require 'time' require 'timeframe' Given %r{^an? (\w+)( impact)?$} do |name, _| name = name.gsub(/\s+/,'_').camelize + 'Record' @activity = name.constantize @characteristics = {} @expectations ||= [] end Given /^(a )?characteristic "(.*)" of integer value "(.*)"$/ do |_, name, value| step "characteristic \"#{name}\" of \"#{value}\", converted with \"to_i\"" end Given /^(a )?characteristic "(.*)" of address value "(.*)"$/ do |_, name, value| step "characteristic \"#{name}\" of \"#{value}\", converted with \"to_s\"" end Given /^(a )?characteristic "(.*)" of "([^\"]*)"(, converted with "(.*)")?$/ do |_, name, value, __, converter| if name =~ /\./ model_name, attribute = name.split /\./ model = begin model_name.singularize.camelize.constantize rescue NameError association = @activity.reflect_on_association model_name.to_sym association.klass end value = model.send "find_by_#{attribute}", value @characteristics[model_name.to_sym] = value unless value.nil? elsif name == 'timeframe' @timeframe = (value.present?) ? Timeframe.interval(value) : nil elsif name == 'active_subtimeframe' @characteristics[:active_subtimeframe] = (value.present?) ? Timeframe.interval(value) : nil elsif converter value = value.send converter @characteristics[name.to_sym] = value unless value.nil? else value = coerce_value(value) @characteristics[name.to_sym] = value unless value.nil? end end Given /^(a )?characteristic "(.*)" including "(.*)"$/ do |_, name, values| @characteristics[name.to_sym] ||= [] @characteristics[name.to_sym] += values.split(/,/) end Given /^an? (.+) has nothing$/ do |emitter| end Given /^it has "(.+)" of "(.*)"$/ do |field, value| step %Q{characteristic "#{field}" of "#{value}"} end When /^impacts are calculated$/ do || do @timeframe ||= Timeframe.this_year @activity_instance = @characteristics @impact = @activity_instance.impact @timeframe end @characteristics = @activity_instance.deliberations[:impact].characteristics end Then /^the amount of "(.*)" should be within "([\d\.]+)" of "([\d\.]+)"$/ do |substance, cushion, target| @impact.should_not be_nil @impact[substance.to_sym].should be_within(cushion.to_f).of(target.to_f) end Then /^the calculation should have used committees "(.*)"$/ do |committee_list| committees = committee_list.split(/,\s*/) committees.each do |committee| @characteristics.keys.should include(committee) end end Then /^the calculation should comply with standards? "(.*)"$/ do |standard_list| standards = standard_list.split(/,\s*/).map(&:to_sym) compliance = @activity_instance.deliberations[:impact].compliance unless standards.empty? compliance.should_not be_empty, 'Expected calculation to comply with some standards, but it complied with none' end exclusive_list = (compliance ^ standards) exclusive_list.should be_empty, "Calculation did not comply with #{(standards - compliance).to_a.inspect})" end Then /^the calculation should not comply with standards? "(.*)"$/ do |standard_list| standards = standard_list.split(/,\s*/).map(&:to_sym) compliance = @activity_instance.deliberations[:impact].compliance unless compliance.empty? diff_list = (standards - compliance) # s - c = set of anything in s that is not in c diff_list.should be(standards), "Calculation should not have complied with #{(standards - diff_list).to_a.inspect}" end end Then /^the (.+) committee should be close to "([^,]+)", \+\/-"(.+)"$/ do |committee, value, cushion| @characteristics[committee.to_sym].to_f.should be_within(cushion.to_f).of(value.to_f) end Then /^the (.+) committee should be exactly "(.*)"$/ do |committee, value| @characteristics[committee.to_sym].to_s.should == value end Then /^the active_subtimeframe committee should have timeframe "(.*)"$/ do |tf_string| days, start, finish = tf_string.split(/,\s*/) @characteristics[:active_subtimeframe].to_s.should =~ /#{days} days starting #{start} ending #{finish}/ end