namespace :umlaut do desc "Migrate permalinks from an umlaut 2.x installation" task :migrate_permalinks, [:connection] => [:environment] do |t,args| old_connection_name = args[:connection] || "umlaut2_source" from_id = ENV['FROM_ID'] import_batch = (ENV['IMPORT_BATCH'] || 20000).to_i export_batch = (ENV['EXPORT_BATCH'] || 20000).to_i gc_batch = (ENV['GC_BATCH'] || 40000).to_i begin require 'activerecord-import' ar_import = true rescue LoadError ar_import = false end # Turn off all caching we can think of with AR, cause it's gonna # take too much memory! I _think_ this will do that. ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.enabled = false unless ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[old_connection_name] raise"You must have a connection for '#{old_connection_name}' configured in database.yml, pointing to the Umlaut 2.x source db.") end puts "\nWARNING: We will delete all existing permalinks " + (from_id ? "(id >= #{from_id})" : "") + " from the '#{Rails.env}' database:" puts " " + {}.merge(Permalink.connection_config).inspect print "\nSure you want to continue? (yes to continue) " continue = $stdin.gets raise"Cancelled by user") unless continue.chomp == "yes" puts "\nDeleting...\n" rel = Permalink rel = rel.where("id >= #{from_id}") if from_id rel.delete_all # dynamically create a model for Permalinks in old # db, set up with connection info to old db. OldPermalink = do self.set_table_name("permalinks") # just to be safe def read_only? true end end # Can't include this line in dynamic class generation above, # have to do it now that we have a constant assigned, for it # to work. OldPermalink.establish_connection old_connection_name.to_sym puts "\nThis may take a while #{"(include activerecord-import gem for faster importing)" unless ar_import}...\n" # Read all the old Permalinks in, write em out to new # db, _with same primary key_ since PK is used for actual # user-facing permalinks. We don't copy the Referent relationship, # we just copy enough to recreate, context_obj_serialized. could_not_migrate = { :count => 0, :highest_id => 0, :latest_date => 0 } highest_id = 0 bulk_queue = [] i = 0 ActiveRecord::Base.uncached do rel = OldPermalink rel = rel.where("id >= #{from_id}") if from_id rel.find_each(:batch_size => import_batch) do |old_p| i += 1 highest_id = [highest_id,].max if old_p.context_obj_serialized.blank? could_not_migrate[:count] += 1 count_not_migrate[:highest_id] = [count_not_migrate[:highest_id],].max could_not_migrate[:latest_date] = [could_not_migrate[:latest_date], old_p.created_on].max else if ar_import values = [, old_p.created_on, old_p.orig_rfr_id, old_p.context_obj_serialized ] bulk_queue << values else new_p = = # keep the id the same! new_p.created_on = old_p.created_on # why not keep it the same? new_p.orig_rfr_id = old_p.orig_rfr_id # why not # the important thing to be able to actually resolve it new_p.context_obj_serialized = old_p.context_obj_serialized! end end print(".") if i % 1000 == 0 if ar_import && i % export_batch == 0 print "-" Permalink.import( [:id, :created_on, :orig_rfr_id, :context_obj_serialized], bulk_queue, :validate => false, :timestamps => false) print "+" bulk_queue.clear end if i % gc_batch == 0 GC.start print "*" end end end unless bulk_queue.empty? print "-" Permalink.import( [:id, :created_on, :orig_rfr_id, :context_obj_serialized], bulk_queue, :validate => false, :timestamps => false) print "+" bulk_queue.clear end if could_not_migrate[:count] > 0 puts "\n\nCould not migrate #{could_not_migrate[:count]} permalinks" puts " Ending at permalink #{could_not_migrate[:highest_id]}, " puts " created at #{could_not_migrate[:latest_date]}" end puts "\nDone. Highest ID migrated: #{highest_id}" end end