# frozen_string_literal: true require 'open3' module Krane class Kubectl ERROR_MATCHERS = { not_found: /NotFound/, client_timeout: /Client\.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers/, empty: /\A\z/, context_deadline: /context deadline exceeded/, } DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 15 MAX_RETRY_DELAY = 16 SERVER_DRY_RUN_MIN_VERSION = "1.13" class ResourceNotFoundError < StandardError; end delegate :namespace, :context, :logger, :kubeconfig, to: :@task_config def initialize(task_config:, log_failure_by_default:, default_timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, output_is_sensitive_default: false) @task_config = task_config @log_failure_by_default = log_failure_by_default @default_timeout = default_timeout @output_is_sensitive_default = output_is_sensitive_default end def run(*args, log_failure: nil, use_context: true, use_namespace: true, output: nil, raise_if_not_found: false, attempts: 1, output_is_sensitive: nil, retry_whitelist: nil) raise ArgumentError, "namespace is required" if namespace.blank? && use_namespace log_failure = @log_failure_by_default if log_failure.nil? output_is_sensitive = @output_is_sensitive_default if output_is_sensitive.nil? cmd = build_command_from_options(args, use_namespace, use_context, output) out, err, st = nil (1..attempts).to_a.each do |current_attempt| logger.debug("Running command (attempt #{current_attempt}): #{cmd.join(' ')}") env = { 'KUBECONFIG' => kubeconfig } out, err, st = Open3.capture3(env, *cmd) # https://github.com/Shopify/krane/issues/395 unless out.valid_encoding? out = out.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end if logger.debug? && !output_is_sensitive # don't do the gsub unless we're going to print this logger.debug("Kubectl out: " + out.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')) end break if st.success? raise(ResourceNotFoundError, err) if err.match(ERROR_MATCHERS[:not_found]) && raise_if_not_found if log_failure warning = if current_attempt == attempts "The following command failed (attempt #{current_attempt}/#{attempts})" elsif retriable_err?(err, retry_whitelist) "The following command failed and will be retried (attempt #{current_attempt}/#{attempts})" else "The following command failed and cannot be retried" end logger.warn("#{warning}: #{Shellwords.join(cmd)}") logger.warn(err) unless output_is_sensitive else logger.debug("Kubectl err: #{output_is_sensitive ? '' : err}") end StatsD.client.increment('kubectl.error', 1, tags: { context: context, namespace: namespace, cmd: cmd[1], max_attempt: attempts, current_attempt: current_attempt }) break unless retriable_err?(err, retry_whitelist) && current_attempt < attempts sleep(retry_delay(current_attempt)) end [out.chomp, err.chomp, st] end def retry_delay(attempt) # exponential backoff starting at 1s with cap at 16s, offset by up to 0.5s [2**(attempt - 1), MAX_RETRY_DELAY].min - Random.rand(0.5).round(1) end def version_info @version_info ||= begin response, _, status = run("version", use_namespace: false, log_failure: true, attempts: 2) raise KubectlError, "Could not retrieve kubectl version info" unless status.success? extract_version_info_from_kubectl_response(response) end end def client_version version_info[:client] end def server_version version_info[:server] end def server_dry_run_enabled? server_version >= Gem::Version.new(SERVER_DRY_RUN_MIN_VERSION) end def dry_run_flag if server_version >= Gem::Version.new("1.18") "--dry-run=server" else "--server-dry-run" end end private def build_command_from_options(args, use_namespace, use_context, output) cmd = ["kubectl"] + args cmd.push("--namespace=#{namespace}") if use_namespace cmd.push("--context=#{context}") if use_context cmd.push("--output=#{output}") if output cmd.push("--request-timeout=#{@default_timeout}") if @default_timeout cmd end def retriable_err?(err, retry_whitelist) return !err.match(ERROR_MATCHERS[:not_found]) if retry_whitelist.nil? retry_whitelist.any? do |retriable| raise NotImplementedError, "No matcher defined for #{retriable.inspect}" unless ERROR_MATCHERS.key?(retriable) err.match(ERROR_MATCHERS[retriable]) end end def extract_version_info_from_kubectl_response(response) info = {} response.each_line do |l| match = l.match(/^(?Client|Server).* GitVersion:"v(?\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/) if match info[match[:kind].downcase.to_sym] = Gem::Version.new(match[:version]) end end info end end end