begin require('cairo') # this is to hide it from bundle.rb $check_cairo = proc {} rescue LoadError $check_cairo = proc { raise "Please install cairo for Ruby." } end module Graphing class LatexGrapher def initialize(flow, opts = {}) @flow = flow @opts = opts @indent = 0 @text = [ "% flow-latex workflow" ] end def self.indent_arrays(array) lines = [] array.each do |x| if x.is_a?(String) lines.push(x) elsif x.is_a?(Array) x = indent_arrays(x) arr = { |it| " " + it } lines += arr elsif x.nil? # nop else raise "What is #{x.class}?" end end return lines end def draw() lines = @flow.latex() lines = LatexGrapher.indent_arrays(lines) # puts lines return lines.join("\n") end end class TikzGrapher attr_reader :nodes attr_reader :coords attr_reader :boxes # and also paths def initialize(flow, opts = {}) @flow = flow @nodes = {} @coords = {} @links = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @lines = [] @styles = {} @boxes = [] @joins = [] @count = 0 @opts = opts @matrix = [, 0) ] end def name "tikz" end def transform(p) # transform a given point return p + @matrix.last end def tr(p) return transform(p) end def push_origin(x, y) # pushes transformation stack and puts origin in p p = transform(, y)) begin @matrix.push(p) yield ensure @matrix.pop end end def option(x) return @opts[x] == true end def final?(label) raise if not @nodes.key?(label) and not @coords.key?(label) return @nodes.key?(label) end def check_links @links.each do |s, ends| raise if !final?(s) and ends.length > 1 end end def get_position(label) return @coords[label] if @coords.key?(label) return @nodes[label][:pos] if @nodes.key?(label) raise "Unknown label '#{label}'" end def get_path(l1, l2) # gets path l1 -> l2 -> ... -> (final node) path = [ l1, l2 ] while !final?(path.last) do succ = @links[path.last] raise if succ.length > 1 path.push(succ.first) raise if path.length > 1000 # in case there is a bug ... end # TODO: remove repetitions on the path? return path end def paths check_links() # check if links are ok list = [] @links.each do |s, ends| ends.each do |e| path = get_path(s, e) list.push(path) end if final?(s) end return list end def text_measurer # by default we don't have it return nil end def draw(box = nil) Thread.current[:text_measure] = text_measurer() # TODO: ugly hack! box = @flow.size if box.nil? @flow.tikz(self, Size.ZERO, box) els = { :nodes => @nodes, :paths => paths, :coords => @coords, :boxes => @boxes, :positions => {}, :lines => @lines, :joins => @joins } els[:nodes].each { |label, n| els[:positions][label] = n[:pos] } els[:coords].each { |label, pos| els[:positions][label] = pos } return draw_elements(els, box) end def draw_elements(els, box) lines = [] lines += [ "", "% Special curves", "" ] lines += [ "", "% Boxes", "" ] els[:boxes].each do |b| pos, box, opts = b[:pos], b[:box], b[:opts] style = "dashed" if opts[:style] style = "#{style},#{opts[:style]}" end lines.push("\\draw[#{style}] #{pos} rectangle #{pos + box};") end lines += [ "", "% Intermediate nodes", "" ] els[:coords].each do |label, pos| lines.push("\\coordinate (#{label}) at #{pos};") end els[:lines].each do |l| coords, opts = l type = opts[:type] if type == :bezier raise "Wrong number of points (should be = 1 mod 3)" if coords.length % 3 != 1 # strictly speaking tikz has no beziers, but it will suffice lines.push("\\draw[dashed,gray] #{coords.first} % total #{coords.length} points") (coords.length / 3).times do |i| a, b, c = coords[(i*3 + 1)...