyElmColspan = angular.element($trElm).children().length; } else { // If not, by setting a huge colspan we make sure it takes full width. emptyElmColspan = 1000000; } tdElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement('td')) .attr('colspan', emptyElmColspan); scope.$emptyElm.append(tdElm); } else { scope.$emptyElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement('div')); } if (config.emptyTreeClass) { scope.$emptyElm.addClass(config.emptyTreeClass); } scope.$watch('$nodesScope.$modelValue.length', function (val) { if (!angular.isNumber(val)) { return; } ctrl.resetEmptyElement(); }, true); scope.$watch(attrs.dragEnabled, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'boolean') { scope.dragEnabled = val; } }); scope.$watch(attrs.emptyPlaceholderEnabled, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'boolean') { scope.emptyPlaceholderEnabled = val; ctrl.resetEmptyElement(); } }); scope.$watch(attrs.nodropEnabled, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'boolean') { scope.nodropEnabled = val; } }); scope.$watch(attrs.cloneEnabled, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'boolean') { scope.cloneEnabled = val; } }); scope.$watch(attrs.maxDepth, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'number') { scope.maxDepth = val; } }); scope.$watch(attrs.dragDelay, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'number') { scope.dragDelay = val; } }); /** * Callback checks if the destination node can accept the dragged node. * By default, ui-tree will check that 'data-nodrop-enabled' is not set for the * destination ui-tree-nodes, and that the 'max-depth' attribute will not be exceeded * if it is set on the ui-tree or ui-tree-nodes. * This callback can be overridden, but callers must manually enforce nodrop and max-depth * themselves if they need those to be enforced. * @param sourceNodeScope Scope of the ui-tree-node being dragged * @param destNodesScope Scope of the ui-tree-nodes where the node is hovering * @param destIndex Index in the destination nodes array where the source node will drop * @returns {boolean} True if the node is permitted to be dropped here */ callbacks.accept = function (sourceNodeScope, destNodesScope, destIndex) { return !(destNodesScope.nodropEnabled || destNodesScope.$treeScope.nodropEnabled || destNodesScope.outOfDepth(sourceNodeScope)); }; callbacks.beforeDrag = function (sourceNodeScope) { return true; }; callbacks.removed = function (node) { }; /** * Callback is fired when a node is successfully dropped in a new location * @param event */ callbacks.dropped = function (event) { }; /** * Callback is fired each time the user starts dragging a node * @param event */ callbacks.dragStart = function (event) { }; /** * Callback is fired each time a dragged node is moved with the mouse/touch. * @param event */ callbacks.dragMove = function (event) { }; /** * Callback is fired when the tree exits drag mode. If the user dropped a node, the drop may have been * accepted or reverted. * @param event */ callbacks.dragStop = function (event) { }; /** * Callback is fired when a user drops a node (but prior to processing the drop action) * beforeDrop can return a Promise, truthy, or falsy (returning nothing is falsy). * If it returns falsy, or a resolve Promise, the node move is accepted * If it returns truthy, or a rejected Promise, the node move is reverted * @param event * @returns {Boolean|Promise} Truthy (or rejected Promise) to cancel node move; falsy (or resolved promise) */ callbacks.beforeDrop = function (event) { }; scope.$watch(attrs.uiTree, function (newVal, oldVal) { angular.forEach(newVal, function (value, key) { if (callbacks[key]) { if (typeof value === 'function') { callbacks[key] = value; } } }); scope.$callbacks = callbacks; }, true); } }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .directive('uiTreeHandle', ['treeConfig', function (treeConfig) { return { require: '^uiTreeNode', restrict: 'A', scope: true, controller: 'TreeHandleController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, treeNodeCtrl) { var config = {}; angular.extend(config, treeConfig); if (config.handleClass) { element.addClass(config.handleClass); } // connect with the tree node. if (scope != treeNodeCtrl.scope) { scope.$nodeScope = treeNodeCtrl.scope; treeNodeCtrl.scope.