= tileset_tooling
Bits of tooling I use for working with tilesets.
== Use
Install if you need to:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
You can then clone this repository, and run the following in the cloned directory:
bundle install
bundle exec tileset_tooling help
Documentation for all the commands can be found in {tileset_tooling.rdoc}[https://github.com/calestar/tileset_tooling/blob/master/tileset_tooling.rdoc].
== Contributing to the project
=== Local setup
Nothing special is needed to run this tool besides the normal runtime environment. You will need to follow the {Use section}[rdoc-label:label-Use].
=== Submitting a Pull Request
If you want to work on something, make sure an issue for that feature/bug exists and is approved. If it is not, you might spend time on something
that won't be merged into master.
Once you select work to be done:
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a branch with either the issue ID as name, or a meaningful name
3. Work on the branch, make sure to rebase often since only branches on tip of master will be accepted
4. Make sure to add new tests/features/documentation in your branch
5. Create pull request, wait for feedback
=== Generating tileset_tooling.rdoc
This file contains all the documentation for all the commands. It is automatically generated by +gli+ when running:
bundle exec tileset_tooling _doc
=== Validating gem before pushing
Easiest way to validate the gem is to create a RVM virtual environment. In order to do so, simply run the following:
$ gem build tileset_tooling.gemspec
$ rvm gemset create project1
$ rvm gemset use project1
$ gem install tileset_tooling-0.0.1.gem
$ tileset_tooling help
$ rvm gemset use default
$ rvm gemset delete project1
== Credits
=== Author
Jean-Sebastien Gelinas (aka {calestar}[https://github.com/calestar]).
=== Copyright
Copyright © 2020 by Jean-Sebastien Gelinas
=== License
Distributes under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt in the source distro