require 'spec_helper' describe Testrbl do around do |example| run "rm -rf tmp && mkdir tmp" Dir.chdir "tmp" do end run "rm -rf tmp" end def run(cmd, options={}) result = `#{cmd} 2>&1` raise "FAILED #{cmd} --> #{result}" if $?.success? != !options[:fail] result end def testrbl(command, options={}) run "#{File.expand_path("../../bin/testrbl", __FILE__)} #{command}", options end def write(file, content) folder = File.dirname(file) run "mkdir -p #{folder}" unless File.exist?(folder), 'w'){|f| f.write content } end def read(file) end it "has a VERSION" do Testrbl::VERSION.should =~ /^[\.\da-z]+$/ end context "def test_" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end def test_yyy puts 'BCD' end end RUBY end it "runs by exact line" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end it "runs by above a line" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:5" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end it "does not run when line is before test" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:3", :fail => true result.should include "no test found before line 3" result.should_not include "ABC" end it "runs whole file without number" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD" end it "runs with options" do pending "works in real console..." do result = testrbl "a_test.rb -n '/xxx/'" result.should include "ABC" result.should_not include "BCD" end end end context "test with string" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY REQUIRE class Xxx < ANCESTOR test "a" do puts 'ABC' end test "b" do puts 'BCD' end test "c -__.BLA:" do puts 'CDE' end test "c" do puts 'DEF' end end RUBY end [ ["Test::Unit::TestCase", "require 'test/unit'\n"], ["ActiveSupport::TestCase", "require 'test/unit'\nrequire 'active_support/test_case'"], ].each do |ancestor, require| context "with #{ancestor}" do before do write("a_test.rb", read("a_test.rb").sub("REQUIRE", require).sub("ANCESTOR", ancestor)) end it "runs test" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:8" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should_not include "CDE\n" end it "runs test explicitly" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:16" result.should_not include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end it "runs complex test names" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:12" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should_not include "DEF\n" end end end end context "shoulda" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' require 'shoulda' class Xxx < Test::Unit::TestCase should "a" do puts 'ABC' end should "b" do puts 'BCD' end context "c" do should "d" do puts 'CDE' end should "e" do puts 'DEF' end should "..'?! [(" do puts 'EFG' end end context "g a" do should "a" do puts "FGH" end end should "g" do puts "GHI" end end RUBY end it "runs should" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:9" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should_not include "CDE\n" end it "runs stuff with regex special chars" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:22" result.should_not include "DEF\n" result.should include "EFG\n" end it "runs context" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:13" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end it "runs via nested context" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:28" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "EFG\n" result.should include "FGH\n" end it "runs should explicitly" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:33" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "GHI\n" result.should_not include "FGH\n" end end context "minitest test" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'minitest/autorun' class Xxx < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end def test_yyy puts 'BCD' end end RUBY end it "runs" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end end context "minitest spec" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'minitest/autorun' describe "a" do it "b" do puts "ABC" end it "c" do puts "BCD" end end RUBY end it "runs" do result = testrbl "a_test.rb:4" result.should include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD" end end context "multiple files / folders" do before do write "a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx1 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'ABC' end end RUBY write "a/a_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx2 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'BCD' end end RUBY write "a/b/c_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx3 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'CDE' end end RUBY write "a/c/c_test.rb", <<-RUBY require 'test/unit' class Xxx4 < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_xxx puts 'DEF' end end RUBY end it "runs a folder with subfolders" do result = testrbl "a" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" end it "runs files and folders" do result = testrbl "a/b a/c/c_test.rb" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end it "runs multiple files" do result = testrbl "a/b/c_test.rb a/c/c_test.rb" result.should_not include "ABC\n" result.should_not include "BCD\n" result.should include "CDE\n" result.should include "DEF\n" end end describe ".pattern_from_line" do def call(line) Testrbl.pattern_from_line(line) end it "finds simple tests" do call(" def test_xxx\n").should == [" ", "xxx"] end it "does not find other methods" do call(" def xxx\n").should == nil end it "finds calls with single quotes" do call(" test 'xx xx' do\n").should == [" ", "^test(: |_)xx.xx$"] end it "finds test do calls" do call(" test \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "^test(: |_)xx.xx$"] end it "finds complex test do calls" do call(" test \"c -__.BLA:\" do\n").should == [" ", "^test(: |_)c.\\-__\\.BLA:$"] end it "finds interpolated test do calls" do call(" test \"c\#{111}b\" do\n").should == [" ", "^test(: |_)c.*b$"] end it "finds should do calls" do call(" should \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "should xx xx. (?:(.*))?$"] end it "finds interpolated context do calls" do call(" should \"c\#{111}b\" do\n").should == [" ", "should c.*b. (?:(.*))?$"] end it "finds context do calls" do call(" context \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx xx"] end it "finds context do calls with classes" do call(" context Foobar do\n").should == [" ", "Foobar"] end it "finds interpolated context do calls" do call(" context \"c\#{111}b\" do\n").should == [" ", "c.*b"] end it "finds minitest it do calls" do call(" it \"xx xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "\\d+_xx_xx$"] end it "finds complex minitest it do calls" do call(" it \"xx ._-.. ___ xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "\\d+_xx_______xx$"] end it "does not find minitest describe do calls since we cannot run them" do call(" describe Foobar do\n").should == nil end it "escapes regex chars" do call(" context \"xx .* xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx \\.\\* xx"] end it "escapes single quotes which we use to build the pattern" do call(" context \"xx ' xx\" do\n").should == [" ", "xx . xx"] end end end