$handleScope = scope; } } }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .directive('uiTreeNode', ['treeConfig', 'UiTreeHelper', '$window', '$document', '$timeout', '$q', '$rootElement', function (treeConfig, UiTreeHelper, $window, $document, $timeout, $q, $rootElement) { return { require: ['^uiTreeNodes', '^uiTree'], restrict: 'A', controller: 'TreeNodeController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllersArr) { // todo startPos is unused var config = {}, hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window, startPos, firstMoving, dragInfo, pos, placeElm, hiddenPlaceElm, dragElm, treeScope = null, elements, // As a parameter for callbacks dragDelaying = true, dragStarted = false, dragTimer = null, body = document.body, html = document.documentElement, document_height, document_width, dragStart, tagName, dragMove, dragEnd, dragStartEvent, dragMoveEvent, dragEndEvent, dragCancelEvent, dragDelay, bindDragStartEvents, bindDragMoveEvents, unbindDragMoveEvents, keydownHandler, outOfBounds, isHandleChild, el; angular.extend(config, treeConfig); if (config.nodeClass) { element.addClass(config.nodeClass); } scope.init(controllersArr); scope.collapsed = !!UiTreeHelper.getNodeAttribute(scope, 'collapsed') || treeConfig.defaultCollapsed; scope.sourceOnly = scope.nodropEnabled || scope.$treeScope.nodropEnabled; scope.$watch(attrs.collapsed, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'boolean') { scope.collapsed = val; } }); scope.$watch('collapsed', function (val) { UiTreeHelper.setNodeAttribute(scope, 'collapsed', val); attrs.$set('collapsed', val); }); scope.$on('angular-ui-tree:collapse-all', function () { scope.collapsed = true; }); scope.$on('angular-ui-tree:expand-all', function () { scope.collapsed = false; }); /** * Called when the user has grabbed a node and started dragging it * @param e */ dragStart = function (e) { // disable right click if (!hasTouch && (e.button === 2 || e.which === 3)) { return; } // event has already fired in other scope if (e.uiTreeDragging || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.uiTreeDragging)) { return; } // the node being dragged var eventElm = angular.element(e.target), isHandleChild, cloneElm, eventElmTagName, tagName, eventObj, tdElm, hStyle, isTreeNode, isTreeNodeHandle; // if the target element is a child element of a ui-tree-handle, // use the containing handle element as target element isHandleChild = UiTreeHelper.treeNodeHandlerContainerOfElement(eventElm); if (isHandleChild) { eventElm = angular.element(isHandleChild); } cloneElm = element.clone(); isTreeNode = UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNode(eventElm); isTreeNodeHandle = UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNodeHandle(eventElm); if (!isTreeNode && !isTreeNodeHandle) { return; } if (isTreeNode && UiTreeHelper.elementContainsTreeNodeHandler(eventElm)) { return; } eventElmTagName = eventElm.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (eventElmTagName == 'input' || eventElmTagName == 'textarea' || eventElmTagName == 'button' || eventElmTagName == 'select') { // if it's a input or button, ignore it return; } // check if it or it's parents has a 'data-nodrag' attribute el = angular.element(e.target); while (el && el[0] && el[0] !== element) { if (UiTreeHelper.nodrag(el)) { // if the node mark as `nodrag`, DONOT drag it. return; } el = el.parent(); } if (!scope.beforeDrag(scope)) { return; } e.uiTreeDragging = true; // stop event bubbling if (e.originalEvent) { e.originalEvent.uiTreeDragging = true; } e.preventDefault(); eventObj = UiTreeHelper.eventObj(e); firstMoving = true; dragInfo = UiTreeHelper.dragInfo(scope); tagName = element.prop('tagName'); if (tagName.toLowerCase() === 'tr') { placeElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement(tagName)); tdElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement('td')) .addClass(config.placeholderClass) .attr('colspan', element[0].children.length); placeElm.append(tdElm); } else { placeElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement(tagName)) .addClass(config.placeholderClass); } hiddenPlaceElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement(tagName)); if (config.hiddenClass) { hiddenPlaceElm.addClass(config.hiddenClass); } pos = UiTreeHelper.positionStarted(eventObj, element); placeElm.css('height', UiTreeHelper.height(element) + 'px'); dragElm = angular.element($window.document.createElement(scope.$parentNodesScope.$element.prop('tagName'))) .addClass(scope.$parentNodesScope.