#!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../vendor/gems/*"].each {|lib| $:.unshift( File.expand_path(lib + "/lib") )} require "git-style-binary" require "colors" require 'git-style-binary/command' GitStyleBinary.primary do @theme = :short config = YAML.load(File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../VERSION.yml')) version = "#{config[:major]}.#{config[:minor]}.#{config[:patch]}" version "Skelerl release: #{version}" banner <<-EOS Usage: #{$0} #{all_options_string} COMMAND [ARGS] The skelerl subcommands commands are: \#{GitStyleBinary.pretty_known_subcommands(:short).join(" ")} See 'skelerl help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command. EOS run do |command| subcommands = GitStyleBinary.list_subcommands puts "Usage: skelerl COMMAND [ARGS] The skelerl subcommands commands are: #{subcommands} See 'skelerl help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command" end end # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") # # require 'rubygems' # require 'rubigen' # require "skelerl" # # if %w(-v --version).include? ARGV.first # puts "#{File.basename($0)} #{Skelerl::VERSION::STRING}" # exit(0) # end # # require 'rubigen/scripts/generate' # source = RubiGen::PathSource.new(:application, # File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../generators")) # RubiGen::Base.reset_sources # RubiGen::Base.append_sources source # # # Different generators # if ARGV.contains_similar_elements? %w(--gen_server gen_server gs) # RubiGen::Scripts::Generate.new.run(ARGV, :generator => 'gen_server') # elsif ARGV.contains_similar_elements? %w(--makefile make mf makefile) # RubiGen::Scripts::Generate.new.run(ARGV, :generator => 'makefile') # else # RubiGen::Scripts::Generate.new.run(ARGV, :generator => 'skeleton') # end