require 'rails/generators' require 'thor' module Slices class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) class_option :heroku, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Configure Slices for easy Heroku deployment." include Thor::Actions desc "This generator installs Slices within a Rails app." def create_slices_dir say "Running the Slices installer..." create_file "app/slices/.gitkeep" end def create_initializer copy_file "slices.rb", "config/initializers/slices.rb" end def create_application_layout copy_file "application.html.erb", "app/views/layouts/default.html.erb" end def create_admin_nav_partials create_file "app/views/admin/shared/_custom_navigation.html.erb", <<-END <%# Place custom navbar controls here i.e. %> <%#= admin_nav_link 'Example', example_path %> END create_file "app/views/admin/shared/_custom_links.html.erb", <<-END <%# Place custom navbar links here i.e. %> <%#= content_tag :li, link_to('Example', example_path) %> END end def optionally_create_mongoid_yaml generate 'mongoid:config' end def delete_superfluous_files remove_file "public/index.html" remove_file "public/rails.png" remove_dir "public/assets" end def heroku_options if options.heroku? say "Installing Slices for Heroku", :green inject_into_file "#{Rails.root}/config/application.rb", "config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false", :after => "config.assets.enabled = true\n" gsub_file "#{Rails.root}/config/environments/production.rb", "config.assets.compile = false", "config.assets.compile = true" end end def finishing_up say "" say "---------------------------", :green say "All done!", :green say "---------------------------", :green say "" say "Next, run 'rake slices:seed' to create your Slices admin user and home page." say "Then you can run 'rails server' and visit http://localhost:3000/admin to begin using Slices." say "The next step is to create some slices. You can find the guides in the wiki:" say "" say "" end end end