$element.attr('class')).addClass(config.dragClass); dragElm.css('width', UiTreeHelper.width(element) + 'px'); dragElm.css('z-index', 9999); // Prevents cursor to change rapidly in Opera 12.16 and IE when dragging an element hStyle = (element[0].querySelector('.angular-ui-tree-handle') || element[0]).currentStyle; if (hStyle) { document.body.setAttribute('ui-tree-cursor', $document.find('body').css('cursor') || ''); $document.find('body').css({'cursor': hStyle.cursor + '!important'}); } if (scope.sourceOnly) { placeElm.css('display', 'none'); } element.after(placeElm); element.after(hiddenPlaceElm); if (dragInfo.isClone() && scope.sourceOnly) { dragElm.append(cloneElm); } else { dragElm.append(element); } $rootElement.append(dragElm); dragElm.css({ 'left': eventObj.pageX - pos.offsetX + 'px', 'top': eventObj.pageY - pos.offsetY + 'px' }); elements = { placeholder: placeElm, dragging: dragElm }; bindDragMoveEvents(); // Fire dragStart callback scope.$apply(function () { scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.dragStart(dragInfo.eventArgs(elements, pos)); }); document_height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight); document_width = Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth, html.offsetWidth); }; dragMove = function (e) { var eventObj = UiTreeHelper.eventObj(e), prev, next, leftElmPos, topElmPos, top_scroll, bottom_scroll, target, decrease, targetX, targetY, displayElm, targetNode, targetElm, isEmpty, targetOffset, targetBefore; if (dragElm) { e.preventDefault(); if ($window.getSelection) { $window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if ($window.document.selection) { $window.document.selection.empty(); } leftElmPos = eventObj.pageX - pos.offsetX; topElmPos = eventObj.pageY - pos.offsetY; //dragElm can't leave the screen on the left if (leftElmPos < 0) { leftElmPos = 0; } //dragElm can't leave the screen on the top if (topElmPos < 0) { topElmPos = 0; } //dragElm can't leave the screen on the bottom if ((topElmPos + 10) > document_height) { topElmPos = document_height - 10; } //dragElm can't leave the screen on the right if ((leftElmPos + 10) > document_width) { leftElmPos = document_width - 10; } dragElm.css({ 'left': leftElmPos + 'px', 'top': topElmPos + 'px' }); top_scroll = window.pageYOffset || $window.document.documentElement.scrollTop; bottom_scroll = top_scroll + (window.innerHeight || $window.document.clientHeight || $window.document.clientHeight); // to scroll down if cursor y-position is greater than the bottom position the vertical scroll if (bottom_scroll < eventObj.pageY && bottom_scroll <= document_height) { window.scrollBy(0, 10); } // to scroll top if cursor y-position is less than the top position the vertical scroll if (top_scroll > eventObj.pageY) { window.scrollBy(0, -10); } UiTreeHelper.positionMoved(e, pos, firstMoving); if (firstMoving) { firstMoving = false; return; } // check if add it as a child node first // todo decrease is unused decrease = (UiTreeHelper.offset(dragElm).left - UiTreeHelper.offset(placeElm).left) >= config.threshold; targetX = eventObj.pageX - ($window.pageXOffset || $window.document.body.scrollLeft || $window.document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - ($window.document.documentElement.clientLeft || 0); targetY = eventObj.pageY - ($window.pageYOffset || $window.document.body.scrollTop || $window.document.documentElement.scrollTop) - ($window.document.documentElement.clientTop || 0); // Select the drag target. Because IE does not support CSS 'pointer-events: none', it will always // pick the drag element itself as the target. To prevent this, we hide the drag element while // selecting the target. if (angular.isFunction(dragElm.hide)) { dragElm.hide(); } else { displayElm = dragElm[0].style.display; dragElm[0].style.display = 'none'; } // when using elementFromPoint() inside an iframe, you have to call // elementFromPoint() twice to make sure IE8 returns the correct value $window.document.elementFromPoint(targetX, targetY); targetElm = angular.element($window.document.elementFromPoint(targetX, targetY)); // if the target element is a child element of a ui-tree-handle, // use the containing handle element as target element isHandleChild = UiTreeHelper.treeNodeHandlerContainerOfElement(targetElm); if (isHandleChild) { targetElm = angular.element(isHandleChild); } if (angular.isFunction(dragElm.show)) { dragElm.show(); } else { dragElm[0].style.display = displayElm; } outOfBounds = !UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNodeHandle(targetElm) && !UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNode(targetElm) && !UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNodes(targetElm) && !UiTreeHelper.elementIsTree(targetElm) && !UiTreeHelper.elementIsPlaceholder(targetElm); // Detect out of bounds condition, update drop target display, and prevent drop if (outOfBounds) { // Remove the placeholder placeElm.remove(); // If the target was an empty tree, replace the empty element placeholder if (treeScope) { treeScope.resetEmptyElement(); treeScope = null; } } // move horizontal if (pos.dirAx && pos.distAxX >= config.levelThreshold) { pos.distAxX = 0; // increase horizontal level if previous sibling exists and is not collapsed if (pos.distX > 0) { prev = dragInfo.prev(); if (prev && !prev.collapsed && prev.accept(scope, prev.childNodesCount())) { prev.$childNodesScope.$element.append(placeElm); dragInfo.moveTo(prev.$childNodesScope, prev.childNodes(), prev.childNodesCount()); } } // decrease horizontal level if (pos.distX < 0) { // we can't decrease a level if an item preceeds the current one next = dragInfo.next(); if (!next) { target = dragInfo.parentNode(); // As a sibling of it's parent node if (target && target.$parentNodesScope.accept(scope, target.index() + 1)) { target.$element.after(placeElm); dragInfo.moveTo(target.$parentNodesScope, target.siblings(), target.index() + 1); } } } } // move vertical if (!pos.dirAx) { if (UiTreeHelper.elementIsTree(targetElm)) { targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTree').scope; } else if (UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNodeHandle(targetElm)) { targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTreeHandle').scope; } else if (UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNode(targetElm)) { targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTreeNode').scope; } else if (UiTreeHelper.elementIsTreeNodes(targetElm)) { targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTreeNodes').scope; } else if (UiTreeHelper.elementIsPlaceholder(targetElm)) { targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTreeNodes').scope; } else if (targetElm.controller('uiTreeNode')) { // is a child element of a node targetNode = targetElm.controller('uiTreeNode').scope; } // check it's new position isEmpty = false; if (!targetNode) { return; } // Show the placeholder if it was hidden for nodrop-enabled and this is a new tree if (targetNode.$treeScope && !targetNode.$parent.nodropEnabled && !targetNode.$treeScope.nodropEnabled) { placeElm.css('display', ''); } if (targetNode.$type == 'uiTree' && targetNode.dragEnabled) { isEmpty = targetNode.isEmpty(); // Check if it's empty tree } if (targetNode.$type == 'uiTreeHandle') { targetNode = targetNode.$nodeScope; } if (targetNode.$type != 'uiTreeNode' && !isEmpty) { // Check if it is a uiTreeNode or it's an empty tree return; } // if placeholder move from empty tree, reset it. if (treeScope && placeElm.parent()[0] != treeScope.$element[0]) { treeScope.resetEmptyElement(); treeScope = null; } if (isEmpty) { // it's an empty tree treeScope = targetNode; if (targetNode.$nodesScope.accept(scope, 0)) { targetNode.place(placeElm); dragInfo.moveTo(targetNode.$nodesScope, targetNode.$nodesScope.childNodes(), 0); } } else if (targetNode.dragEnabled()) { // drag enabled targetElm = targetNode.$element; // Get the element of ui-tree-node targetOffset = UiTreeHelper.offset(targetElm); targetBefore = targetNode.horizontal ? eventObj.pageX < (targetOffset.left + UiTreeHelper.width(targetElm) / 2) : eventObj.pageY < (targetOffset.top + UiTreeHelper.height(targetElm) / 2); if (targetNode.$parentNodesScope.accept(scope, targetNode.index())) { if (targetBefore) { targetElm[0].parentNode.insertBefore(placeElm[0], targetElm[0]); dragInfo.moveTo(targetNode.$parentNodesScope, targetNode.siblings(), targetNode.index()); } else { targetElm.after(placeElm); dragInfo.moveTo(targetNode.$parentNodesScope, targetNode.siblings(), targetNode.index() + 1); } } else if (!targetBefore && targetNode.accept(scope, targetNode.childNodesCount())) { // we have to check if it can add the dragging node as a child targetNode.$childNodesScope.$element.append(placeElm); dragInfo.moveTo(targetNode.$childNodesScope, targetNode.childNodes(), targetNode.childNodesCount()); } else { outOfBounds = true; } } } scope.$apply(function () { scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.dragMove(dragInfo.eventArgs(elements, pos)); }); } }; dragEnd = function (e) { var dragEventArgs = dragInfo.eventArgs(elements, pos); e.preventDefault(); unbindDragMoveEvents(); scope.