require 'colorize' require 'terminal-table' module TimeOverlap class Presenter AM = "AM " PM = " PM" NOON = " 12:00 " SIX_AM = " 6:00 " SIX_PM = " 6:00 " EARLY_BIRD = 'Early Bird' NIGHT_OWL = 'Night Owl' WIDTH = 102 AVAILABLE_SLOT = "|█| " EMPTY_SLOT = "[ ] " def initialize(data, format = '%T%:z') @data = data @format = format end def self.generate_output(*args) new(*args).generate_output end def generate_output rows = [] rows << [base_content] rows << [min_overlap_content] rows << [full_overlap_content] table = :rows => rows puts table @data end private def duration @data[:duration] end def min_overlap @data[:min_overlap] end def my_time_zone @data[:my_time_zone] end def time_zone @data[:time_zone] end def original @data[:original] end def overlap_1 @data[:overlap_1] end def overlap_2 @data[:overlap_2] end def full_overlap @data[:full_overlap] end def base_content return unless original output = "" output << "* #{time_zone} (Base)\n" output << "#{formated_time(original[:start], true)} - #{formated_time(original[:end])}\n".green output << timeline(original[:start], original[:end]) end def min_overlap_content return unless overlap_1 output = "" output << "* #{my_time_zone} #{EARLY_BIRD} (#{min_overlap} hour(s) of overlap)\n" output << "#{formated_time(overlap_1[:start], true)} - #{formated_time(overlap_1[:end])}\n".green output << timeline(overlap_1[:start], overlap_1[:end]) if overlap_2 output << "\n" output << "* #{my_time_zone} #{NIGHT_OWL} (#{min_overlap} hour(s) of overlap)\n" output << "#{formated_time(overlap_2[:start], true)} - #{formated_time(overlap_2[:end])}\n".green output << timeline(overlap_2[:start], overlap_2[:end]) end output end def full_overlap_content output = "" output << "* #{my_time_zone} (#{duration} hours of overlap)\n" output << "#{formated_time(full_overlap[:start], true)} - #{formated_time(full_overlap[:end])}\n".green output << timeline(full_overlap[:start], full_overlap[:end]) end def formated_time(time, with_zone=false) format = "%T" format.prepend("TZ: %:z | ") if with_zone time.strftime(format) end def get_color(hour) case hour when 0..5 then :blue when 6..7 then :light_blue when 8..17 then :light_yellow when 18..21 then :light_blue when 22..23 then :blue end end def timeline(start_time, end_time) timeline = "" timeline << " " (0..23).map do |hour| timeline << "%-4s" % hour end timeline << "\n" timeline << AM (0..23).map do |hour| if start_time.hour < end_time.hour if (start_time.hour..end_time.hour).cover?(hour) if end_time.hour != hour timeline << with_color(AVAILABLE_SLOT, hour) else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end else if start_time.hour <= 12 if (end_time.hour..start_time.hour).cover?(hour) if end_time.hour != hour timeline << with_color(AVAILABLE_SLOT, hour) else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end else if (end_time.hour..start_time.hour).cover?(hour) if (start_time.hour == hour) timeline << with_color(AVAILABLE_SLOT, hour) else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end else if end_time.hour != hour timeline << with_color(AVAILABLE_SLOT, hour) else timeline << with_color(EMPTY_SLOT, hour) end end end end end timeline << PM timeline << "\n" timeline << separator timeline end def with_color(string, hour) string.colorize(get_color(hour)) end def separator " " * WIDTH end end end