$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
# = Subtrigger
# Subtrigger is a tiny tool for firing callback methods based on triggers in
# subversion log messages.
# == Example
# When somebody makes a commit:
# r5410 "Added a sitemap to the website [deploy]"
# A /www.website.tld/trunk/sitemap.xml
# ...then you can trigger the deployment of that project to a staging server
# using a +Trigger+:
# Subtrigger.on(/\[deploy\]/) do |matches, repo|
# # do some smart stuff here
# end
# Your trigger has access to the captured groups in its regular expression
# matcher, and to all the svnlook information from the repository
# at the revision that fired the hook. This gives you access to changed paths,
# its author, date, etc.
# == E-mail notifications
# Subtrigger allows you to send notification e-mails to developers:
# # in your trigger:
# Subtrigger::Email.new(:to => "#{repo.author}@company.tld",
# :from => 'svn@company.tld',
# :subject => 'Trigger notification',
# :body => "Dear #{repo.author}, ...")
# == Usage
# This library is intended to be used as a Subversion post-commit hook.
# The best way to use it to create a post-commit hook file that requires this
# library, sets up one or more triggers and than fires the processing.
# Here's an example:
# #!/usr/local/bin/ruby
# require 'rubygems'
# require 'subtrigger'
# Subtrigger.on(/foo/) { |matches, repo|
# puts "#{repo.author} comitted foo!"
# }.on(/bar/) { |matches, repo|
# puts "#{repo.author} comitted bar!"
# }.run(*ARGV)
# Make sure your gems are installed and the correct permissions are set. Note
# that Subversion runs its hooks in an empty environment, with no PATH set,
# and you will also see no output.
module Subtrigger
# Output the version number for this gem by reading /VERSION
def self.version
File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w{.. VERSION}))
# This is the main spark in the program.
# It runs all available triggers on the repository object created with the
# two command line arguments: the path to the repository and its revision
# number.
# If an exception occurs, the program will quit with its error message.
def self.run(*args)
rescue Exception => e
puts "Error: #{e}" and exit(1)
# Define a new +Trigger+ object -- shortcut method to
# Trigger#define. To enable method chaining this method returns
# itself.
def self.on(pattern, &block)
Trigger.define(pattern, &block)
require 'subtrigger/email'
require 'subtrigger/trigger'
require 'subtrigger/repository'