# See the Pagy documentation: https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/extras/trim # frozen_string_literal: true class Pagy DEFAULT[:trim_extra] = true # extra enabled by default module TrimExtra # Override the original using the pagy_trim method def pagy_link_proc(pagy, link_extra: '') link_proc = super(pagy, link_extra: link_extra) return link_proc unless pagy.vars[:trim_extra] lambda do |num, text = num, extra = ''| link = +link_proc.call(num, text, extra) return link unless num == 1 pagy_trim(pagy, link) end end # Remove the the :page_param param from the first page link def pagy_trim(pagy, link) link.sub!(/[?&]#{pagy.vars[:page_param]}=1\b(?!&)|\b#{pagy.vars[:page_param]}=1&/, '') end end Frontend.prepend TrimExtra end