* using the "sorted_by" magic method will add entries to select_options automatically filterrific( default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'name_asc' }, available_filters: [ :with_country, ... ], search_query: { match_terms: :any, # [:all] auto_wildcard: :suffix, # [:prefix, :both, :none] columns: [:first_name, :email, :last_name], case_sensitive: false, # [true] }, sorted_by: { name_asc: 'Name (A-Z)', name_desc: 'Name (Z-A)', }, ) filterrific( default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'name_asc' }, custom_scopes: [ :with_country, ... ], lookup_filters: [ # column_value_filters:, value_filters: :with_country_id, :with_state, ] search_query: { match_terms: :any, # [:all] auto_wildcard: :suffix, # [:prefix, :both, :none] columns: [:first_name, :email, :last_name], case_sensitive: false, # [true] }, sorted_by: { name_asc: 'Name (A-Z)', name_desc: 'Name (Z-A)', }, ) # 2.0.0 API changes: * Filterrific model API option names have changed. * Better initialization of Filterrific via `initialize_filterrific` method: * It resets the filter params, so the `reset_filterrific` action is not required any more. * It persists filter params in session. * Simplified `@filterrific.find` method to load collection from DB. Replaces `Student.filterrific_find(@filterrific)` * The `form_for_filterrific` form builder doesn't override the standard `form_for` method any more. * Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.7 (because of 1.9 Hash syntax) * Dropped support for Rails <= 3.0.0 (because of ActiveRecord bug fixes in 3.1, and use of asset pipeline) ### 1.4.3 * Handle case where Filterrific filter params are empty. ### 1.4.2 * Updated initialization of ActiveRecord and ActionView extensions again ### 1.4.1 * Updated initialization of ActiveRecord and ActionView extensions ### 1.4.0 * Better support for new versions of Rails (integration tests are done in filterrific_demo) * Fixed asset pipeline for filterrific-spinner.gif. * Isolate_namespace * Update Gem dependencies * Switch from Rspec to Minitest * Require Rails 3.1 or greater ### 1.3.1 * Changed ParamSet#select_options so that a complete hash can be assigned ## 1.3.0 * Added ParamSet#select_options (thanks @pnomolos). * Added ParamSet#signature to quickly test two param_sets for equality. * Bugfix: When using with Rails 4.0: Fixed ‘wrong number of arguments 0 for 1’ exception (thanks @sebboh). * Bugfix: jQuery bug in `form_for` helper (thanks @sebboh). * Bugfix: removed duplicate dependency in .gemspec. * Updated documentation. * Updated Gemfile source * Refactored ParamSet initialization. * Refactored ActiveRecordExtension initialization. ## 1.2.0 * Added simple wrapper for Filterrific::ParamSet.new so that it can be instantiated with Filterrific.new instead of Filterrific::ParamSet.new. * Overrode ActionView's form_for to add filterrific magic when applied to a Filterrific object. * Fixed bug with javascript periodic observer, changed css selector class to avoid conflicts. * Moved observe_form_field jquery plugin into filterrific namespace to avoid conflicts. ## 1.1.0 * Major refactor. * Added specs. * Tied in Rails asset pipeline. * Added gh-pages branch for documentation. ### 1.0.1 * Bug fix: Replaced stringify_keys with map.to_s (filter_names is an Array, not a Hash!). # 1.0.0 * Support for Rails 3.1. * New model api. ## 0.1.0, released 2010-08-01 * Replicate functionality of Rails 2.3 version. ### 0.0.1, released 2010-07-30 * Initial setup.