hmcgowan Licensed User 2006-08-17T21:17:28Z 2009-10-29T15:58:25Z Convio 12.00 1050 2310 0 0 782 4 False False False BST Variables BST_IDUsed so you can run the BST multiple times on the same site BST1 Saving will update all sheets BST_USER_IDUsed in conjunction with BST_ID, it's just a different string (like a numeric value) to be used for users, usernames, passwords, etc 1 BASE_EMAIL devnull
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 False False
Login username convio password Password0 admin 1
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 7 2 1 7 2 2 7 2 0 17 5 False False
Product Configuration comment name value create Make sure all products are available All Products 1 nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 4 4 False False R2C4 List BOOLEAN R1C4
Product Configuration comment name value verify Verify the config setting All Products 1 nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 3 False False R2C4 List BOOLEAN R1C4
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 31 4 False False R995C3:R65535C3,R1C3 R2C3:R994C3 List BOOLEAN
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 20 False False R997C3:R65535C3,R1C3 R2C3:R996C3 List BOOLEAN
Login username admin password Password1 admin 1
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 13 4 False False
Interest comment Create a web interest Check the interest and make sure the optin group is created Create an email interest Check the interest and make sure the optout group is created name BST1 cars BST1 cars BST1 trucks BST1 trucks desc security parentinterest defaultinterest 1 1 0 interesttype web web email email optingroup 1 !exist 0 optoutgroup 0 0 1 !exist create nil nil verify nil nil verify_admin_Create_Interest_Group /BST1 cars\(\d+\) Opt Ins/ verify_admin_Create_Opt-out_Group /BST1 trucks\(\d+\) Opt Outs/
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R7C2:R7C5,R9C2:R10C5 List BOOLEAN R5C2:R5C5 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R5C1,R7C1:R10C1 R8C2:R8C5 List INTEREST_TYPE
SecurityCategory comment Create a security category name BST1 Special Members Only desc priority convioonly create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 7 2 1 7 2 2 7 2 0 2 False False R6C1 R6C2 List BOOLEAN
Group comment Create a non-security group Create a security group (re-enable verify after bug fix) name BST1 PatchTest BST1 Special Members grouptype BST1 grouptypenew BST1 desc security Not a Security Group User Security Group hierarchy create nil nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 False False R7C2:R7C3 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R7C1
Group Permissions comment Add and verify permissions for a group groupname BST1 Special Members admingroup permissiontype Content Viewing permissiondefault View Content Overrides overridegroupname overridegrouptype overridecategoryname overridedefault create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 False False
Security Category Permissions comment Add permissions to the security category The default should be Cannot View Content The override should be set for the special members securitycategoryname BST1 Special Members Only BST1 Special Members Only BST1 Special Members Only permissiontype Content Viewing Content Viewing Content Viewing permissiondefault Cannot View Content Cannot View Content View Content Overrides overridegrouptype BST1 overridegroupname BST1 Special Members BST1 Special Members overridecategoryname overridedefault View Content in the Category create nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
Constituent comment Create a user Verify group membership Create a user User should only have the group that was set to be a default group pending Bug #43856 Constituent Search Used for finding groups/interests for a contact. If you specify nothing here, it will default to look for the firstname/lastname findfirstname Aaaaa1 Susan findlastname Aaaaa1 Davis findemail findmemberid findusername findphone findzip findconstituentid firstname Aaaaa1 Susan middlename lastname Aaaaa1 Davis username usera1 user_sd_1 password passa1 pass_sd_1 passwordhint email title suffix profsuffix memberid gender month day year acceptemail preferredformat emailstatus street1 3405 Mulberry Creek Dr 3405 Mulberry Creek Dr street2 city Austin Austin state TX TX zip 78732 78732 country United States United States acceptmail congressional senate house phone employer occupation Groups groupmembership BST1 PatchTest groupfoldername BST1 Interests emailinterests emailinterestfoldername webinterests webinterestfoldername create nil nil verify nil nil verify_admin_Congressional_District_(Automatic) 21 verify_admin_State_Senate_District_(Automatic) 14 verify_admin_State_House_District_(Automatic) 48 verify_admin_County_(Automatic) Travis verify_groups ['Any registered user', 'BST1 PatchTest', 'BST1 cars Opt Ins', 'Texas District 21', 'Texas residents',] ['Any registered user', 'BST1 PatchTest', 'BST1 cars Opt Ins', 'Texas District 21', 'Texas residents',] verify_interests ['BST1 cars']
600 600 1 38 2 4 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 57 5 False False R33C2,R19C2:R21C2,R23C2:R28C2,R35C2:R36C2 R28C3:R28C4 List EMAILFORMAT R36C3:R36C4,R27C3:R27C4 List BOOLEAN R26C3:R26C4 List YEAR R25C3:R25C4 List DAY R24C3:R24C4 List MONTH R23C3:R23C4 List GENDER R35C3:R35C4 List COUNTRY R33C3:R33C4 List STATE R20C3:R20C4 List SUFFIX R19C3:R19C4 List TITLE
Constituent Add Many comment Add multiple constituents Add multiple constituents firstname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 lastname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 email title suffix street1 11921 N. Mopac Expressway 15-3420 Pharmacy Ave. street2 city Austin Toronto state TX ON zip 78759 M1W 2P7 country United States Canada grouptype BST1 BST1 groupname BST1 PatchTest BST1 PatchTest interactiontype interactionsubject create nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R13C2:R13C3 List COUNTRY R11C2:R11C3 List STATE R7C2:R7C3 List SUFFIX R6C2:R6C3 List TITLE
Constituent comment Constituent record should be created properly from addmany Constituent record should be created properly from addmany Constituent record should be created properly from addmany (till bug fixed) Constituent record should be created properly from addmany (till bug fixed) Bug #43856 Bug #43856 firstname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 middlename lastname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 username password passwordhint email title suffix profsuffix memberid gender month day year acceptemail preferredformat emailstatus street1 11921 N. Mopac Expressway 15-3420 Pharmacy Ave. 11921 N. Mopac Expressway 15-3420 Pharmacy Ave. street2 city Austin Toronto Austin Toronto state TX ON TX ON zip 78759 M1W 2P7 78759 M1W 2P7 country United States Canada United States Canada acceptmail congressional senate house phone employer occupation Constituent Search Used for finding groups/interests for a contact. If you specify nothing here, it will default to look for the firstname/lastname findfirstname findlastname findemail findmemberid findusername findphone findzip findconstituentid Groups groupmembership BST1 PatchTest BST1 PatchTest BST1 PatchTest BST1 PatchTest groupfoldername BST1 BST1 BST1 BST1 Interests emailinterests emailinterestfoldername webinterests webinterestfoldername verify nil nil nil nil verify_admin_Congressional_District_(Automatic) 10 nil 10 nil verify_admin_State_Senate_District_(Automatic) 14 nil 14 nil verify_admin_State_House_District_(Automatic) 48 nil 48 nil verify_admin_County_(Automatic) Travis nil Travis nil verify_groups ['Any registered user','BST1 PatchTest','BST1 cars Opt Ins','Texas District 10','Texas residents'] ['Any registered user','BST1 PatchTest','BST1 cars Opt Ins','Ontario residents'] verify_interests ['BST1 cars'] ['BST1 cars'] ['BST1 cars'] ['BST1 cars']
600 600 1 33 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 56 False False R27C3:R27C6 List COUNTRY R25C3:R25C6 List STATE R25C2,R27C2:R28C2,R15C2:R20C2,R11C2:R13C2 R20C3,R20C5 List EMAILFORMAT R19C3,R19C5 List BOOLEAN R18C3,R18C5 List YEAR R17C3,R17C5 List DAY R16C3,R16C5 List MONTH R15C3,R15C5 List GENDER R12C3,R12C5 List SUFFIX R11C3,R11C5 List TITLE
Constituent comment Set Password Set Password Set email format to HTML Ser email format to plain text and add to special members group Constituent Search Used for finding groups/interests for a contact. If you specify nothing here, it will default to look for the firstname/lastname findfirstname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 findlastname Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 Bbbbb1 Ccccc1 findemail findmemberid findusername findphone findzip findconstituentid Constituent Information firstname middlename lastname username userb1 userc1 password passb1 passc1 passwordhint hintb1 hintc1 email title suffix profsuffix memberid gender month day year acceptemail preferredformat HTML Plain Text emailstatus street1 street2 city state zip country acceptmail congressional senate house phone employer occupation Groups groupmembership BST1 Special Members groupfoldername BST1 Interests emailinterests emailinterestfoldername webinterests webinterestfoldername edit nil nil nil nil verify nil nil nil nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 1 R3 False False R27C5:R27C6,R26C3 List EMAILFORMAT R25C3,R34C3 List BOOLEAN R24C3 List YEAR R23C3 List DAY R22C3 List MONTH R21C3 List GENDER R33C3 List COUNTRY R31C3 List STATE R18C3:R18C4 List TITLE R32C2,R34C2:R35C2,R22C2:R27C2,R18C2:R20C2
Constituent Note comment Create a new note and verify findfirstname Ccccc1 findlastname Ccccc1 findemail firstname Ccccc1 lastname Ccccc1 email zip subject Note for Ccccc1 security BST1 Special Members Only body Body of Note for Cccc1 create nil nav_to_edit_page nil verify_admin_Subject Note for Ccccc1 verify_admin_Author Site Administrator verify_admin_Security_Category BST1 Special Members Only verify_admin_Text Body of Note for Cccc1
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 16 False False
Product comment Create a new product productname PRODUCT_BST1 security priority externalid price 53 fmv 20 optionalpricetext producttype producttypenew neato item shortdesc desc for PRODUCT_BST1 keywords productimage fulldesc fulldesc for PRODUCT_BST1 addmonth addday addyear addhour addmin addampm removemonth removeday removeyear removehour removeampm publish_product 1 create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R5C2 List PRIORITY R4C1:R5C1,R16C1:R27C1 R4C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R21C2,R26C2:R27C2 List AMPM R20C2 List MIN R19C2,R25C2 List HOUR R18C2,R24C2 List YEAR R17C2,R23C2 List DAY R16C2,R22C2 List MONTH
Donation Classic comment Create a DonClassic form for direct donations Create a DonClassic form for teamraiser donations name DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_USERSPEC_BST1 type Fundraiser Fundraiser shortdesc Campaign for direct donations Test donation for TR goal longdesc notes category maxuseramount increasecontributions smonth sday syear shour smin sampm dmonth dday dyear dhour dmin dampm allowjoint allowanonymous allowcompanymatch allowmemorial merchantaccount image create nil nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R24C2:R27C3 List BOOLEAN R17C2:R17C3,R23C2:R23C3 List AMPM R16C2:R16C3,R22C2:R22C3 List MIN R15C2:R15C3,R21C2:R21C3 List HOUR R14C2:R14C3,R20C2:R20C3 List YEAR R13C2:R13C3,R19C2:R19C3 List DAY R12C2:R12C3,R18C2:R18C3 List MONTH R9C2:R9C3 List DONCLASSIC_CAT R4C2:R4C3 List DONCLASSIC_TYPE
Donation Classic Autoresponders comment Add DonationClassic autoresponders Add DonationClassic autoresponders donationname DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_USERSPEC_BST1 type version sendername senderemail subject body plaintext style updateplaintextfromhtml create nil nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
Donation Classic Levels comment Create a standard level Create a level to associate with a premium donationname DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 levelname standard premium contribution 100 1000 value security promotioncode showcontribution desc create nil nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R7C1 R7C2:R7C3 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES
Donation Classic Premium comment Associate the product with the premium level donationname DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 levelname premium productname PRODUCT_BST1 selectallproducts create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R6C1 R6C2 List BOOLEAN
Donation Classic donationname DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_USERSPEC_BST1 levelname standard premium Other Amount Other Amount publish_level nil nil nil nil publish nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 28 6 False False R4C2:R4C5 List BOOLEAN R4C1
EventList comment Create an event pending eventname CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 security General pagewrapper defaultpagewrapper eventdate 2009-11-19T00:00:00.000 eventtype Standard Event attendanceoption Ticket starthour 12 startminute 0 startampm am stophour 1 stopminute 0 stopampm pm eventenddate registrationtype recurringpattern repeatevery repeattype repeatmonth repeatday repeatyear repeatonthefirst repeatonthedayofweek repeatonthemonth repeatontheday repeatontheyear create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 R1C1:R1C2 1 0 R1C1:R1C2 2 0 R1C1:R1C2 0 33 4 False False R15C2,R12C2 List AMPM R14C2,R11C2 List MIN R13C2,R10C2 List HOUR R6C2 List PAGEBUILDER_PAGEWRAPPER R5C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES
Ticket Classes comment Create an unlimited ticket class Create a limited ticket class with a promocode eventname CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 ticketname unlimited limited security General General ticketprice 25 10 taxdeductible 10 9 ticketinventorylimit nolimit limited ticketinventory 10 userlimit nolimit limited limitperuser 2 promocode 792 body image create nil nil verify nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 R1C1:R1C2 1 0 R1C1:R1C2 2 0 R1C1:R1C2 0 9 2 False False R5C243:R6C246,R20C243:R20C246,R10C243:R16C246,R5C1:R6C1,R20C1,R10C1:R14C1 R14C4:R14C242,R10C2:R10C242,R14C2:R14C3,R8C2 List HOUR R15C4:R15C242,R11C2:R11C242 List MIN R12C2:R13C242,R17C2:R17C3,R16C4:R16C242 List AMPM R5C2:R5C242 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R6C2:R6C242 List PAGEBUILDER_PAGEWRAPPER R20C4:R20C242,R21C2:R21C3 List TR_REGTYPE
Edit Event comment Update ticket information now that we'ce created the ticket classes pending Identify Event eventname CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 location Austin security pagewrapper defaultpagewrapper Set Event Date eventdate starthour startminute startampm stophour stopminute stopampm Configure Additional Infromation eventtag ticket location street1 11506 Eubank Drive street2 city Austin state TX zip 78732 country United States accountingcode activitytype activitytypenew affiliatetype affiliatetypenew Edit Ticket Information purchasedeadline 2009-11-19T00:00:00.000 merchantaccount generalinformationThis field is used for Configure RSVP as well guestlistThis field is used for Configure RSVP as well. 1 additionalgift 1 additionalgiftlabel additional gift stuff soldouttextThis field is used for Configure RSVP as well. no more tickets, sorry Associate Interests interestassociation Configure RSVP rsvpduedate rsvpinventorylimit rsvpinventory orderlimit orderlimitperuser Publish publish_status active edit nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 R1C1:R1C2 1 0 R1C1:R1C2 2 0 R1C1:R1C2 0 30 6 False False R7C4:R34C241,R35C9:R40C241,R23C3:R25C3,R37C3:R40C3,R36C4:R40C8,R29C3,R15C3:R16C3,R7C3,R31C3:R34C3,R21C3 List PAGEBUILDER_PAGEWRAPPER R5C4:R5C241,R6C3:R6C241 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R20C3 List STATE R22C3 List COUNTRY R41C3:R41C241 List TR_PUBLISH R41C1:R41C2,R6C1:R16C1,R5C2:R40C2,R35C1:R40C1
Event Autoresponders comment Set up the thank you autoresponder eventname CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 autorespondertype Event Ticket Purchase Thank You sendername senderemail subject plaintext style updateplaintextfromhtml 1 Wysiwyg wysiwyg_enabled 1 body This is the autoresponder for CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 linkname linktarget linktext linkpagename linkaddinterest linkremoveinterest linknewwindow linktitle linkpromotioncode linkadditionalargs personalname personaltext personalgroup personalfield personalreptype personalrepstyle personalrepfields condname condgrouptype condgroupname condinterest condtext compname Event Managers eventmanagertext create nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 3 1 False False R13C3 List WYSIWYG_LINK
