#!/usr/bin/env ruby BEGIN { require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent libdir = basedir + "lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir ) } require 'rspec' require 'spec/lib/constants' require 'spec/lib/helpers' require 'yaml' require 'ldap' require 'ldap/schema' require 'treequel/schema/objectclass' require 'treequel/schema/attributetype' include Treequel::TestConstants include Treequel::Constants ##################################################################### ### C O N T E X T S ##################################################################### describe Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass do include Treequel::SpecHelpers TOP_OBJECTCLASS = %{( NAME 'top' } + %{DESC 'top of the superclass chain' ABSTRACT } + %{MUST objectClass )} PERSON_OBJECTCLASS = %{( NAME 'person'} + %{ DESC 'RFC2256: a person'} + %{ SUP top STRUCTURAL} + %{ MUST ( sn $ cn )} + %{ MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )} ORGPERSON_OBJECTCLASS = %{( NAME 'organizationalPerson'} + %{ DESC 'RFC2256: an organizational person'} + %{ SUP person STRUCTURAL} + %{ MAY ( title $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicator $} + %{ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $} + %{ telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $ } + %{ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $} + %{ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ ou $ st $ l ) )} before( :all ) do setup_logging( :fatal ) @datadir = Pathname( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent + 'data' end before( :each ) do octable = {} @schema = stub( "Treequel schema", :object_classes => octable ) octable[:top] = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, TOP_OBJECTCLASS ) octable[:person] = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, PERSON_OBJECTCLASS ) octable[:orgPerson] = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, ORGPERSON_OBJECTCLASS ) end after( :all ) do reset_logging() end describe "parsed from the 'top' objectClass" do before( :each ) do @oc = @schema.object_classes[:top] end it "is an AbstractObjectClass because its 'kind' is 'ABSTRACT'" do @oc.should be_an_instance_of( Treequel::Schema::AbstractObjectClass ) end it "knows what OID corresponds to the class" do @oc.oid.should == '' end it "knows what its NAME attribute is" do @oc.name.should == :top end it "knows what its DESC attribute is" do @oc.desc.should == 'top of the superclass chain' end it "knows that it has one MUST attribute" do @oc.must_oids.should have( 1 ).member @oc.must_oids.should == [ :objectClass ] end it "returns attribute objects for its MUST OIDs" do @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).at_least( :once ). and_return({ :objectClass => :attribute_type }) @oc.must.should have( 1 ).member @oc.must.should == [ :attribute_type ] end it "returns attribute objects for its MAY OIDs" do @schema.should_receive( :attribute_types ).at_least( :once ). and_return({ :objectClass => :attribute_type }) @oc.must.should have( 1 ).member @oc.must.should == [ :attribute_type ] end it "knows that it doesn't have any MAY attributes" do @oc.may_oids.should be_empty() end it "knows that it is not obsolete" do @oc.should_not be_obsolete() end it "knows that it doesn't have a superclass" do @oc.sup.should be_nil() end it "can remake its own schema description" do @oc.to_s.should == TOP_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from the 'organizationalPerson' objectClass" do before( :each ) do @oc = @schema.object_classes[:orgPerson] end it "is a StructuralObjectClass because its kind is 'STRUCTURAL'" do @oc.should be_an_instance_of( Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass ) end it "knows what OID corresponds to the class" do @oc.oid.should == '' end it "knows what its NAME attribute is" do @oc.name.should == :organizationalPerson end it "knows what its DESC attribute is" do @oc.desc.should == 'RFC2256: an organizational person' end it "knows what its MUST attributes are" do @oc.must_oids.should have( 3 ).members @oc.must_oids.should include( :sn, :cn, :objectClass ) end it "knows what its unique MUST attributes are" do @oc.must_oids( false ).should be_empty() end it "knows what its MAY attributes are" do @oc.may_oids.should have( 22 ).members @oc.may_oids.should include( :userPassword, :telephoneNumber, :seeAlso, :description, :title, :x121Address, :registeredAddress, :destinationIndicator, :preferredDeliveryMethod, :telexNumber, :teletexTerminalIdentifier, :telephoneNumber, :internationaliSDNNumber, :facsimileTelephoneNumber, :street, :postOfficeBox, :postalCode, :postalAddress, :physicalDeliveryOfficeName, :ou, :st, :l ) end it "knows what its unique MAY attributes are" do @oc.may_oids( false ).should have( 18 ).members @oc.may_oids( false ).should include( :title, :x121Address, :registeredAddress, :destinationIndicator, :preferredDeliveryMethod, :telexNumber, :teletexTerminalIdentifier, :telephoneNumber, :internationaliSDNNumber, :facsimileTelephoneNumber, :street, :postOfficeBox, :postalCode, :postalAddress, :physicalDeliveryOfficeName, :ou, :st, :l ) end it "can remake its own schema description" do @oc.to_s.should == ORGPERSON_OBJECTCLASS.squeeze(' ') end it "can fetch all of its ancestors" do @oc.ancestors.should == @schema.object_classes.values_at( :orgPerson, :person, :top ) end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that doesn't specify an explicit KIND attribute" do KINDLESS_OBJECTCLASS = %{( )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, KINDLESS_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "is the default kind (STRUCTURAL)" do @oc.should be_an_instance_of( Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass ) end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == KINDLESS_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that has a list as the value of its NAME attribute" do MULTINAME_OBJECTCLASS = %{( NAME ( 'firstname' 'secondname' ) )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, MULTINAME_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "knows what both names are" do @oc.names.should have(2).members @oc.names.should include( :firstname, :secondname ) end it "returns the first of its names for the #name method" do @oc.name.should == :firstname end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == MULTINAME_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that has escaped characters in its DESC attribute" do ESCAPED_DESC_OBJECTCLASS = %{( DESC } + %{'This spec\\27s example, which includes a \\5c character.' )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, ESCAPED_DESC_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "unescapes the escaped characters" do @oc.desc.should == %{This spec's example, which includes a \\ character.} end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == ESCAPED_DESC_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that has the OBSOLETE attribute" do OBSOLETE_OBJECTCLASS = %{( OBSOLETE )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, OBSOLETE_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "knows that it's obsolete" do @oc.should be_obsolete() end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == OBSOLETE_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that has organizationalPerson as its SUP" do SUB_OBJECTCLASS = %{( SUP organizationalPerson )} before( :each ) do @top = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, TOP_OBJECTCLASS ) @op = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, ORGPERSON_OBJECTCLASS ) @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, SUB_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "returns the corresponding objectClass from its schema" do @schema.should_receive( :object_classes ). and_return({ :organizationalPerson => :organizationalPerson_objectclass }) @oc.sup.should == :organizationalPerson_objectclass end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == SUB_OBJECTCLASS end end describe "parsed from an objectClass that has no explicit SUP" do ORPHAN_OBJECTCLASS = %{( )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, ORPHAN_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "returns the objectClass for 'top' from its schema" do @schema.should_receive( :object_classes ). and_return({ :top => :top_objectclass }) @oc.sup.should == :top_objectclass end it "can remake its own schema description" do # STRUCTURAL is implied... @oc.to_s.sub( / STRUCTURAL/, '' ).should == ORPHAN_OBJECTCLASS end end # Sun/Oracle OpenDS (as of 2.2, at least) "allows a non-numeric OID [as the # 'numericoid' part of an objectClass definition] for the purpose of convenience" describe "Sun OpenDS compatibility workarounds (ticket #11)" do SUN_ODS_DESCR_OID_OBJECTCLASS = %{( interwovengroup-oid NAME 'interwovengroup' SUP posixgroup } + %{ STRUCTURAL MAY path X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )} before( :each ) do @oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, SUN_ODS_DESCR_OID_OBJECTCLASS ) end it "sets the oid to the non-numeric OID value" do @oc.oid.should == 'interwovengroup-oid' @oc.name.should == :interwovengroup @oc.extensions.should == %{X-ORIGIN 'user defined'} end end describe "compatibility with malformed declarations: " do SLP_SERVICE_OBJECTCLASS = %{ ( NAME 'slpService' DESC 'parent superclass for SLP services' ABSTRACT SUP top MUST ( template-major-version-number $ template-minor-version-number $ description $ template-url-syntax $ service-advert-service-type $ service-advert-scopes ) MAY ( service-advert-url-authenticator $ service-advert-attribute-authenticator ) ) } it "parses the malformed objectClass from RFC 2926" do oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, SLP_SERVICE_OBJECTCLASS ) oc.should be_a( Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass ) oc.name.should == :slpService oc.oid.should == '' end AUTH_PASSWORD_OBJECT_OBJECTCLASS = %{ ( NAME 'authPasswordObject' DESC 'authentication password mix in class' MAY 'authPassword' AUXILIARY ) } it "parses the malformed authPasswordObject objectClass from RFC2696" do oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, AUTH_PASSWORD_OBJECT_OBJECTCLASS ) oc.should be_a( Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass ) oc.name.should == :authPasswordObject oc.oid.should == '' end DRAFT_HOWARD_RFC2307BIS_OBJECTCLASS = %{ ( NAME 'posixAccount' SUP top AUXILIARY DESC 'Abstraction of an account with POSIX attributes' MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory ) MAY ( authPassword $ userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'draft-howard-rfc2307bis' ) } it "parses the malformed objectClasses from draft-howard-rfc2307bis" do oc = Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass.parse( @schema, DRAFT_HOWARD_RFC2307BIS_OBJECTCLASS ) oc.should be_a( Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass ) oc.name.should == :posixAccount oc.oid.should == '' end end end # vim: set nosta noet ts=4 sw=4: