var lang = require('mout/lang'); var object = require('mout/object'); var rc = require('./util/rc'); var expand = require('./util/expand'); var EnvProxy = require('./util/proxy'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); function Config(cwd) { this._cwd = cwd; this._proxy = new EnvProxy(); this._config = {}; } Config.prototype.load = function (overwrites) { this._config = rc('bower', this._cwd); this._config = object.merge( expand(this._config || {}), expand(overwrites || {}) ); this._config = normalise(this._config); this._proxy.set(this._config); return this; }; Config.prototype.restore = function () { this._proxy.restore(); }; function readCertFile(path) { path = path || ''; var sep = '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'; var certificates; if (path.indexOf(sep) === -1) { certificates = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }); } else { certificates = path; } return certificates. split(sep). filter(function(s) { return !s.match(/^\s*$/); }). map(function(s) { return s + sep; }); } function loadCAs(caConfig) { // If a ca file path has been specified, expand that here to the file's // contents. As a user can specify these individually, we must load them // one by one. for (var p in caConfig) { if (caConfig.hasOwnProperty(p)) { var prop = caConfig[p]; if (Array.isArray(prop)) { caConfig[p] = { return readCertFile(s); }); } else if (prop) { caConfig[p] = readCertFile(prop); } } } } Config.prototype.toObject = function () { return lang.deepClone(this._config); }; Config.create = function (cwd) { return new Config(cwd); }; = function (cwd, overrides) { var config = Config.create(cwd); return config.load(overrides).toObject(); }; function normalise(config) { config = expand(config); // Some backwards compatible things.. if (config.shorthandResolver) { config.shorthandResolver = config.shorthandResolver .replace(/\{\{\{/g, '{{') .replace(/\}\}\}/g, '}}'); } // Ensure that every registry endpoint does not end with / = (url) { return url.replace(/\/+$/, ''); }); config.registry.register = config.registry.register.replace(/\/+$/, ''); config.registry.publish = config.registry.publish.replace(/\/+$/, ''); config.tmp = path.resolve(config.tmp); loadCAs(; return config; } Config.DEFAULT_REGISTRY = require('./util/defaults').registry; module.exports = Config;