ActionAlerts comment Create an Action Alert pending name ACTION_ALERT_BST1 desc DESC for ACTION_ALERT_BST1 topic Other security sourcecode subsourcecode priority alerttype Two Step singleresponse phonerequired restrictalertbystate restrictedstates allowchoosemessagedelivery allowprintletters thankyoupage emailrollover faxrollover email webaddress subject Please disregard this message subjectprefs greeting openingstatement Dear Staff: This is a test message to confirm that we are able to successfully communicate with your office via your webform. There is no need to log or respond to this message. You can disregard the remaining message, unless you want information about why such test messages are necessary. There is also no need to add the email address associated with this test ( to your office's email lists. This message has been sent by Convio, one of the leading providers of online advocacy communication services to nonprofit organizations. Our clients include many of the country's largest public interest groups, trade and professional associations, labor unions, higher education institutions and corporations. These groups use our software to publish web pages that enable their supporters to send messages directly to their elected officials. Each message sent by our system has been initiated and authorized by a constituent, always contains the sender's name and home address, and has often been personally edited by the constituent. Regular testing of webforms is necessary because there are no standardized protocols governing communications with the offices of federal, state or local officials. In contrast with email and fax, webforms allow each office to require different information or steps to successfully transmit a constituent's message to their elected official. Moreover, webforms are often changed without notice, and these changes require us to update the custom connectors we used to communicate with each office. If your elected official is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate, we have begun working on a project under the auspices of the Congressional Management Foundation to develop best practices and promote a standard communications protocol that will help facilitate your management and processing of digital communications. We apologize if this test message has caused you any inconvenience. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding these tests or online constituent communications generally, our Chief Scientist, Dr. Bill Pease, would be happy to speak with you. He can be reached at (510) 540-4772 x2101 or at Thank you. Convio, Inc. Please disregard this message. This is a test of Convio Advocacy software, designed to enable constituents to communicate with their representatives. If you have further questions about this message, please email body body closingstatement closing complimentaryclose userscanedit Yes, Subject can be edited presidentemail 1 presidentfax vpemail 1 vpfax firstladyemail 1 firstladyfax senatoremail 1 senatorfax repemail 1 repfax govemail 1 govfax statesenatoremail 1 statesenatorfax staterepemail 1 staterepfax pagewrapper layoutoptions 1 themes pmonth pday pyear phour pmin pampm emonth eday eyear ehour emin eampm alertactive Yes create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 35 1 1 35 1 2 35 1 0 27 False False R54C3,R61C3 List AMPM R30C2:R62C2,R9C2,R7C2,R11C2:R14C2,R16C2:R18C2 R16C3:R18C3,R48C3,R30C3:R46C3,R12C3:R14C3 List BOOLEAN R62C3 List ALERT_ACTIVE R60C3 List MIN R53C3,R59C3 List HOUR R52C3,R58C3 List YEAR R51C3,R57C3 List DAY R50C3,R56C3 List MONTH R7C3 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R11C3 List ALERT_TYPE
ActionAlertsTarget comment Set up a custom target actionalertname ACTION_ALERT_BST1 foldername Other targettype newtargettype firstname Zinedine1 lastname Zidane1 email title Mr. desc street1 111 Mulberry Creek Dr city Austin state TX zip 78732 country United States phone 555-555-5555 fax 555-555-5556 activate_email 1 activate_fax create nil verify nil activate_target nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 35 1 1 35 2 35 1 0 2 0 R3 False False R14C1,R10C1,R16C1 R16C2 List COUNTRY R14C2 List STATE R10C2 List TITLE
Survey comment Create a survey Create a CRI survey surveyname SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_CRI_BST1 security General General interests reporting Administrators only Administrators only submittext Finish fin skiptext Next nah once 1 1 numbered 1 1 secure groupmethod Create New Group Create New Group groupname survey group survey group grouptype BST1 BST1 redirecttarget Photo Album Document Library redirectaddress canceltarget Page Navigator Page Navigator cancelredirect email greeting Good morning yo mtv raps startmonth Oct Oct startday 12 12 startyear 2006 2006 endmonth May May endday 31 31 endyear 2009 2009 create nil nil verify nil nil publish nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 31 3 False False R15C2:R15C3,R17C2:R17C3 List WYSIWYG_LINK R23C2:R23C3,R26C2:R26C3 List YEAR R22C2:R22C3,R25C2:R25C3 List DAY R21C2:R21C3,R24C2:R24C3 List MONTH R4C2:R4C3,R6C2:R6C3 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R9C2:R11C3 List BOOLEAN R4C1,R21C1:R26C1,R17C1,R15C1,R9C1:R11C1,R6C1
Survey Questions comment Date Value Multiple Choice Combo Box Multiple Choice Multiple Response Multiple Choice Single Response (Drop Down) Multiple Choice Single Response (Radio) Numeric Value Rating Scale Short Text Value (40 characters) Text Value True/False Yes/No Identify Survey surveyname SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 Identify Question Type questiontype Date Value Multiple Choice Combo Box Multiple Choice Multiple Response Multiple Choice Single Response (Drop Down) Multiple Choice Single Response (Radio) Numeric Value Rating Scale Short Text Value (40 characters) Text Value True/False Yes/No Question Details questiontext Please update your DOB? Please update your suffix? Which application do you use most of the time? Please update your gender if not updated? What is your occupation? What is your new phone number? How would you rate your applications? Please update your new email id? How has been your association with