require 'spec_helper' describe Restforce::Concerns::API do let(:response) { double('Faraday::Response', body: double('Body')) } describe '.user_info' do subject(:user_info) { client.user_info } it 'returns the user info from identity url' do identity_url = double('identity_url') response.body.stub(:identity).and_return(identity_url) client.should_receive(:api_get).with.and_return(response) identity = double('identity') identity.stub(:body).and_return(identity) client.should_receive(:get).with(identity_url).and_return(identity) expect(user_info).to eq identity end end describe '.get_updated' do let(:start_date_time) {, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") } let(:end_date_time) {, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") } let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } subject(:results) { client.get_updated(sobject, start_date_time, end_date_time) } it 'returns the body' do start_string = '2002-10-31T00:02:02Z' end_string = '2003-10-31T00:02:02Z' url = "/sobjects/Whizbang/updated/?start=#{start_string}&end=#{end_string}" client.should_receive(:api_get). with(url). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq response.body end end describe '.get_deleted' do let(:start_date_time) {, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") } let(:end_date_time) {, 10, 31, 2, 2, 2, "+02:00") } let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } subject(:results) { client.get_deleted(sobject, start_date_time, end_date_time) } it 'returns the body' do start_string = '2002-10-31T00:02:02Z' end_string = '2003-10-31T00:02:02Z' url = "/sobjects/Whizbang/deleted/?start=#{start_string}&end=#{end_string}" client.should_receive(:api_get). with(url). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq response.body end end describe '.list_sobjects' do subject { client.list_sobjects } before do client.stub describe: [{ 'name' => 'foo' }] end it { should eq ['foo'] } end describe '.limits' do subject { client.limits } it 'returns the limits for an organization' do limits = double('limits') limits.stub(:body).and_return({}) client.should_receive(:api_get).with("limits").and_return(limits) client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 29.0) expect(client.limits).to eq({}) end it "raises an exception if we aren't at version 29.0 or above" do client.should_receive(:options).at_least(:once).and_return(api_version: 24.0) expect { client.limits }.to raise_error(Restforce::APIVersionError) end end describe '.explain' do let(:soql) { 'Select Id from Account' } subject(:results) { client.explain(soql) } it "returns an execute plan for this SOQL" do plans = double("plans") plans.stub(:body).and_return("plans" => []) client.should_receive(:api_get).with("query", explain: soql). and_return(plans) client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 30.0) expect(results).to eq("plans" => []) end it "raises an exception if we aren't at version 30.0 or above" do client.should_receive(:options).at_least(:once).and_return(api_version: 24.0) expect { results }.to raise_error(Restforce::APIVersionError) end end describe '.describe' do subject(:describe) { client.describe } it 'returns the global describe' do sobjects = double('sobjects') response.body.stub(:[]).with('sobjects').and_return(sobjects) client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects'). and_return(response) expect(describe).to eq sobjects end context 'when given the name of an sobject' do subject(:describe) { client.describe('Whizbang') } it 'returns the full describe' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/describe'). and_return(response) expect(describe).to eq response.body end end end describe '.describe_layouts' do subject(:describe_layouts) { client.describe_layouts('Whizbang') } context "API version where describe_layouts is supported" do before { client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 28.0) } it 'returns the layouts for the sobject' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/describe/layouts'). and_return(response) expect(describe_layouts).to eq response.body end context 'when given the id of a layout' do subject(:describe_layouts) do client.describe_layouts('Whizbang', '012E0000000RHEp') end it 'returns the describe for the specified layout' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/describe/layouts/012E0000000RHEp'). and_return(response) expect(describe_layouts).to eq response.body end end end context "an API version where describe_layouts is not supported" do before { client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 24.0) } it "raises a error" do expect { describe_layouts }.to raise_error(Restforce::APIVersionError) end end end describe '.org_id' do subject(:org_id) { client.org_id } it 'returns the organization id' do organizations = [{ 'Id' => 'foo' }] client.should_receive(:query). with('select id from Organization'). and_return(organizations) expect(org_id).to eq 'foo' end end describe '.query' do let(:soql) { 'Select Id from Account' } subject(:results) { client.query(soql) } context 'with mashify middleware' do before do client.stub mashify?: true end it 'returns the body' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('query', q: soql). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq response.body end end context 'without mashify middleware' do before do client.stub mashify?: false end it 'returns the records attribute of the body' do records = double('records') response.body.stub(:[]). with('records'). and_return(records) client.should_receive(:api_get). with('query', q: soql). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq records end end end describe '.query_all' do let(:soql) { 'Select Id from Account' } subject(:results) { client.query_all(soql) } context "with supported api_version" do before { client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 31.0) } context 'with mashify middleware' do before { client.stub(mashify?: true) } it 'returns the body' do client.should_receive(:api_get).with('queryAll', q: soql). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq(response.body) end end context 'without mashify middleware' do before do client.stub(mashify?: false) end it 'returns the records attribute of the body' do records = double('records') response.body.stub(:[]).with('records').and_return(records) client.should_receive(:api_get).with('queryAll', q: soql). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq(records) end end end context "with unsupported api_version" do before { client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 26.0) } subject(:query_all) { client.query_all(soql) } it "raises an error" do expect { query_all }.to raise_error(Restforce::APIVersionError) end end end describe '.search' do let(:sosl) { 'FIND {bar}' } subject(:results) { } it 'performs a sosl search' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('search', q: sosl). and_return(response) expect(results).to eq response.body end end [:create, :update, :upsert, :destroy].each do |method| describe ".#{method}" do let(:args) { [] } subject(:result) { client.send(method, *args) } it "delegates to :#{method}!" do client.should_receive(:"#{method}!"). with(*args). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response end it 'rescues exceptions' do [Faraday::Error::ClientError].each do |exception_klass| client.should_receive(:"#{method}!"). with(*args). and_raise( expect(result).to eq false end end end end context 'methods with attrs' do before do attrs.freeze end describe '.create!' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:attrs) { } subject(:result) { client.create!