require_relative "xref_gen_seq" module IsoDoc::XrefGen module Blocks NUMBERED_BLOCKS = %w(termnote termexample note example requirement recommendation permission figure table formula admonition sourcecode).freeze def amend_preprocess(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath(ns("//amend[newcontent]")).each do |a| autonum = amend_autonums(a) NUMBERED_BLOCKS.each do |b| a.xpath(ns("./newcontent//#{b}")).each_with_index do |e, i| autonum[b] && and e["number"] = autonum[b] !autonum[b] and e["unnumbered"] = "true" end end end end def amend_autonums(amend) autonum = {} amend.xpath(ns("./autonumber")).each do |n| autonum[n["type"]] = n.text end autonum end def termnote_label(note) @labels["termnote"].gsub(/%/, note.to_s) end def increment_label(elems, node, counter, increment = true) return "" if elems.size == 1 && !node["number"] counter.increment(node) if increment " #{counter.print}" end def termnote_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//term[descendant::termnote]")).each do |t| c = t.xpath(ns(".//termnote")).each do |n| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? c.increment(n) @anchors[n["id"]] = { label: termnote_label(c.print), type: "termnote", value: c.print, xref: l10n("#{anchor(t['id'], :xref)}, "\ "#{@labels['note_xref']} #{c.print}") } end end end def termexample_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//term[descendant::termexample]")).each do |t| examples = t.xpath(ns(".//termexample")) c = examples.each do |n| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? c.increment(n) idx = increment_label(examples, n, c, false) @anchors[n["id"]] = { type: "termexample", label: idx, value: c.print, xref: l10n("#{anchor(t['id'], :xref)}, "\ "#{@labels['example_xref']} #{c.print}") } end end end SECTIONS_XPATH = "//foreword | //introduction | //acknowledgements | //preface/clause | "\ "//preface/terms | preface/definitions | preface/references | "\ "//sections/terms | //annex | "\ "//sections/clause | //sections/definitions | "\ "//bibliography/references | //bibliography/clause".freeze def sections_xpath SECTIONS_XPATH end CHILD_NOTES_XPATH = "./*[not(self::xmlns:clause) and not(self::xmlns:appendix) and "\ "not(self::xmlns:terms) and not(self::xmlns:definitions)]//xmlns:note | "\ "./xmlns:note".freeze def note_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| c = (notes = s.xpath(CHILD_NOTES_XPATH)).each do |n| next if @anchors[n["id"]] || n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(increment_label(notes, n, c), n, @labels["note_xref"], "note", false) end note_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns(CHILD_SECTIONS))) end end CHILD_EXAMPLES_XPATH = "./*[not(self::xmlns:clause) and not(self::xmlns:appendix) and "\ "not(self::xmlns:terms) and not(self::xmlns:definitions)]//"\ "xmlns:example | ./xmlns:example".freeze CHILD_SECTIONS = "./clause | ./appendix | ./terms | ./definitions | "\ "./references".freeze def example_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| c = (notes = s.xpath(CHILD_EXAMPLES_XPATH)).each do |n| next if @anchors[n["id"]] || n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(increment_label(notes, n, c), n, @labels["example_xref"], "example", n["unnumbered"]) end example_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns(CHILD_SECTIONS))) end end def list_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| notes = s.xpath(ns(".//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//clause//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//appendix//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//ol//ol")) c = notes.each do |n| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(increment_label(notes, n, c), n, @labels["list"], "list", false) list_item_anchor_names(n, @anchors[n["id"]], 1, "", notes.size != 1) end list_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns(CHILD_SECTIONS))) end end def list_item_anchor_names(list, list_anchor, depth, prev_label, refer_list) c =["start"] ? list["start"].to_i - 1 : 0) list.xpath(ns("./li")).each do |li| label = c.increment(li).listlabel(list, depth) label = "#{prev_label}.#{label}" unless prev_label.empty? label = "#{list_anchor[:xref]} #{label}" if refer_list li["id"] and @anchors[li["id"]] = { xref: "#{label})", type: "listitem", container: list_anchor[:container] } li.xpath(ns("./ol")).each do |ol| list_item_anchor_names(ol, list_anchor, depth + 1, label, false) end end end def deflist_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| notes = s.xpath(ns(".//dl")) - s.xpath(ns(".//clause//dl")) - s.xpath(ns(".//appendix//dl")) - s.xpath(ns(".//dl//dl")) c = notes.each do |n| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(increment_label(notes, n, c), n, @labels["deflist"], "deflist", false) deflist_term_anchor_names(n, @anchors[n["id"]]) end deflist_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns(CHILD_SECTIONS))) end end def deflist_term_anchor_names(list, list_anchor) list.xpath(ns("./dt")).each do |li| label = li.text label = l10n("#{list_anchor[:xref]}: #{label}") li["id"] and @anchors[li["id"]] = { xref: label, type: "deflistitem", container: list_anchor[:container] } li.xpath(ns("./dl")).each do |dl| deflist_term_anchor_names(dl, list_anchor) end end end def bookmark_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns(".//bookmark")).each do |n| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? parent = nil n.ancestors.each do |a| next unless a["id"] && parent = @anchors.dig(a["id"], :xref) break end @anchors[n["id"]] = { type: "bookmark", label: nil, value: nil, xref: parent || "???" } end end end end