(i*3 + 4)] lines.push(" .. controls #{a} and #{b} .. #{c}") end lines[-1] = lines[-1] + ";" elsif type == :solid path =" -- ") lines.push("\\draw[solid,#{opts[:style]}] #{path};") else raise "Unsupported curve of type '#{type}'" end end lines += [ "% Final nodes", "" ] els[:nodes].each do |label, n| style, pos, name = n[:style], n[:pos], n[:name] anchor = n[:anchor] # TODO: support anchor # puts n.inspect name = name.gsub('_', '\_') style = "" if style == "text" lines.push("\\node[#{style},fill=white] (#{label}) at #{pos} {#{name}};") end lines += [ "", "% Links between final nodes", "" ] els[:paths].each do |p| p = { |x| "(#{x})" }.join(" to ") lines.push("\\draw[sequence] #{p};") end lines += [ "", "% Joins", "" ] els[:joins].each do |pts, type| s = { |x| "(#{x})" }.join(" to ") style = case type when :plain "" when :arrow "->" when :arrow_dashed "dashed,->" else raise "Unknown type '#{type}'" end lines.push("\\draw[#{style}] #{s};") end lines.push("") return lines.join("\n") end def get_label @count += 1 return "node-#{@count}" end def add_task(name, pos, style = 'task', anchor = nil, size = nil, label = nil) label = get_label() if label.nil? @nodes[label] = { :name => name, :pos => tr(pos), :style => style, :anchor => anchor, :size => size } return label end def add_text(name, pos, anchor = "cm", size = 1.0) return add_task(name, pos, 'text', anchor, size) end def add_gateway(pos, text); add_task(text, pos, 'gateway'); end def add_start(pos); add_task('', pos, 'start'); end def add_finish(pos); add_task('', pos, 'finish'); end def add_coord(pos) label = get_label() @coords[label] = tr(pos) return label end def add_box(pos, box, force = false, opts = {}) @boxes.push({ :pos => tr(pos), :box => box, :opts => opts }) \ if force or option(:boxes) or option(:debug) end def add_link(*labels) (1...labels.length).each do |i| @links[labels[i - 1]].push(labels[i]) end end def add_join(points, type = :plain) points = do |p| p = self.add_coord(p) if p.is_a?(Size) p end @joins.push([ points, type ]) end def add_line(path, opts = { :style => :solid }) @lines.push([ path, opts ]) end def label_pos(name) return @nodes[name][:pos] end end class CairoGrapher < TikzGrapher WHITE = [ 1, 1, 1 ] BLACK = [ 0, 0, 0 ] LGRAY = [ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 ] RED = [ 1, 0, 0] def initialize(flow, writer, opts = {}) super(flow, opts) @writer = writer @ctx = writer.context @dims = writer.size @font_size = 0.35 end def name "cairo" end # rescales Cairo canvas so that it fits the workflow nicely def rescale(box) cw, ch = factor = [ cw / box.width, ch / box.height ].min w, h = factor * box.width, factor * box.height @ctx.translate( (cw - w) / 2.0, (ch - h) / 2.0) @ctx.scale(factor, factor) # TODO end def background set_white @ctx.rectangle(0, 0, *@dims) @ctx.fill end def bbox(box) @ctx.set_line_width(0.005) @ctx.set_dash(0.04) set_black @ctx.rectangle(0, 0, box.width, box.height) @ctx.stroke end def set_black @ctx.set_source_rgb(*BLACK) end def set_white @ctx.set_source_rgb(*WHITE) end def fill_and_stroke(fill = WHITE, stroke = BLACK) unless fill.nil? @ctx.set_source_rgb(*fill) @ctx.fill_preserve end @ctx.set_source_rgb(*stroke) @ctx.stroke end def find_pos(pos, extents, anchor) # finds a position according to the extents and anchor x_shifts = { 'l' => 0.0 - extents.x_bearing, 'c' => -extents.width * 0.5 - extents.x_bearing , 'r' => -extents.width - extents.x_bearing } y_shifts = { 't' => -extents.y_bearing, 'm' => -extents.y_bearing - extents.height * 0.5, 'b' => -extents.y_bearing - extents.height, 'v' => 0.0 } dy = { |k, v| anchor.include?(k) } dy = dy.empty? ? y_shifts['m'] : dy.values.first dx = { |k, v| anchor.include?(k) } dx = dx.empty? ? x_shifts['c'] : dx.values.first return, dy) end def show_text(text, p) if option(:debug) # draw bearing and all that typographic stuff @ctx.set_dash(0.03) @ctx.move_to(*p.coords) e = @ctx.text_extents(text) @ctx.rel_line_to(0, e.y_bearing) @ctx.rel_line_to(+e.x_bearing + e.width, 0) @ctx.rel_line_to(0, e.height) @ctx.rel_line_to(-e.x_bearing - e.width, 0) @ctx.close_path fill_and_stroke(nil, BLACK) @ctx.set_dash(nil) @ctx.move_to(*p.coords) @ctx.rel_line_to(e.x_bearing + e.width, 0) @ctx.move_to(*p.coords) @ctx.rel_move_to(e.x_bearing, e.y_bearing) @ctx.rel_line_to(0, e.height) fill_and_stroke(nil, RED) @ctx.restore end set_black @ctx.move_to(*p.coords) @ctx.show_text(text) @ctx.stroke end def approximate_size(text, size) if size.is_a?