$treeScope.$apply(function () { $q.when(scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.beforeDrop(dragEventArgs)) // promise resolved (or callback didn't return false) .then(function (allowDrop) { if (allowDrop !== false && scope.$$allowNodeDrop && !outOfBounds) { // node drop accepted) dragInfo.apply(); // fire the dropped callback only if the move was successful scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.dropped(dragEventArgs); } else { // drop canceled - revert the node to its original position bindDragStartEvents(); } }) // promise rejected - revert the node to its original position .catch(function () { bindDragStartEvents(); }) .finally(function () { hiddenPlaceElm.replaceWith(scope.$element); placeElm.remove(); if (dragElm) { // drag element is attached to the mouse pointer dragElm.remove(); dragElm = null; } scope.$treeScope.$callbacks.dragStop(dragEventArgs); scope.$$allowNodeDrop = false; dragInfo = null; // Restore cursor in Opera 12.16 and IE var oldCur = document.body.getAttribute('ui-tree-cursor'); if (oldCur !== null) { $document.find('body').css({'cursor': oldCur}); document.body.removeAttribute('ui-tree-cursor'); } }); }); }; dragStartEvent = function (e) { if (scope.dragEnabled()) { dragStart(e); } }; dragMoveEvent = function (e) { dragMove(e); }; dragEndEvent = function (e) { scope.$$allowNodeDrop = true; dragEnd(e); }; dragCancelEvent = function (e) { dragEnd(e); }; dragDelay = (function () { var to; return { exec: function (fn, ms) { if (!ms) { ms = 0; } this.cancel(); to = $timeout(fn, ms); }, cancel: function () { $timeout.cancel(to); } }; })(); /** * Binds the mouse/touch events to enable drag start for this node */ bindDragStartEvents = function () { element.bind('touchstart mousedown', function (e) { dragDelay.exec(function () { dragStartEvent(e); }, scope.dragDelay || 0); }); element.bind('touchend touchcancel mouseup', function () { dragDelay.cancel(); }); }; bindDragStartEvents(); /** * Binds mouse/touch events that handle moving/dropping this dragged node */ bindDragMoveEvents = function () { angular.element($document).bind('touchend', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).bind('touchcancel', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).bind('touchmove', dragMoveEvent); angular.element($document).bind('mouseup', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).bind('mousemove', dragMoveEvent); angular.element($document).bind('mouseleave', dragCancelEvent); }; /** * Unbinds mouse/touch events that handle moving/dropping this dragged node */ unbindDragMoveEvents = function () { angular.element($document).unbind('touchend', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).unbind('touchcancel', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).unbind('touchmove', dragMoveEvent); angular.element($document).unbind('mouseup', dragEndEvent); angular.element($document).unbind('mousemove', dragMoveEvent); angular.element($document).unbind('mouseleave', dragCancelEvent); }; keydownHandler = function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { scope.$$allowNodeDrop = false; dragEnd(e); } }; angular.element($window.document).bind('keydown', keydownHandler); //unbind handler that retains scope scope.$on('$destroy', function () { angular.element($window.document).unbind('keydown', keydownHandler); }); } }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') .directive('uiTreeNodes', ['treeConfig', '$window', function (treeConfig) { return { require: ['ngModel', '?^uiTreeNode', '^uiTree'], restrict: 'A', scope: true, controller: 'TreeNodesController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, controllersArr) { var config = {}, ngModel = controllersArr[0], treeNodeCtrl = controllersArr[1], treeCtrl = controllersArr[2]; angular.extend(config, treeConfig); if (config.nodesClass) { element.addClass(config.nodesClass); } if (treeNodeCtrl) { treeNodeCtrl.scope.$childNodesScope = scope; scope.$nodeScope = treeNodeCtrl.scope; } else { // find the root nodes if there is no parent node and have a parent ui-tree treeCtrl.scope.$nodesScope = scope; } scope.$treeScope = treeCtrl.scope; if (ngModel) { ngModel.$render = function () { scope.$modelValue = ngModel.$modelValue; }; } scope.$watch(function () { return attrs.maxDepth; }, function (val) { if ((typeof val) == 'number') { scope.maxDepth = val; } }); scope.