(sobject, attrs) } it 'send an HTTP POST, and returns the id of the record' do response.body.stub(:[]).with('id').and_return('1234') client.should_receive(:api_post). with('sobjects/Whizbang', attrs). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq '1234' end end describe '.update!' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:attrs) { } subject(:result) { client.update!(sobject, attrs) } context 'when the id field is present' do let(:attrs) { { id: '1234', StageName: "Call Scheduled" } } it 'sends an HTTP PATCH, and returns true' do client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234', StageName: "Call Scheduled") expect(result).to be_true end end context 'when the id field contains special characters' do let(:attrs) { { id: '1234/?abc', StageName: "Call Scheduled" } } it 'sends an HTTP PATCH, and encodes the ID' do client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234%2F%3Fabc', StageName: "Call Scheduled") expect(result).to be_true end end context 'when the id field is missing from the attrs' do it "raises an error" do expect { client.update!(sobject, attrs) }. to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'ID field missing from provided attributes') end end end describe '.upsert!' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:field) { :External_ID__c } let(:attrs) { { 'External_ID__c' => '1234' } } subject(:result) { client.upsert!(sobject, field, attrs) } context 'when the record is found and updated' do it 'returns true' do response.body.stub :[] client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/1234', {}). and_return(response) expect(result).to be_true end end context 'when the record is found and created' do it 'returns the id of the record' do response.body.stub(:[]).with('id').and_return('4321') client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/1234', {}). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq '4321' end end context 'when the external id field is missing from the attrs' do let(:attrs) { } it 'raises an argument error' do expect { client.upsert!(sobject, field, attrs) }. to raise_error ArgumentError, 'Specified external ID field missing from ' \ 'provided attributes' end end context 'when using Id as the attribute' do let(:field) { :Id } let(:attrs) { { 'Id' => '4321' } } context 'and the value for Id is provided' do it 'returns the id of the record, and original record still contains id' do response.body.stub(:[]).with('id').and_return('4321') client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/Id/4321', {}). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq '4321' expect(attrs).to include('Id' => '4321') end end context 'and no value for Id is provided' do let(:attrs) { { 'External_ID__c' => '1234' } } it 'uses POST to create the record' do response.body.stub(:[]).with('id').and_return('4321') client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 38.0) client.should_receive(:api_post). with('sobjects/Whizbang/Id', attrs). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq '4321' end it 'guards functionality for unsupported API versions' do client.should_receive(:options).and_return(api_version: 35.0) expect do client.upsert!(sobject, field, attrs) raise_error Restforce::APIVersionError end end end end describe '.upsert! with multi bytes character' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:field) { :External_ID__c } let(:attrs) { { 'External_ID__c' => "\u{3042}" } } subject(:result) { client.upsert!(sobject, field, attrs) } context 'when the record is found and updated' do it 'returns true' do response.body.stub :[] client.should_receive(:api_patch). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/%E3%81%82', {}). and_return(response) expect(result).to be_true end end end end describe '.destroy!' do let(:id) { '1234' } let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } subject(:result) { client.destroy!(sobject, id) } it 'sends and HTTP delete, and returns true' do client.should_receive(:api_delete). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234') expect(result).to be_true end context 'when the id field contains special characters' do let(:id) { '1234/?abc' } it 'sends an HTTP delete, and encodes the ID' do client.should_receive(:api_delete). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234%2F%3Fabc') expect(result).to be_true end end end describe '.find' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:id) { '1234' } let(:field) { nil } subject(:result) { client.find(sobject, id, field) } context 'when no external id is specified' do it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when an external id is specified' do let(:field) { :External_ID__c } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/1234'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when an external id which contains multibyte characters is specified' do let(:field) { :External_ID__c } let(:id) { "\u{3042}" } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/%E3%81%82'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when an internal ID which contains special characters is specified' do let(:id) { "1234/?abc" } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234%2F%3Fabc'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end describe '.select' do let(:sobject) { 'Whizbang' } let(:id) { '1234' } let(:field) { nil } let(:select) { nil } subject(:result) {, id, select, field) } context 'when no external id is specified' do context 'when no select list is specified' do it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when select list is specified' do let(:select) { [:External_ID__c] } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234?fields=External_ID__c'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end context 'when an external id is specified' do let(:field) { :External_ID__c } context 'when no select list is specified' do it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/1234'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when select list is specified' do let(:select) { [:External_ID__c] } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/1234?fields=External_ID__c'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end context 'when an external id which contains multibyte characters is specified' do let(:field) { :External_ID__c } let(:id) { "\u{3042}" } context 'when no select list is specified' do it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/%E3%81%82'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context 'when select list is specified' do let(:select) { [:External_ID__c] } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/External_ID__c/%E3%81%82?fields=External_ID__c'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end context 'when an internal ID which contains special characters is specified' do let(:id) { "1234/?abc" } it 'returns the full representation of the object' do client.should_receive(:api_get). with('sobjects/Whizbang/1234%2F%3Fabc'). and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end describe "#recent" do let(:limit) { nil } subject(:result) { client.recent(limit) } context "given no limit is specified" do it "returns the most recently viewed items for the logged-in user" do client.should_receive(:api_get).with('recent').and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end context "given a limit is specified" do let(:limit) { 10 } it "returns up to the limit specified results" do client.should_receive(:api_get).with('recent?limit=10').and_return(response) expect(result).to eq response.body end end end end