(Size) @ctx.set_font_size(@font_size) extents = @ctx.text_extents(text) sx = size.width / extents.width sy = size.height / extents.height return [ sx, sy ].min else size = -size @ctx.set_font_size(@font_size) extents = @ctx.text_extents(text) return size / extents.height end end def text_measurer return proc { |text| @ctx.set_font_size(@font_size) ex = @ctx.text_extents(text) @ctx.restore ex } end def draw_elements(els, box) background() rescale(box) # bbox(box) @ctx.select_font_face("Droid Serif", Cairo::FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, Cairo::FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) pos = els[:positions] set_black @ctx.set_line_width(0.01) @ctx.set_dash(nil) els[:paths].each do |path| raise if path.length < 2 @ctx.move_to(*pos[path.first].coords) path[1..-1].each do |n| @ctx.line_to(*pos[n].coords) end @ctx.stroke end @ctx.set_dash(0.03) els[:boxes].each do |b| pos, box = b[:pos], b[:box] rect = pos.coords + box.coords @ctx.rectangle(*rect) @ctx.stroke end els[:lines].each do |path, style| if style == :bezier or style == { :type => :bezier } raise "Bezier curve must have >= 4 and % 3 == 1 points!" \ if path.length < 4 or path.length % 3 != 1 if option(:debug) (path.length / 3).times do |i| [ 3*i + 1, 3*i + 2 ].each do |j| r = 0.05 params = path[j].coords + [ r, 0, 6.28 ] @ctx.set_dash(nil) @ctx.arc(*params) fill_and_stroke(RED, RED) end @ctx.set_dash(0.03) @ctx.move_to(*path[3*i + 1].coords) @ctx.line_to(*path[3*i + 2].coords) fill_and_stroke(nil, RED) end @ctx.restore end path = path.dup first = path.shift @ctx.move_to(*first.coords) while path.length > 0 args = path[0].coords + path[1].coords + path[2].coords @ctx.curve_to(*args) path.shift(3) end @ctx.stroke else raise "Unknown style of a line (#{style})!" end end @ctx.set_dash(nil) els[:nodes].each do |label, n| @ctx.set_font_size(@font_size) @ctx.set_source_rgb(*BLACK) style = n[:style] position = n[:pos] name = n[:name] anchor = n[:anchor].to_s size = n[:size] anchor = "cm" if anchor.nil? # center, middle size = 1.0 if size.nil? # anchor can contain: l, r, t, b, c, m if style == "start" or style == "finish" x, y = position.coords @ctx.set_line_width(style == "start" ? 0.02 : 0.04) @ctx.arc(x, y, 0.2, 0, 2 * Math::PI) fill_and_stroke elsif style == "task" extents = @ctx.text_extents(name) bw, bh = extents.width + 0.2, extents.height + 0.2 x, y = position.width - bw / 2.0, position.height - bh / 2.0 @ctx.rectangle(x, y, bw, bh) fill_and_stroke if option(:debug) # showing middle points of tasks @ctx.move_to(x + bw * 0.5, y) @ctx.rel_line_to(0, bh) @ctx.move_to(x, y + bh * 0.5) @ctx.rel_line_to(bw, 0) fill_and_stroke(WHITE, [ 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 ]) end fill_and_stroke p = find_pos(position, extents, "cm") show_text(name, p) elsif style == "text" size = approximate_size(name, size) if size.is_a?(Size ) or size < 0.0 @ctx.set_font_size(@font_size * size) # set font size here p = find_pos(position, @ctx.text_extents(name), anchor) show_text(name, p) elsif style == "gateway" x, y = position.coords @ctx.move_to(x, y) @ctx.rel_move_to(-0.2, 0) @ctx.rel_line_to(+0.2, +0.2) @ctx.rel_line_to(+0.2, -0.2) @ctx.rel_line_to(-0.2, -0.2) @ctx.close_path fill_and_stroke p = find_pos(position, @ctx.text_extents(name), "cm") show_text(name, p) else raise "Unknown style #{style}!" end @ctx.restore end @writer.finish end end class PNGWriter attr_reader :size attr_reader :context def initialize(filename, size = [ 800, 600 ]) $ @filename = filename @size = @surface =, *@size) @context = end def finish @surface.write_to_png(@filename) end end class PDFWriter attr_reader :size attr_reader :context def initialize(filename, size = [ 800, 600 ]) $ @filename = filename @size = size @surface =, *@size) @context = end def finish @context.show_page end end def self.to_pdf(process, filename, opts = {}) writer =, writer, opts).draw() end def self.to_png(process, filename, opts = {}) writer =, writer, opts).draw() end def self.to_tikz(process, filename, opts = {}), "w") do |f| f.write(to_text(process, opts)) end end def self.to_latex(process, filename, opts = {}), "w") do |f| f.write(to_tex(process, opts)) end end def self.to_text(process, opts = {}) return, opts).draw() end def self.to_tex(process, opts = {}) process = process.simplify return, opts).draw() end def self.to_file(process, filename, format) m = "to_#{format}".downcase.to_sym raise "Format #{format} unsupported." unless self.respond_to?(m) return self.__send__(m, process, filename) end class Size attr_reader :width attr_reader :height def initialize(w, h) @width = w @height = h end def self.flatten(*args) if args.length == 1 el = args.first return el if el.is_a?(Size) return*el) elsif args.length == 2 return*args) else raise "What is #{args}?" end end def to_s return "(%.6f, %.6f)" % [@width, @height] end def self.ZERO return, 0) end def +(o) o = Size.flatten(o) return + o.width, @height + o.height) end def -(o) o = Size.flatten(o) return self + [ -o.width, -o.height ] end def *(x) return * x, @height * x) end def /(x) x = x.to_f return / x, @height / x) end def at(*args) return self + args.first if args.length == 1 return self + args end def xproj(y = 0) # project width return, y) end def yproj return, height) end def coords return [ @width, @height ] end def shrink(scalex, scaley = nil) scaley = scalex if scaley.nil? x = * scalex, @height * scaley) offset = (self - x) / 2 return [ offset, x ] end def center return self * 0.5 end def vh_path(endpoint, height = nil) # creates a path |-| from self to endpoint, returns all 4 points height = (self.height + endpoint.height) * 0.5 if height.nil? return [ self, self.xproj(height), endpoint.xproj(height), endpoint ] end def x; @width end def y; @height end end class Flow def initialize(opts) @opts = standard_opts().merge(default_opts().merge(opts)) end def size raise 'Error' end def simplify return self end def default_opts return { } end def standard_opts return { 'box' => { :value => false } } end def option(name, &block) x = @opts[name.to_s][:value] x = if block_given? return x end def has_box? return option(:box, &:to_s) == "true" end def draw_common(state, pos, box) state.add_box(pos, box, true) if has_box? end def tikz(state, pos, box) draw_common(state, pos, box) end end class Block < Flow def initialize(name, opts = {}) super({ :flow => :right }.merge(opts)) @name = name end def size measurer = Thread.current[:text_measure] if measurer.nil? chars = @name.to_s.split("\\\\").map(&:length).max w = 1 + (chars - 1) * 0.18 return, 1) else # we have measurer helper here extents = return, 1) end end def tikz(state, pos, box, label = nil) super(state, pos, box) width2 = box.width * 0.5 height2 = box.height * 0.5 first = state.add_coord(pos + [ 0.0, height2 ]) last = state.add_coord(pos + [ box.width, height2 ]) node = state.add_task(@name, pos + [ width2, height2 ], 'task', nil, nil, label) if @opts[:flow] == :left state.add_link(last, node) state.add_link(node, first) return [ last, first ] else state.add_link(first, node) state.add_link(node, last) return [ first, last ] end end def latex() opts = { :text => @name }.merge(@opts) return nil if opts[:hide] return [ "\\task {#{opts[:text]}}" ] end end class GroupFlow < Flow def initialize(list, opts = {}) super(opts) @list = list end end class SequenceFlow < GroupFlow @@margin = 0.3 def size if @list.length == 0 return, 0.0) end sizes = w = h = w += sizes.length * @@margin return, h) end def self.simplify_array(array) # flattens an array of sequences newarray = [] newlist = array.each do |it| it = it.simplify if it.is_a?