== Rack::Adapter::Camping * works with GET * works with POST == Rack::Cascade * should dispatch onward on 404 by default * should dispatch onward on whatever is passed * should fail if empty == Rack::Handler::CGI * should respond * should be a lighttpd * should have rack headers * should have CGI headers on GET * should have CGI headers on POST * should support HTTP auth * should set status == Rack::CommonLogger * should log to rack.errors by default * should log to anything with << == Rack::Handler::FastCGI * should respond * should be a lighttpd * should have rack headers * should have CGI headers on GET * should have CGI headers on POST * should support HTTP auth * should set status == Rack::File * serves files * does not allow directory traversal * 404s if it can't find the file == Rack::Lint * passes valid request * notices fatal errors * notices environment errors * notices input errors * notices error errors * notices status errors * notices header errors * notices content-type errors * notices body errors * notices input handling errors * notices error handling errors == Rack::Lobster::LambdaLobster * should be a single lambda * should look like a lobster * should be flippable == Rack::Lobster * should look like a lobster * should be flippable * should provide crashing for testing purposes == Rack::MockRequest * should return a MockResponse * should be able to only return the environment * should provide sensible defaults * should allow GET/POST/PUT/DELETE * should allow posting * should use all parts of an URL * should behave valid according to the Rack spec == Rack::MockResponse * should provide access to the HTTP status * should provide access to the HTTP headers * should provide access to the HTTP body * should provide access to the Rack errors * should optionally make Rack errors fatal == Rack::Handler::Mongrel * should respond * should be a Mongrel * should have rack headers * should have CGI headers on GET * should have CGI headers on POST * should support HTTP auth * should set status == Rack::Recursive * should allow for subrequests * should raise error on requests not below the app * should support forwarding == Rack::Request * wraps the rack variables * can figure out the correct host * can parse the query string * can parse POST data * can cache, but invalidates the cache * can figure out if called via XHR * can parse cookies * provides setters * provides the original env * can restore the URL * can parse multipart form data * can parse big multipart form data * can detect invalid multipart form data == Rack::Response * has sensible default values * can be written to * can set and read headers * can set cookies * can delete cookies * has a useful constructor * has a constructor that can take a block * doesn't return invalid responses == Rack::ShowExceptions * catches exceptions == Rack::URLMap * dispatches paths correctly * dispatches hosts correctly * should be nestable * should route root apps correctly == Rack::Utils * should escape correctly * should unescape correctly * should parse queries correctly == Rack::Utils::HeaderHash * should capitalize on all accesses * should capitalize correctly * should be converted to real Hash == Rack::Handler::WEBrick * should respond * should be a WEBrick * should have rack headers * should have CGI headers on GET * should have CGI headers on POST * should support HTTP auth * should set status 102 specifications (428 requirements), 0 failures