convio? Is your advocacy information correct? How is look and feel of convio homepage? [array] responsechoices ["Sr.","Jr.","II","III","IV"] ["Report Writer","TeamRaiser","Surveys","Advocacy","Other"] ["Male","Female"] ["BusinessMen","Employee","Others"] ["0","1","2","3","4"] security General General General General General General General General General General General answer_required 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 update_contact 1 1 1 1 1 1 contact_type Biographical Information Biographical Information Employment Phone Email Advocacy Information contact_field Date of Birth Gender Occupation Phone Email Congressional District (Manual Override) interestassociation interestbox minselections 1 maxselections 2 captionbody create nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil verify nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
600 600 1 2 3 1 3 28 239 1 2 1 R3 False False
SurveyQuestions comment Set up default for the CRI questions surveyname SURVEY_CRI_BST1 questiontype Constituent Registration Info questiontext answer me security title Requested firstname Required middlename Requested lastname Required suffix Requested email Required street1 Requested street2 city Requested state Required zip Requested country phone Requested occupation Required employer Requested gender Required birthdate Requested emailformat Requested emailoptin Show postaloptin Default layout Vertical Layout prompt password login existingemail create nil verify nil
TeamRaisers comment Create a TeamRaiser Verify the TR teamraisername TEAMRAISER_BST1 TEAMRAISER_BST1 date merchacct Default Merchant Account Default Merchant Account participationtypename TR_PARTICIPATION_BST1 TR_PARTICIPATION_BST1 parttypefee 10 10 publishstatus Published Accepting Registrations and Gifts create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
Edit TeamRaiser comment Allow teams and team gifts Identify TeamRaiser teamraisername TEAMRAISER_BST1 isblueprint adminname publicname security month day year fiscalyear eventassociation primaryeventtype primaryeventtypenew secondaryeventtype secondaryeventtypenew tertiaryeventtype tertiaryeventtypenew Select Fundraising Options donationform eventgoal goalamount donationstyle additionaldonation multiplereg taxid Select Event Options personalpages participant unconfirmedgifts participantgoal suggestedgoal interestassociationCan be a string for a single entry or an array for multiplevalues: ['Value1','Value2','Value3'] Select Team Options honoraryteam allowteams 1 allowpassword companynames teamgiftsallowed 1 teamdivisionsCan be a string for a single entry or an array for multiplevalues: ['Value1','Value2','Value3'] maxcaptains publish edit nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 1 R3 False False
Teamraiser Autoresponders comment Customize the TR autoresponder teamraisername TEAMRAISER_BST1 autorespondertype Thank You for Registering sendername senderemail subject plaintext style updateplaintextfromhtml 1 Wysiwyg wysiwyg_enabled 1 body This is the autoresponder for TEAMRAISER_BST1 linkname TeamRaiser linktarget TEAMRAISER_BST1 linktext TEAMRAISER_BST1 linkpagename Participant Center linkaddinterest linkremoveinterest linknewwindow linktitle linkpromotioncode linkadditionalargs personalname personaltext personalgroup personalfield personalreptype personalrepstyle personalrepfields condname condgrouptype condgroupname condinterest condtext compname Event Managers eventmanagertext create nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R13C3 List WYSIWYG_LINK
TeamRaiser Messages comment Add a TR Message teamraisername TEAMRAISER_BST1 messagename TR_MESSAGE_BST1 messagetype Thank You subject Subject of TR_MESSAGE_BST1 body Body of TR_MESSAGE_BST1 create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
TRPage - Default Personal comment Customize the default personal page teamraisername TEAMRAISER_BST1 style layout title donateimage registerimage text1 text1 text2 text3 footer create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
Clubs comment Create a club clubname CLUB_BST1 clubtype clubtypenew club_type security General published 1 access Owners and members of this club requestmembership 1 email docs limit notify create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False
ClubMembership comment Add club owner Add club member clubname CLUB_BST1 CLUB_BST1 owner 1 existingcons 1 1 interactiontype interactionsubject title firstname Ccccc1 Aaaaa1 lastname Ccccc1 Aaaaa1 suffix email street1 street2 city state zip country phone create nil nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 2 0 R3 False False R8C1,R18C1,R4C1,R16C1,R11C1 R4C2:R4C3 List BOOLEAN R18C2:R18C3 List COUNTRY R16C2:R16C3 List STATE R11C2:R11C3 List SUFFIX R8C2:R8C3 List TITLE
Constituent comment The club owner should be in the owner's group The club member should be in the member's group pending Bug #43856 Bug #43856 Constituent Search Used for finding groups/interests for a contact. If you specify nothing here, it will default to look for the firstname/lastname findfirstname Ccccc1 Aaaaa1 findlastname Ccccc1 Aaaaa1 findemail findmemberid findusername findphone findzip findconstituentid firstname middlename lastname username password passwordhint email title suffix profsuffix memberid gender month day year acceptemail preferredformat emailstatus street1 street2 city state zip country acceptmail congressional senate house phone employer occupation Groups groupmembership CLUB_BST1 club owners CLUB_BST1 club members groupfoldername Club Groups Club Groups Interests emailinterests emailinterestfoldername webinterests webinterestfoldername verify_group_membership 1 1
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 28 239 1 28 239 2 28 239 0 8 3 False False R33C2,R19C2:R21C2,R23C2:R28C2,R35C2:R36C2
