# frozen_string_literal: true require 'thor' module Ninny # Handle the application command line parsing # and the dispatch to various command objects # # @api public class CLI < Thor # Error raised by this runner Error = Class.new(StandardError) desc 'version', 'ninny version' def version require_relative 'version' puts "v#{Ninny::VERSION}" end map %w(--version -v) => :version desc 'staging_branch', 'Returns the current staging branch' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', type: :boolean, desc: 'Display usage information' def staging_branch(*) if options[:help] invoke :help, ['staging_branch'] else require_relative 'commands/staging_branch' Ninny::Commands::StagingBranch.new(options).execute end end desc 'stage_up [PULL_REQUEST_ID]', 'Merges PR/MR into the staging branch' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', type: :boolean, desc: 'Display usage information' def stage_up(pull_request_id = nil) if options[:help] invoke :help, ['stage_up'] else require_relative 'commands/stage_up' Ninny::Commands::StageUp.new(pull_request_id, options).execute end end desc 'new_staging', 'Create a new staging branch' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', type: :boolean, desc: 'Display usage information' method_option :delete_old_branches, aliases: ['-d'], type: :boolean, desc: "Should old staging branches be deleted?" def new_staging(*) if options[:help] invoke :help, ['new_staging'] else require_relative 'commands/new_staging' Ninny::Commands::NewStaging.new(options).execute end end desc 'setup', 'Interactively setup configuration' method_option :help, aliases: '-h', type: :boolean, desc: 'Display usage information' def setup(*) if options[:help] invoke :help, ['setup'] else require_relative 'commands/setup' Ninny::Commands::Setup.new(options).execute end end end end