require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' #Checks for versions which do not escape single quotes. # class Brakeman::CheckSingleQuotes < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self RACK_UTILS =,, :Rack), :Utils) @description = "Check for versions which do not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464)" def initialize *args super @inside_erb = @inside_util = @inside_html_escape = @uses_rack_escape = false end def run_check return if uses_rack_escape? case when version_between?('2.0.0', '2.3.14') message = "All Rails 2.x versions do not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464)" when version_between?('3.0.0', '3.0.16') message = "Rails #{rails_version} does not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464). Upgrade to 3.0.17" when version_between?('3.1.0', '3.1.7') message = "Rails #{rails_version} does not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464). Upgrade to 3.1.8" when version_between?('3.2.0', '3.2.7') message = "Rails #{rails_version} does not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464). Upgrade to 3.2.8" else return end warn :warning_type => "Cross-Site Scripting", :warning_code => :CVE_2012_3464, :message => message, :confidence => :medium, :gem_info => gemfile_or_environment, :link_path => "" end #Process initializers to see if they use workaround #by replacing Erb::Util.html_escape def uses_rack_escape? @tracker.initializers.each do |_name, src| process src end @uses_rack_escape end #Look for # # class ERB def process_class exp if exp.class_name == :ERB @inside_erb = true process_all exp.body @inside_erb = false end exp end #Look for # # module Util def process_module exp if @inside_erb and exp.module_name == :Util @inside_util = true process_all exp.body @inside_util = false end exp end #Look for # # def html_escape def process_defn exp if @inside_util and exp.method_name == :html_escape @inside_html_escape = true process_all exp.body @inside_html_escape = false end exp end #Look for # # Rack::Utils.escape_html def process_call exp if @inside_html_escape and == RACK_UTILS and exp.method == :escape_html @uses_rack_escape = true else process if end exp end end