Reward Credit comment Add credits for all of the valid actions don_per 100 don_am 50 don_dol 50 tr_don 100 tr_am 50 tr_dol 50 advo 100 survey 50 taf_send 50 taf_reg 100 ecom_per 50 ecom_am 50 ecom_dol 100 create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 16 5 False False
Rewards comment Create a reward that can be bought with credits name REWARD_BST1 point_cost 10 inventory 55 minimum 5 security description T Shirt activate 1 create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 R3 False False R9C2 List BOOLEAN R7C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R7C1,R9C1
name SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 desc security BST1 Special Members Only pagetype Users contentfolder pagesecure pagereusable pagesyndicated version v1 title keywords metadesc metatags submitforapproval approve create nil publish nil
pagename SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 version v1 locationindex 0 body This is your special offer! WYSIWYG Links linkname linktarget linktext linkpagename linkaddinterest linkremoveinterest linknewwindow linktitle linkpromotioncode linkadditionalargs WYSIWYG Personalization personalname personaltext personalgroup personalfield personalreptype personalrepstyle personalrepfields WYSIWYG Conditional condname condgrouptype condgroupname condinterest condtext WYSIWYG Component compname create nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 2 0 32 3 False False
Photoalbums name PHOTO_ALBUM_BST1 security General keywords comment Create a photo album desc This is a sample photo album body publishimmediately 1 month day year create nil verify nil
600 600 1 4 1 1 0 3 1 2 1 0 5 0 R6 False False R8C1:R11C1,R3C1 R8C2 List BOOLEAN R11C2 List YEAR R10C2 List DAY R9C2 List MONTH R3C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES
Photoalbums comment Upload a pic into the album photoalbumname PHOTO_ALBUM_BST1 filename data/hills.jpg title Run to the hills keywords hills body This is a photo of some hills create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 R3 False False
Document Library comment Add a word doc to the document library title DOCUMENT_TITLE_BST1 desc DOCUMENT_BST1 keywords department doctype Microsoft Word Document(.doc, .docx) filename data\document_lib.doc security General create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 R3 False False R7C1,R9C1 R7C2 List DOCUMENT_TYPES R9C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES
WYSIWYG Links WYSIWYG Personalization WYSIWYG Conditional WYSIWYG Component pagename version locationindex body linkname linktarget linktext linkpagename linkaddinterest linkremoveinterest linknewwindow linktitle linkpromotioncode linkadditionalargs personalname personaltext personalgroup personalfield personalreptype personalrepstyle personalrepfields condname condgrouptype condgroupname condinterest condtext compname homepage Convio Default 1 Donation Classic Form DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Donation Classic Form DONATION_USERSPEC_BST1 DONATION_USERSPEC_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Events CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Events CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_PROMO_BST1 792 homepage Convio Default 1 Action Alert ACTION_ALERT_BST1 ACTION_ALERT_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Survey SURVEY_CRI_BST1 SURVEY_CRI_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Survey SURVEY_BST1 SURVEY_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 TeamRaiser TEAMRAISER_BST1 TEAMRAISER_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Club CLUB_BST1 CLUB_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 User Story BST1 cars CARS_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Document Library DOCUMENT_TITLE_BST1 DOCUMENT_BST1 homepage Convio Default 1 Rewards Reward List BST1_REWARDS_LIST homepage Convio Default 1 PageBuilder SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 Is in group BST1 Special Members BST1 Special Members
600 600 3 24 4 False False
pagename version locationindex president vicepresident firstlady ussenators usreps governor statesenators statereps postaladdress telephonenumber faxnumber linkwebsite linkemail linkwhitehouse linksenate linkreps linknationalalerts maxnationalalerts linkstatealerts maxstatealerts homepage Convio Default 2
600 600 3 28 239 False False R3C7:R1000C7,R3C8:R1000C8,R3C9:R1000C9,R3C10:R1000C10,R3C11:R1000C11,R3C12:R1000C12,R3C13:R1000C13,R3C14:R1000C14,R3C15:R1000C15,R3C16:R1000C16,R3C17:R1000C17,R3C18:R1000C18,R3C19:R1000C19,R3C20:R1000C20,R3C4:R1000C4,R3C5:R1000C5,R3C6:R1000C6,R3C22:R1000C22 List BOOLEAN R1C18:R2C18,R1001C18:R65536C18,R1C19:R2C19,R1001C19:R65536C19,R1C20:R2C20,R1001C20:R65536C20,R1C4:R2C4,R1001C4:R65536C4,R1C5:R2C5,R1001C5:R65536C5,R1C6:R2C6,R1001C6:R65536C6,R1C7:R2C7,R1001C7:R65536C7,R1C8:R2C8,R1001C8:R65536C8,R1C9:R2C9,R1001C9:R65536C9,R1C10:R2C10,R1001C10:R65536C10,R1C11:R2C11,R1001C11:R65536C11,R1C12:R2C12,R1001C12:R65536C12,R1C13:R2C13,R1001C13:R65536C13,R1C14:R2C14,R1001C14:R65536C14,R1C15:R2C15,R1001C15:R65536C15,R1C16:R2C16,R1001C16:R65536C16,R1C17:R2C17,R1001C17:R65536C17,R1C22:R2C22,R1001C22:R65536C22
pagename version locationindex displaypublished displaycataloged security interest articleinformation numcolumns numarticlespercolumn homepage Convio Default 3 1 1 General BST1 cars Photo and subheading 1 2
600 600 3 35 False False R3C22,R3C11:R3C20,R3C4:R1000C4,R3C5:R1000C5 List BOOLEAN R3C6:R1000C6 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R3C7:R1000C7 List PAGEBUILDER_INTEREST R3C8:R1000C8 List PAGEBUILDER_ARTICLEINFO R3C9:R1000C9,R3C10:R1000C10 List PAGEBUILDER_RANGE R1C7:R2C7,R1001C7:R65536C7,R1C8:R2C8,R1001C8:R65536C8,R1C9:R2C9,R1001C9:R65536C9,R1C4:R2C4,R1001C4:R65536C4,R1C5:R2C5,R1001C5:R65536C5,R1C6:R2C6,R1001C6:R65536C6,R1C10:R2C10,R1001C10:R65536C10