(SequenceFlow) newarray += it.sequence() else newarray.push(it) end end return newarray end def into_lines # finds nl's inside sequence, and if they exist turns everything into lines lines = [] sizes = [] line = [] @list.each do |item| if item.is_a?(NewLine) lines.push(line) sizes.push(item.option(:size, &:to_f)) line = [] else line.push(item) end end lines.push(line) if line != [] if lines.length == 1 return self else lines = { |x| } opts = @opts.merge({ 'padding' => { :value => sizes }}) return, opts) end end def simplify array = SequenceFlow.simplify_array(@list) return, @opts) end def sequence return @list end def els_sizes return end def tikz(state, pos, box) super first =, box.height * 0.5) last =, box.height * 0.5) first = state.add_coord(first) last = state.add_coord(last) if @list.length == 0 state.add_link(first, last) return [ first, last ] end s = self.els_sizes sum = m = (box.width - sum) / s.length.to_f m2 = m * 0.5 state.add_box(pos, box) # m is a size of every margin b, e = nil, nil # first and last node prev = nil offset = m2 for el in @list do els = el.size middle = (box.height - els.height) * 0.5 start, ending = el.tikz(state,, middle), els) b = start if b.nil? e = ending state.add_link(prev, start) unless prev.nil? prev = ending offset += els.width + m end state.add_link(first, b) state.add_link(e, last) return [ first, last ] end def latex() children = return [ '\seq' ] + children + [ '\end' ] end end class LoopFlow < SequenceFlow @@hsize = 1.0 @@vsize = 1.0 def initialize(*args) super @breaks = [] end def size s = super() return, @@hsize) end def tikz(state, pos, box) Thread.current[:__loop__] = [] if Thread.current[:__loop__].nil? Thread.current[:__loop__].push(self) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) finish =, box.height * 0.5) box =, -@@hsize) pos =, @@hsize * 0.5) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) s, e = super(state, pos, box) ee = state.get_position(e) ss = state.get_position(s) a = ee.xproj(pos.height) b = ss.xproj(pos.height) state.add_join([ e, a, b, s ], :arrow) # TODO: this will only work nicely with one # break @breaks.each do |x| xx = state.get_position(x) a = xx.xproj(pos.height + box.height) b = finish.xproj(pos.height + box.height) state.add_join([x, a, b, finish]) end ff = state.add_coord(finish) state.add_link(e, ff) Thread.current[:__loop__].pop() return [s, ff] end def add_break(label) @breaks.push(label) end end class BreakLoop < Block @@counter = 0 def tikz(state, pos, box) @@counter += 1 label = "break-#{@@counter}" s, e = super(state, pos, box, label) Thread.current[:__loop__].last.add_break(label) return [ s, e ] end end class SubprocessFlow < SequenceFlow # this one contains a subprocess, with its name # we ask for +2 in height so that we can nicely # fit the name of the process def initialize(list, name) super(list) @name = name end def size s = super() return, 2) end def tikz(state, pos, box) s = self.size links = super(state, pos, box) state.add_box(pos, box, true) label =, 1) offset, box = label.shrink(0.8, 0.7) state.add_text("#{@name}", pos + offset +, "cm", box) return links end end class BoxedFlow < Flow def initialize(flow, name, opts = {}) super(opts) @flow = flow @name = name end def size s = @flow.size return, 2) end def space space = 0.0 space = @opts['space'][:value].to_f if @opts['space'] return space end def tikz(state, pos, box) itsize = @flow.size diff = box - itsize flowpos = pos + diff * 0.5 links = @flow.tikz(state,, 1),, itsize.height)) pos =, title = state.add_task("{\\Large\\sc{}#{@name}}",, box.height - 