$: << File.join(__dir__, 'lib') require 'appmap/version' GEM_VERSION = AppMap::VERSION require 'rake/testtask' require 'rdoc/task' require 'open3' require 'rake/extensiontask' desc 'build the native extension' Rake::ExtensionTask.new("appmap") do |ext| ext.lib_dir = "lib/appmap" end RUBY_VERSIONS=%w[2.6 2.7 3.0].select do |version| travis_ruby_version = ENV['TRAVIS_RUBY_VERSION'] next true unless travis_ruby_version if travis_ruby_version.index(version) == 0 warn "Testing Ruby version #{version}, since it matches TRAVIS_RUBY_VERSION=#{travis_ruby_version}" next true end false end FIXTURE_APPS=%w[rack_users_app rails6_users_app rails5_users_app] def run_cmd(*cmd) $stderr.puts "Running: #{cmd}" out, s = Open3.capture2e(*cmd) unless s.success? $stderr.puts <<-END Command failed: <<< Output: #{out} >>> End of output END raise 'Docker build failed' end end def build_base_image(ruby_version) run_cmd "docker build" \ " --build-arg RUBY_VERSION=#{ruby_version}" \ " --build-arg GEM_VERSION=#{GEM_VERSION}" \ " -t appmap:#{GEM_VERSION} -f Dockerfile.appmap ." end def build_app_image(app, ruby_version) Dir.chdir "spec/fixtures/#{app}" do env = {"RUBY_VERSION" => ruby_version, "GEM_VERSION" => GEM_VERSION} run_cmd(env, "docker-compose build" \ " --build-arg RUBY_VERSION=#{ruby_version}" \ " --build-arg GEM_VERSION=#{GEM_VERSION}" ) end end desc 'Install non-Ruby dependencies' task :install do system 'yarn install' or raise 'yarn install failed' end namespace :build do namespace :base do RUBY_VERSIONS.each do |ruby_version| desc ruby_version task ruby_version do run_system = ->(cmd) { system(cmd) or raise "Command failed: #{cmd}" } run_system.call 'mkdir -p pkg' run_system.call "gem build appmap.gemspec --output pkg/appmap-#{GEM_VERSION}.gem" build_base_image(ruby_version) end.tap do |t| desc "Build all images" task all: t end end end namespace :fixtures do RUBY_VERSIONS.each do |ruby_version| namespace ruby_version do desc "build:fixtures:#{ruby_version}" FIXTURE_APPS.each do |app| desc app task app => ["base:#{ruby_version}"] do build_app_image(app, ruby_version) end.tap do |t| desc "Build all fixture images for #{ruby_version}" task all: t end end end desc "Build all fixture images" task all: ["#{ruby_version}:all"] end end task all: ["fixtures:all"] end def run_specs(ruby_version, task_args) require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'climate_control' # Define an rspec rake task for the specified Ruby version. It's hidden (i.e. doesn't have a # description), because it's not intended to be invoked directly RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new("rspec_#{ruby_version}", [:specs]) do |task, args| task.exclude_pattern = 'spec/fixtures/**/*_spec.rb' if args.count > 0 # There doesn't appear to be a value for +pattern+ that will # cause it to be ignored. Setting it to '' or +nil+ causes an # empty argument to get passed to rspec, which confuses it. task.pattern = 'never match this' task.rspec_opts = args.to_a.join(' ') end end # Set up the environment, then execute the rspec task we # created above. ClimateControl.modify(RUBY_VERSION: ruby_version) do Rake::Task["rspec_#{ruby_version}"].execute(task_args) end end namespace :spec do RUBY_VERSIONS.each do |ruby_version| desc ruby_version task ruby_version, [:specs] => ["install", "compile", "build:fixtures:#{ruby_version}:all"] do |_, task_args| run_specs(ruby_version, task_args) end.tap do |t| desc "Run all specs" task :all, [:specs] => t end end end Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd| rd.main = 'README.rdoc' rd.rdoc_files.include(%w[README.rdoc lib/**/*.rb exe/**/*]) rd.title = 'AppMap' end Rake::TestTask.new(minitest: 'compile') do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.libs << 'lib' t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] end task spec: %i[spec:all] task test: %i[spec:all minitest] task default: :test