pagename version locationindex displaystyle includename includeemail includezip followuppage followuplink followuplinkname homepage Convio Default 4 Embedded Form 1 1 0 full registration page and specified link Survey SURVEY_BST1
600 600 3 6 11 False False
pagename version locationindex photoalbumname showalbumtitle showalbumabstract photodisplaytype photodisplaystyle homepage Convio Default 5 PHOTO_ALBUM_BST1 1 1 Display first photo Vertical
600 600 3 28 239 False False R3C15,R3C9:R3C13,R3C5:R1000C5,R3C6:R1000C6 List BOOLEAN R3C8:R1000C8 List PAGEBUILDER_PHOTODISPLAYSTYLE R3C7:R1000C7 List PAGEBUILDER_PHOTODISPLAYTYPE R1C5:R2C5,R1001C5:R65536C5,R1C6:R2C6,R1001C6:R65536C6,R1C7:R2C7,R1001C7:R65536C7,R1C8:R2C8,R1001C8:R65536C8
QuickEmail comment Create a Quick Email pending Need to add populate_data messagename QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 sender QuickEmailSender email subject QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 [[S1:first_name]][[S1:last_name]] body quickemail body approve desc type typenew security tentativedate month day year hour min ampm personalize updateplaintext plaintextbody spamcheck testaddresses plaintextcopy copytoself create nil verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 2 2 False False R20C2 List AMPM R19C2 List MIN R18C2 List HOUR R17C2 List YEAR R16C2 List DAY R15C2 List MONTH R13C2 List SECURITY_CATEGORIES R14C2,R26C2,R9C2,R24C2,R22C2 List BOOLEAN R22C1,R26C1,R13C1:R20C1,R9C1,R24C1
QuickEmail Wysiwyg comment Add a donation classic link Add an event link Add an action alert link Add a link to a club messagename QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 Wysiwyg Information body linkname Donation Classic Form Events Action Alert Club linktarget DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 ACTION_ALERT_BST1 CLUB_BST1 linktext DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 ACTION_ALERT_BST1 CLUB_BST1 linkpagename linkaddinterest linkremoveinterest linknewwindow linktitle linkpromotioncode linkadditionalargs personalname personaltext personalgroup personalfield personalreptype personalrepstyle personalrepfields condname Is in group condgrouptype BST1 Special Members condgroupname BST1 Special Members condinterest condtext compname create nil nil nil nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 2 0 2 0 R3 False False
QuickEmailSend comment Send the quick email pending Bug #43861 messagename QUICK_EMAIL_BST1 approve 1 sendmail 1 targetgroups BST1 PatchTest targetgroupfolder BST1 donotmailgroups donotmailgroupfolder create nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 13 7 False False
User comment Create a user and verify that the list of representatives shows the correct zip code pending Need to work out how to verify firstname joe lastname smith title suffix profsuffix username user_js_1 password pass_js_1 repass pass_js_1 hint fast rememberme email preferredformat emailoptin postaloptin street1 3405 Mulberry Creek Dr street2 city Austin state TX zip 78732 country United States phone create nil repzipcode 78732-2290 verify nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 25 3 1 25 3 2 25 3 0 2 2 False False R21C1,R23C1,R15C1:R17C1,R13C1,R6C1:R8C1 R24C2,R16C2:R17C2,R13C2 List BOOLEAN R23C2 List COUNTRY R21C2 List STATE R6C2 List TITLE R7C2 List SUFFIX R8C2 List PROFSUFFIX R15C2 List EMAILFORMAT
DonationUser comment Make a donation associated with a premium Make a donation without a premium bugid linkname DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 username user_js_1 user_sd_1 password pass_js_1 pass_sd_1 donationlevel premium premium otheramount premium PRODUCT_BST1 rememberme emailoptin 1 1 makeanonymousgift recognitionname makedonationpublic note title firstname middlename lastname suffix profsuffix email street1 3607 Clawson Rd 3405 Mulberry Creek Dr street2 Unit A city Austin Austin state TX TX zip 78704 78732 country United States United States phone 512-123-4567 512-123-4567 memberid constituentid creditcard Visa Visa cardnumber 4111111111111111 4111111111111111 verificationcode 111 111 expmonth 12 12 expyear 2009 2009 checknumber create nil nil verify_Name: joe smith Susan Davis verify_Address: /3607 Clawson Rd/ /3405 Mulberry Creek Dr/ verify_Email_Address: /\S+\ /\S+\ verify_Donation_Form: DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 DONATION_PREMIUM_BST1 verify_Donation_Level: premium premium verify_Gift_Amount: 1000 1000 verify_Value_of_Premium: 20 error verify_Tax-deductible_Amount: 980 1000 verify_This_organization's_tax_ID_is: fake tax id : 123456-789 fake tax id : 123456-789 verify_Tracking_Code: /\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+/ /\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+/
600 600 1 20 1 1 0 3 25 3 1 25 3 2 25 3 0 41 False False
