require 'tc_helper.rb' class TestPic < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @p = ws = @p.workbook.add_worksheet @test_img = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../examples/image1.jpeg" @test_img_up = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../examples/IMAGE1UP.JPEG" @image = ws.add_image :image_src => @test_img, :hyperlink => '', :tooltip => "What's up doc?" end def teardown end def test_initialization assert_equal(@p.workbook.images.first, @image) assert_equal(@image.file_name, 'image1.jpeg') assert_equal(@image.image_src, @test_img) end def test_anchor_swapping #swap from one cell to two cell when end_at is specified assert(@image.anchor.is_a?(Axlsx::OneCellAnchor)) start_at = @image.anchor.from @image.end_at 10,5 assert(@image.anchor.is_a?(Axlsx::TwoCellAnchor)) assert_equal(start_at.col, @image.anchor.from.col) assert_equal(start_at.row, @image.anchor.from.row) assert_equal(10, assert_equal(5, #swap from two cell to one cell when width or height are specified @image.width = 200 assert(@image.anchor.is_a?(Axlsx::OneCellAnchor)) assert_equal(start_at.col, @image.anchor.from.col) assert_equal(start_at.row, @image.anchor.from.row) assert_equal(200, @image.width) end def test_hyperlink assert_equal(@image.hyperlink.href, "") @image.hyperlink = "" assert_equal(@image.hyperlink.href, "") end def test_name assert_raise(ArgumentError) { = 49 } assert_nothing_raised { = "unknown" } assert_equal(, "unknown") end def test_start_at assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.start_at "a", 1 } assert_nothing_raised { @image.start_at 6, 7 } assert_equal(@image.anchor.from.col, 6) assert_equal(@image.anchor.from.row, 7) end def test_width assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.width = "a" } assert_nothing_raised { @image.width = 600 } assert_equal(@image.width, 600) end def test_height assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.height = "a" } assert_nothing_raised { @image.height = 600 } assert_equal(600, @image.height) end def test_image_src assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.image_src = 49 } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.image_src = 'Unknown' } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.image_src = __FILE__ } assert_nothing_raised { @image.image_src = @test_img } assert_equal(@image.image_src, @test_img) end def test_image_src_downcase assert_nothing_raised { @image.image_src = @test_img_up } ct = @p.send(:content_types).detect do |t| t.respond_to?(:extension) && t.extension.downcase == @image.extname.downcase end assert_equal("image/jpeg", ct.content_type) end def test_descr assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @image.descr = 49 } assert_nothing_raised { @image.descr = "test" } assert_equal(@image.descr, "test") end def test_to_xml schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema( doc = Nokogiri::XML(@image.anchor.drawing.to_xml_string) errors = [] schema.validate(doc).each do |error| errors.push error puts error.message end assert(errors.empty?, "error free validation") end def test_to_xml_has_correct_r_id r_id = @image.anchor.drawing.relationships.for(@image).Id doc = Nokogiri::XML(@image.anchor.drawing.to_xml_string) assert_equal r_id, doc.xpath("//a:blip").first["r:embed"] end end