0.5), 'draw', "cm", 1.0) m1 = state.get_position(title) c1 =, box.height - 1) p1 =, box.height - 1 - 0.4) p2 =, box.height - 1) p3 =, box.height - 1) p4 =, box.height - 1 - 0.4) state.add_line([ m1, c1 ], :type => :solid) state.add_line([ p1, p2, p3, p4 ], :type => :solid) return links end end class SplitFlow < GroupFlow def initialize(list, text) super(list) @text = text @hjustify = 0.5 @vjustify = 0.75 @hmargin = 0.0 @vmargin = 0.0 end def split_size sizes = w = h = return + 2, h).at(@hmargin * 2, @vmargin * 2) end def size return split_size end def justify(pos, box) s = self.size dx = (box.width - s.width) * 0.5 * (1 - @hjustify) dy = (box.height - s.height) * 0.5 * (1 - @vjustify) pos =, dy) box = - 2*dx, box.height - 2*dy) return [ pos, box ] end def margine(pos, box) box = * @hmargin, -2 * @vmargin) pos =, @vmargin) return [ pos, box ] end def tikz(state, pos, box) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) pos, box = margine(pos, box) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) pos, box = justify(pos, box) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) first =, box.height * 0.5) last = - 0.5, box.height * 0.5) first = @split = state.add_gateway(first, @text) last = @merge = state.add_gateway(last, @text) s = self.split_size pos = pos + [ (box.width - s.width) * 0.5, 0.0 ] offset = (box.height - s.height) * 0.5 for el in @list do els = el.size start, ending = el.tikz(state,, offset), - 2, els.height)) state.add_link(first, start) state.add_link(ending, last) offset += els.height end return [ first, last ] end end class ParallelFlow < SplitFlow def initialize(list) super(list, '+') end def latex() children = return [ '\parallel' ] + children + [ '\end' ] end end class ForallFlow < SplitFlow def initialize(list, opts = {}) # TODO opts = { :symbol => '\normalsize{\&}' }.merge(opts) super(list, opts[:symbol]) end def size s = super() return, 2) end def tikz(state, pos, box) # state.add_box(pos, box, true) # state.add_box(, 1),, -2), true) endings = super(state, pos, box) first, last = endings first = state.label_pos(@split) last = state.label_pos(@merge) span = (last - first).width steps = 2 (-steps..steps).each do |i| next if i == 0 x = i.to_f / steps lcorner = first + [ 0, x ] rcorner = last + [ 0, x ] middle = (lcorner + rcorner) / 2 c1 = (lcorner + first) / 2 c2 = (lcorner + middle) / 2 c3 = (rcorner + middle) / 2 c4 = (rcorner + last) / 2 state.add_line([ first, c1, c2, middle, c3, c4, last ], :type => :bezier) end return endings end def latex() # TODO children =[1...-1] return [ '\forall' ] + children + [ '\end' ] end end class ForeachFlow < ForallFlow def initialize(list, opts = {}) super(list, :symbol => '\normalsize\textbf{=}') end def latex() # TODO children =[1...-1] return [ '\foreach' ] + children + [ '\end' ] end end class SubFlow < Flow def initialize(flow) super({ }) @flow = flow end def size return @flow.size end def tikz(state, pos, box) endings = @flow.tikz(state, pos, box) state.add_box(pos, box, true) return endings end end class NewLine < Flow def default_opts return { 'size' => { :value => 0 } } end def initialize(opts = {}) super(opts) end end class LinesFlow < GroupFlow ## multiple line flow def default_opts return { 'padding' => { :value => 0 }, 'align' => { :value => :left } } end def padding pad = option(:padding) if pad.is_a?