shared_examples_for "MIME::Types can't return results" do { "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "png" => "image/png", "gif" => "image/gif" }.each_pair do |extension, mime_type| it "should properly get content types for #{extension} using basic analysis" do path = "filename.#{extension}" if @koala_io_params[0].is_a?(File) allow(@koala_io_params[0]).to receive(:path).and_return(path) else @koala_io_params[0] = path end expect(*@koala_io_params).content_type).to eq(mime_type) end it "should get content types for #{extension} using basic analysis with file names with more than one dot" do path = "{extension}" if @koala_io_params[0].is_a?(File) allow(@koala_io_params[0]).to receive(:path).and_return(path) else @koala_io_params[0] = path end expect(*@koala_io_params).content_type).to eq(mime_type) end end describe "if the MIME type can't be determined" do before :each do path = "badfile.badextension" if @koala_io_params[0].is_a?(File) allow(@koala_io_params[0]).to receive(:path).and_return(path) else @koala_io_params[0] = path end end it "should throw an exception" do expect {*@koala_io_params) }.to raise_exception(Koala::KoalaError) end end end shared_examples_for "determining a mime type" do describe "if MIME::Types is available" do it "should return an UploadIO with MIME::Types-determined type if the type exists" do type_result = ["type"] allow(Koala::MIME::Types).to receive(:type_for).and_return(type_result) expect(*@koala_io_params).content_type).to eq(type_result.first) end end describe "if MIME::Types is unavailable" do before :each do # fake that MIME::Types doesn't exist allow(Koala::MIME::Types).to receive(:type_for).and_raise(NameError) end it_should_behave_like "MIME::Types can't return results" end describe "if MIME::Types can't find the result" do before :each do # fake that MIME::Types doesn't exist allow(Koala::MIME::Types).to receive(:type_for).and_return([]) end it_should_behave_like "MIME::Types can't return results" end end