Calendar Event Ticket User comment Buy a ticket Buy a ticket using the promocode (limited number of tickets) pending linknameThis is the link on the home page that points to the teamraiser CALENDAR_EVENT_BST1 CALENDAR_EVENT_PROMO_BST1 usernameUsername and password are optional and only used if you want to login before doing this action user_js_1 user_js_1 passwordUsername and password are optional and only used if you want to login before doing this action pass_js_1 pass_js_1 Buy Tickets Page firstname joe joe lastname smith smith email emailoptin rememberme showinguestlist 1 1 tickets {'unlimited'=>2} limited additionalgift 25 emailreminder 1 1 reminder 2 days before the event 2 days before the event title middlename suffix profsuffix street1 3607 Clawson Rd 3607 Clawson Rd street2 city Austin Austin state TX TX zip 78704 78704 country United States United States phone 512-123-4567 512-123-4567 creditcard Visa Visa cardnumber 4111111111111111 4111111111111111 verificationcode 111 111 expmonth 12 12 expyear 2009 2009 Include Questions surveyquestion1 surveyquestiontype1 surveyanswer1 surveyquestion2 surveyquestiontype2 surveyanswer2 surveyquestion3 surveyquestiontype3 surveyanswer3 surveyquestion4 surveyquestiontype4 surveyanswer4 surveyquestion5 surveyquestiontype5 surveyanswer5 surveyquestion6 surveyquestiontype6 surveyanswer6 surveyquestion7 surveyquestiontype7 surveyanswer7 surveyquestion8 surveyquestiontype8 surveyanswer8 surveyquestion9 surveyquestiontype9 surveyanswer9 surveyquestion10 surveyquestiontype10 surveyanswer10 surveyquestion11 surveyquestiontype11 surveyanswer11 surveyquestion12 surveyquestiontype12 surveyanswer12 surveyquestion13 surveyquestiontype13 surveyanswer13 surveyquestion14 surveyquestiontype14 surveyanswer14 surveyquestion15 surveyquestiontype15 surveyanswer15 surveyquestion16 surveyquestiontype16 surveyanswer16 surveyquestion17 surveyquestiontype17 surveyanswer17 surveyquestion18 surveyquestiontype18 surveyanswer18 surveyquestion19 surveyquestiontype19 surveyanswer19 surveyquestion20 surveyquestiontype20 surveyanswer20 create nil nil verify_col1_unlimited 25 verify_col2_unlimited 2 verify_col3_unlimited 50 verify_col4_unlimited 20 verify_col1_limited 10 verify_col2_limited 1 verify_col3_limited 10 verify_col4_limited 9 verify_col3_Additional_Gift 25 error verify_col4_Additional_Gift 25 error verify_col2_Totals 2 1 verify_col3_Totals 75 10 verify_col4_Totals 45 9
600 600 72 3 83 4 False False R5C20:R19C20,R21C20:R65531C20,R21C14:R65531C16,R21C9:R65531C9,R5C14:R19C16,R5C9:R19C9 List BOOLEAN R26C3:R26C4 List COUNTRY
ActionAlertUser comment Send an action alert and verify the targets (including the custom target) bugid linkname ACTION_ALERT_BST1 username password title Miss firstname alertuser1 lastname alertuser1 address1 11506 Eubank Drive address2 city Austin state TX zip 78758-3940 phone 23333 email periodicupdates 1 rememberme 1 layoutoption 1 create nil targets ["President Barack Obama", "Vice President Joseph 'Joe' R. Biden Jr.", "First Lady Michelle Obama", "Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison", "Senator John Cornyn III", "Representative Michael McCaul", "Governor Rick Perry", "Senator Kirk Watson", "Representative Mark Strama", "Mr. Zinedine1 Zidane1"] verify_targets 1
600 600 1 13 1 1 0 3 38 1 1 38 2 38 1 0 47 False False
SurveyUser comment Take a standard survey linkname SURVEY_CRI_BST1 loginfirst 1 username user_js_1 password pass_js_1 title Mr. firstname SurveyFirst middlename lastname SurveyLast suffix Jr. email street1 1234 survey st street2 city Austin state TX zip 78704 country phone occupation Student employer Convio gender Female birthmonth Feb birthday 15 birthyear 1977 receiveemail emailformat Plain Text postaloptin rememberme create nil
600 600 1 1 1 1 0 3 38 1 1 38 2 38 1 0 6 3 False False
Survey User Non CRI Questions comment Take a CRI survey linknameThis is the link on the home page that points to the survey SURVEY_BST1 loginfirst 1 username user_js_1 password pass_js_1 Survey Questions surveyquestion1 Please update your DOB? surveyquestiontype1 Date Value surveyanswer1 ['May','1','1980'] surveyquestion2 Please update your suffix? surveyquestiontype2 Multiple Choice Combo Box surveyanswer2 Jr surveyquestion3 Which application do you use most of the time? surveyquestiontype3 Multiple Choice Multiple Response surveyanswer3 Other surveyquestion4 Please update your gender if not updated? surveyquestiontype4 Multiple Choice Single Response (Drop Down) surveyanswer4 Female surveyquestion5 What is your occupation? surveyquestiontype5 Multiple Choice Single Response (Radio) surveyanswer5 Employee surveyquestion6 What is your new phone number? surveyquestiontype6 Numeric Value surveyanswer6 11111 surveyquestion7 How would you rate your applications? surveyquestiontype7 Rating Scale surveyanswer7 2 surveyquestion8 Please update your new email id? surveyquestiontype8 Short Text Value (40 characters) surveyanswer8 surveyquestion9 How has been your association with convio? surveyquestiontype9 Text Value surveyanswer9 good surveyquestion10 Is your advocacy information correct? surveyquestiontype10 True/False surveyanswer10 1 surveyquestion11 How is look and feel of convio homepage? surveyquestiontype11 Yes/No surveyanswer11 Yes surveyquestiontype12 surveyanswer12 surveyquestion13 surveyquestiontype13 surveyanswer13 surveyquestion14 surveyquestiontype14 surveyanswer14 surveyquestion15 surveyquestiontype15 surveyanswer15 surveyquestion16 surveyquestiontype16 surveyanswer16 surveyquestion17 surveyquestiontype17 surveyanswer17 surveyquestion18 surveyquestiontype18 surveyanswer18 surveyquestion19 surveyquestiontype19 surveyanswer19 surveyquestion20 surveyquestiontype20 surveyanswer20 username password rememberme create nil
600 600 1 1 2 2 0 3 38 1 1 38 1 2 38 1 0 29 False False R73C2,R80C2,R78C2 R3C11:R3C34,R3C38:R3C256 List _TR R3C35:R3C37 List _TRLINK R14C3,R17C3,R20C3,R26C3,R29C3,R32C3,R35C3,R38C3 List SURVEY_QUESTION_TYPE R4C37:R6C37 List YEAR R4C36:R6C36 List MONTH_NUM R4C19:R6C19 List PROFSUFFIX R4C18:R6C18,R4C9:R6C9 List SUFFIX R4C5:R6C5 List TITLE R4C12:R6C12,R4C8:R6C8,R4C10:R6C10 List BOOLEAN R4C28:R6C28,R4C16:R6C16 List COUNTRY R4C26:R6C26,R4C14:R6C14 List STATE
comment Make sure that the special offer is only visible to a member of BST Special Members Non members should not see link Users not logged in should not see link linkname SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 SPECIAL_OFFER_BST1 loginfirst 1 1 username userc1 userb1 password passc1 passb1 verify_page_text /This is your special offer!/ error error