(Array) # comes from nl's return pad else return [ pad.to_f ] * (@list.length - 1) end end def total_padding return self.padding.reduce(:+) end def align return option(:align, &:to_sym) end def size sizes = w = h = h += self.total_padding return, h) end def tikz(state, pos, box) super w = box.width # state.add_box(pos, box, true) mysize = self.size() offset = (box.height - mysize.height) * 0.5 pairs = [] links = [] paddings = self.padding() + [ 0.0 ] # fake padding position_y = pos.height + box.height - offset @list.each_with_index do |flow, idx| half_padding = paddings[idx] * 0.5 size = flow.size() position_y -= size.height line_pos = pos.xproj(position_y) if align() == :center xdelta = (mysize.width - size.width) * 0.5 line_pos =, 0) elsif align() == :right xdelta = (mysize.width - size.width) line_pos =, 0) end line_box =, size.height) x = flow.tikz(state, line_pos, line_box) pairs.push(x) links.push(position_y - half_padding) position_y -= paddings[idx] end (1...pairs.length).each do |i| pred = pairs[i - 1].last succ = pairs[i].first pos_pred = state.get_position(pred) pos_succ = state.get_position(succ) _, a, b, _ = pos_pred.vh_path(pos_succ, links[i - 1]) n1, n2 = [ a, b ].map { |x| state.add_coord(x) } state.add_link(pred, n1, n2, succ) end return [pairs.first.first, pairs.last.last] end end class ProcessFlow < Flow def initialize(process) super({}) @process = process end def simplify return end def size size = @process.size return, 0) end def tikz(state, pos, box) state.add_box(pos, box) first, last = @process.tikz(state,, 0),, 0)) ff = state.get_position(first) ll = state.get_position(last) m = box.height * 0.5 start = state.add_start(, ff.height)) state.add_link(start, first) finish = state.add_finish( (pos + box + [-0.5, 0]).xproj(ll.height)) state.add_link(last, finish) end def latex() return @process.latex() end end def self.blockify(it) it = unless it.is_a?(Flow) return it end def self.seq(arr, opts = {}) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } return, opts) end def, name, opts = {}) flow = blockify(flow) return, name, opts) end def return end def self.break(name, opts) return, opts) end def self.loop(arr, opts) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } return, opts) end def self.par(*arr) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } return end def self.lines(arr, opts) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } return, opts) end def self.forall(arr, opts) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } seq = return[ seq ], opts) end def self.foreach(arr, opts) arr = { |x| blockify(x) } seq = return[ seq ], opts) end module DSL class Element def initialize @list = [] end def push(x) @list.push(x) end def push_many(arr) @list += arr end def task(name) push( end def seq_tasks(*names) blocks = { |x| } push( end def tasks(*names) blocks = { |x| } push_many(blocks) end def sequence(&block) push( end def parallel(&block) push( end def lines(&block) push( end def parse(&block) instance_exec(&block) return build() end alias seq sequence end class LineMarker; end class Sequence < Element def build multiline = @list.any? { |x| x.is_a?(LineMarker) } if multiline lines = [] curr = [] (@list + [ ]).each do |x| if x.is_a?(LineMarker) lines.push( curr = [] else curr.push(x) end end return else return end end def newline push( end end class Process < Sequence alias seq_build build def build return end end class Parallel < Element def build return end end class Lines < Element def build return end end def self.workflow(&block) return end end end if $0 == __FILE__ if false G = Graphing seq1 = G.seq('D') seq2 = G.seq('E', 'H') par1 = G.par('F', 'G') seq3 = G.seq('C', par1) seq3 = par2 = G.par(seq1, seq2, seq3) main = G.seq('Ale jaja jak berety', 'B', par2) p = g =, :boxes => false) puts g.draw() end if true DSL = Graphing::DSL p = DSL.workflow do task 'cze' parallel do tasks 'Clean', 'Find' seq_tasks 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' parallel do seq_tasks 'one', 'two' task 'wow' end end end p = DSL.workflow do parallel do lines do seq_tasks(*'a b c'.split) seq_tasks(*'x y'.split) seq_tasks(*'1 2 3'.split) parallel do task 'O rany' task 'banany' end end seq_tasks 'Clean', 'Find' end end writer ='/tmp/draw.pdf') g =, writer, :debug => false) g.draw() end end