$watch(function () { return attrs.nodropEnabled; }, function (newVal) { if ((typeof newVal) != 'undefined') { scope.nodropEnabled = true; } }, true); attrs.$observe('horizontal', function (val) { scope.horizontal = ((typeof val) != 'undefined'); }); } }; } ]); })(); (function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('ui.tree') /** * @ngdoc service * @name ui.tree.service:UiTreeHelper * @requires ng.$document * @requires ng.$window * * @description * angular-ui-tree. */ .factory('UiTreeHelper', ['$document', '$window', 'treeConfig', function ($document, $window, treeConfig) { return { /** * A hashtable used to storage data of nodes * @type {Object} */ nodesData: {}, setNodeAttribute: function (scope, attrName, val) { if (!scope.$modelValue) { return null; } var data = this.nodesData[scope.$modelValue.$$hashKey]; if (!data) { data = {}; this.nodesData[scope.$modelValue.$$hashKey] = data; } data[attrName] = val; }, getNodeAttribute: function (scope, attrName) { if (!scope.$modelValue) { return null; } var data = this.nodesData[scope.$modelValue.$$hashKey]; if (data) { return data[attrName]; } return null; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @methodOf ui.tree.service:$nodrag * @param {Object} targetElm angular element * @return {Bool} check if the node can be dragged. */ nodrag: function (targetElm) { if (typeof targetElm.attr('data-nodrag') != 'undefined') { return targetElm.attr('data-nodrag') !== 'false'; } return false; }, /** * get the event object for touches * @param {[type]} e [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ eventObj: function (e) { var obj = e; if (e.targetTouches !== undefined) { obj = e.targetTouches.item(0); } else if (e.originalEvent !== undefined && e.originalEvent.targetTouches !== undefined) { obj = e.originalEvent.targetTouches.item(0); } return obj; }, dragInfo: function (node) { return { source: node, sourceInfo: { cloneModel: node.$treeScope.cloneEnabled === true ? angular.copy(node.$modelValue) : undefined, nodeScope: node, index: node.index(), nodesScope: node.$parentNodesScope }, index: node.index(), siblings: node.siblings().slice(0), parent: node.$parentNodesScope, // Move the node to a new position moveTo: function (parent, siblings, index) { this.parent = parent; this.siblings = siblings.slice(0); // If source node is in the target nodes var i = this.siblings.indexOf(this.source); if (i > -1) { this.siblings.splice(i, 1); if (this.source.index() < index) { index--; } } this.siblings.splice(index, 0, this.source); this.index = index; }, parentNode: function () { return this.parent.$nodeScope; }, prev: function () { if (this.index > 0) { return this.siblings[this.index - 1]; } return null; }, next: function () { if (this.index < this.siblings.length - 1) { return this.siblings[this.index + 1]; } return null; }, isClone: function () { return this.source.$treeScope.cloneEnabled === true; }, clonedNode: function (node) { return angular.copy(node); }, isDirty: function () { return this.source.$parentNodesScope != this.parent || this.source.index() != this.index; }, isForeign: function () { return this.source.$treeScope !== this.parent.$treeScope; }, eventArgs: function (elements, pos) { return { source: this.sourceInfo, dest: { index: this.index, nodesScope: this.parent }, elements: elements, pos: pos }; }, apply: function () { var nodeData = this.source.$modelValue; // nodrop enabled on tree or parent if (this.parent.nodropEnabled || this.parent.$treeScope.nodropEnabled) { return; } // node was dropped in the same place - do nothing if (!this.isDirty()) { return; } // cloneEnabled and cross-tree so copy and do not remove from source if (this.isClone() && this.isForeign()) { this.parent.insertNode(this.index, this.sourceInfo.cloneModel); } else { // Any other case, remove and reinsert this.source.remove(); this.parent.insertNode(this.index, nodeData); } } }; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @name ui.tree#height * @methodOf ui.tree.service:UiTreeHelper * * @description * Get the height of an element. * * @param {Object} element Angular element. * @returns {String} Height */ height: function (element) { return element.prop('scrollHeight'); }, /** * @ngdoc method * @name ui.tree#width * @methodOf ui.tree.service:UiTreeHelper * * @description * Get the width of an element. * * @param {Object} element Angular element. * @returns {String} Width */ width: function (element) { return element.prop('scrollWidth'); }, /** * @ngdoc method * @name ui.tree#offset * @methodOf ui.nestedSortable.service:UiTreeHelper * * @description * Get the offset values of an element. * * @param {Object} element Angular element. * @returns {Object} Object with properties width, height, top and left */ offset: function (element) { var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return { width: element.prop('offsetWidth'), height: element.prop('offsetHeight'), top: boundingClientRect.top + ($window.pageYOffset || $document[0].body.scrollTop || $document[0].documentElement.scrollTop), left: boundingClientRect.left + ($window.pageXOffset || $document[0].body.scrollLeft || $document[0].documentElement.scrollLeft) }; }, /** * @ngdoc method * @name ui.tree#positionStarted * @methodOf ui.tree.service:UiTreeHelper * * @description * Get the start position of the target element according to the provided event properties. * * @param {Object} e Event * @param {Object} target Target element * @returns {Object} Object with properties offsetX, offsetY, startX, startY, nowX and dirX. */ positionStarted: function (e, target) { var pos = {}, pageX = e.pageX, pageY = e.pageY; if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches && (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 0)) { pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; } pos.offsetX = pageX - this.offset(target).left; pos.offsetY = pageY - this.offset(target).top; pos.startX = pos.lastX = pageX; pos.startY = pos.lastY = pageY; pos.nowX = pos.nowY = pos.distX = pos.distY = pos.dirAx = 0; pos.dirX = pos.dirY = pos.lastDirX = pos.lastDirY = pos.distAxX = pos.distAxY = 0; return pos; }, positionMoved: function (e, pos, firstMoving) { var pageX = e.pageX, pageY = e.pageY, newAx; if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches && (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 0)) { pageX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; pageY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY; } // mouse position last events pos.lastX = pos.nowX; pos.lastY = pos.nowY; // mouse position this events pos.nowX = pageX; pos.nowY = pageY; // distance mouse moved between events pos.distX = pos.nowX - pos.lastX; pos.distY = pos.nowY - pos.lastY; // direction mouse was moving pos.lastDirX = pos.dirX; pos.lastDirY = pos.dirY; // direction mouse is now moving (on both axis) pos.dirX = pos.distX === 0 ? 0 : pos.distX > 0 ? 1 : -1; pos.dirY = pos.distY === 0 ? 0 : pos.distY > 0 ? 1 : -1; // axis mouse is now moving on newAx = Math.abs(pos.distX) > Math.abs(pos.distY) ? 1 : 0; // do nothing on first move if (firstMoving) { pos.dirAx = newAx; pos.moving = true; return; } // calc distance moved on this axis (and direction) if (pos.dirAx !== newAx) { pos.distAxX = 0; pos.distAxY = 0; } else { pos.distAxX += Math.abs(pos.distX); if (pos.dirX !== 0 && pos.dirX !== pos.lastDirX) { pos.distAxX = 0; } pos.distAxY += Math.abs(pos.distY); if (pos.dirY !== 0 && pos.dirY !== pos.lastDirY) { pos.distAxY = 0; } } pos.dirAx = newAx; }, elementIsTreeNode: function (element) { return typeof element.attr('ui-tree-node') !== 'undefined'; }, elementIsTreeNodeHandle: function (element) { return typeof element.attr('ui-tree-handle') !== 'undefined'; }, elementIsTree: function (element) { return typeof element.attr('ui-tree') !== 'undefined'; }, elementIsTreeNodes: function (element) { return typeof element.attr('ui-tree-nodes') !== 'undefined'; }, elementIsPlaceholder: function (element) { return element.hasClass(treeConfig.placeholderClass); }, elementContainsTreeNodeHandler: function (element) { return element[0].querySelectorAll('[ui-tree-handle]').length >= 1; }, treeNodeHandlerContainerOfElement: function (element) { return findFirstParentElementWithAttribute('ui-tree-handle', element[0]); } }; } ]); // TODO: optimize this loop function findFirstParentElementWithAttribute(attributeName, childObj) { // undefined if the mouse leaves the browser window if (childObj === undefined) { return null; } var testObj = childObj.parentNode, count = 1, // check for setAttribute due to exception thrown by Firefox when a node is dragged outside the browser window res = (typeof testObj.setAttribute === 'function' && testObj.hasAttribute(attributeName)) ? testObj : null; while (testObj && typeof testObj.setAttribute === 'function' && !testObj.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { testObj = testObj.parentNode; res = testObj; if (testObj === document.documentElement) { res = null; break; } count++; } return res; } })();